Nosy Neighbours: Stories in Mennonite Low German and English Nieschieaje Nohbasch: Jeschichte opp Plautdietsch enn Enjlisch
By Jack Thiessen
First edition, 2015. Portlaoise: Evertype. ISBN 978-1-78201-108-8 (paperback), price: €13.95, £11.95, $16.95. Click on the book cover on the right to order this book from Amazon.co.uk! Or if you are in North America, order the book from Amazon.com!
In addition to being the Samuel Johnson of Low German, a linguist nonpareil, and connoisseur of fine art and fine food, Jack Thiessen is a raconteur the way Mozart and John Driedger were musicians. The stories are simply there, and as they mature within him, he draws them up and releases them. Naturally they surface in the Low German dialect, and come garnished with humour. Like halvah and all fine things, they are best savoured slowly.
Jack Thiessen ess nich blooβ dee mennischa Samuel Johnson, een Lexigraph sondajlitje, oba uck een resserietenda Feinschmatja enn Sache Konst enn goodet Äte, uck Latjabӓtjess jenannt. Mozart enn Johaun Driedja sӓde, "Dee Musitj ess mie enn", enn soo ess'et mett Jack siene Jeschijchte; hee loagad dee, see woare ella enn bӓta, bett hee daut Schlӓtelwuat finjt, omm dee ruttoolohte, emm Dialekt, Plautdietsch, jeschrӓwe enn mett Spoβ utjestraumt. Aum basten sull eena dee lese, soo's eena Halvah at: langsom enn mett Scheenjeschmack!
—Ernest Braun
—Ernest Braun