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Honna: Story Viaj Coynt
She: A History of Adventure in Cornish


By H. Rider Haggard

First edition, 2016. Translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams. Illustrations by Maurice Greiffenhagan and Charles Kerr. Portlaoise: Evertype. ISBN 978-1-78201-132-3 (paperback), price: €15.95, £12.95, $17.95.

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Also available in English.

“Yma mab den ow cruthyl hag ow cruthyl henna in mes a’n dâ pò a’n drog in y golon; saw ny wor ev màn prag yma y skians a voralyta worth y inia; rag pàn wrello ev gweskel, dall ywa ow tùchya an tyller may whra codha an strocas, ha ny yll ev naneyl rekna oll an neujennow tanow a vo ow formya an gwias a cyrcùmstans. Dâ ha drog, kerensa ha cas, nos ha dëdh, wheg ha wherow, den ha benyn, ebron avàn ha’n norvÿs awoles—yma othem a oll an re-na, an eyl dh’y gela, ha pyw a wor an gorfen a bùbonen anedha?”   “Man doeth this and doeth that from the good or evil of his heart; but he knows not to what end his sense doth prompt him; for when he strikes he is blind to where the blow shall fall, nor can he count the airy threads that weave the web of circumstance. Good and evil, love and hate, night and day, sweet and bitter, man and woman, heaven above and the earth beneath--all those things are needful, one to the other, and who knows the end of each?”
Rider Haggard a screfas an novel-ma in nebes dedhyow termyn cot wosa y sowena gans Balyow Mytern Salamon hag ev ow qwil devnyth unweyth arta a'y experyens a Afryca hag a'y skians a'n fug-whedhlow coth. Saw yma downder brâssa ha moy grysyl dhe verkya i'n lyver-ma kefrës. I'n whedhel yma an try den dhyworth Kergraunt ow codhevel torrva gorhal, fevyr ha debroryon tus in udn whelas Honna, towl ha pedn aga viaj, kemynys dhedhans dyw vil vledhen alena. Honna yw an carnacyon a onen a'n fygurs moyha puyssant ha moyha omborthus in omwodhvos an West: benyn neb yw in kettermyn dynyores ha skyla rag euth.

"Ow empîr vy yw empîr a'n desmygyans." An geryow-na yw leverys gans Ayesha, chif-person an lyver-ma ha myternes a drîb in Afryca Cres. Yma hy les’hanow Honna-a-res-bos-obeyes ow styrya hy thecter dyvarow ha gallos hy fystry. Saw an dhew lavar-na kemerys warbarth yw dùstuny kefrës a'n dhalhen crev a'n jeva an auctour, Henry Rider Haggard, wàr imajynacyon y redyoryon dres an bledhydnyow.

  Rider Haggard wrote this novel in a few days shortly after his success with King Solomon's Mines, and in it he again uses his African experiences and his familiarity with old legends. But there is a greater and more frightening depth in this book. In the story the three men from Cambridge endure shipwreck, fever, and cannibals as they search for She, the object and end of their adventure, bequeathed to them two thousand years previously. She is the incarnation of one of the most powerful and most ambiguous figures in Western consciousness: a woman who is at the same time a seductress and a figure of terror.

"My empire is an empire of the imagination." Those words are spoken by Ayesha, the central figure of this book and the queen of a central African tribe. Her soubriquet She-who-must-be-obeyed alludes to her deathless beauty and her magical powers. But taken together those two utterances bear witness to the powerful hold the author, Henry Rider Haggard, has had on his readers over the years.

HTML Michael Everson, Evertype, 73 Woodgrove, Portlaoise, R32 ENP6, Ireland, 2015-06-01

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