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Disionario de Lingua Franca Nova: elefen-engles engles-elefen

Esperanto-English Dictionary

Compiled by Simon Davies and George Boeree

First edition, 2018. Dundee: Evertype. ISBN 978-1-78201-217-7 (paperback), price: €21.95, £19.95, $24.95.

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Lingua franca nova (ance conoseda como elefen) es la produida de cuasi 20 anios de labora par la autor orijinal e multe deses de otras. Lo ia es developada con alga goles spesifada cual ia encontra un cuantia notable de interesa enlinia, per esemplo un gramatica simple e fasil aprendable, e un atende a estetica cual on vide rara en linguas aidante internasional. Estra la asentia de jenero gramatical e conjuga, lo aspeta, sona e pare como un lingua romanica natural.   Lingua Franca Nova (also known as Elefen) is the product of almost 20 years of work on the part of the original author and many dozens of others. It was developed with a number of specific goals that were met with considerable online interest, such as a grammar that is simple and easily learned, and an attention to aesthetics rarely seen in international auxiliary languages. Other than the absence of grammatical gender and conjugation, it looks, sounds and feels like a natural Romance language.
Sua vocabulo ia es construida sur la funda de la linguas romanica (spesifada portuges, espaniol, catalan, franses e italian), cual ave en junta sirca 800 milion parlores sperdeda tra la mundo. Plu, los es linguas bon conoseda par multe otras, incluinte la parlores de engles, e conteni ja la plu de la vocabulo de siensa e otra campos de academia cual deriva de latina e elinica. Par eleje un colie de linguas relatada, elefen evita un depende de cualce lingua individua e la odias cultural cual ta pote mostra se, ma conserva a la mesma tempo un senti de coere.   Its vocabulary was constructed on the basis of the Romance languages (specifically Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, French and Italian), which together have about 800 million speakers spread all around the world. In addition, they are languages well known to many others, including English speakers, and already contain much of the scientific and other academic vocabulary that derives from Latin and Greek. By choosing a collection of related languages, Elefen avoids a dependence on any single language and the cultural animosities that might arise, while at the same time preserving a sense of coherence.
Simon Davies ia usa sua sabes estendosa de linguistica e programi per construi un disionario cual es e completa e fasil usable, e cual acorda con nosa disionario xercable enlinia a elefen.org. Multe otra parlores ia comenta sur sua developa e ia sujesta consetas e parolas cual ia deveni incluida a pos. Me mesma ia fa tal ance, e ia atenta manteni un vijila sur la aspeta estetical de la lingua.   Simon Davies has used his considerable knowledge of language and programming to construct a dictionary that is both comprehensive and easy to use, and accords with our online searchable dictionary at elefen.org. Many other speakers have commented on its development and suggested concepts and words that have since been included. I myself have also done so, and tried to keep a close eye on the aesthetic aspect of the language.
Nos opina ce esta disionario va es un bon ajunta a vosa bibliotecas.   We believe this dictionary will make a nice addition to your libraries.
George Boeree
creor de lingua franca nova
  George Boeree
creator of Lingua Franca Nova

HTML Michael Everson, Evertype, 19A Corso Street, Dundee, DD2 1DR, Scotland, 2018-07-05

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