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Cornish Legend and Folklore

Cornish Tales and Folklore

Adapted and illustrated by Nigel Roberts

First edition, 2011. Cathair na Mart: Evertype. ISBN 978-1-904808-73-2, price: €22.95, £19.95, $25.95.

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Also available in Cornish.

Cornish Legend and Folklore is a journey into Cornwall's mythical past. Throughout these pages you will discover magical romantic tales of adventure and intrigue; saints and sinners; heroes and villains. Where tyrannical giants roam the hills; mysterious rocks come alive and obstinate people turn to stone on the sabbath; mischievous piskeys lead simple fools astray; ghostly knockers haunt the mines; holy wells have curative powers; and alluring mermaids entice their vulnerable victims into Celtic seas.    
Nigel Roberts has adapted and retold this rich tradition of legend and folklore into popular and colourful graphic narrative format for those of all ages who enjoy great art and story telling.    
The mysterious secrets of Cornwall await…    
Lutey and the Mermaid
HTML Michael Everson, Evertype, 73 Woodgrove, Portlaoise, R32 ENP6, Ireland, 2011-11-23

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