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tlhIngan pIqaD

About the Klingon pIqaD fonts

These three fonts were desgined in 2004–2005 by Mike Neff (qa’vaj), who made them freely available in 2009. I modified the fonts with FontLab to ensure that the character names and font headers conformed to modern standards. I also fixed the kerning tables in Klingon pIqaD vaHbo’. In Klingon pIqaD HaSta and Klingon pIqaD Mandel I set a uniform width to all the digits.

Klingon pIqaD HaSta ‘viewscreen writing’ is a standard Klingon typeface.

Klingon pIqaD Mandel takes the Klinzhai or Mandel font glyphs (really a different alphabet from the KLI’s Standard pIqaD) and refits them for use as pIqaD.

Klingon pIqaD vaHbo’ is a whimsical variety. Its name vaHbo’ ‘lava’ evokes the free forms of hot wax in a lava lamp.

The encoding of all of these fonts conforms to the ConScript Unicode Registry registration for Klingon pIqaD.

  * Download Klingon pIqaD HaSta Mac OS X, for Linux, or for Windows (.ttf format)
 * Klingon pIqaD HaSta OFL licence
 * Download Klingon pIqaD Mandel Mac OS X, for Linux, or for Windows (.ttf format)
 * Klingon pIqaD Mandel OFL licence
 * Download Klingon pIqaD vaHbo’ Mac OS X, for Linux, or for Windows (.ttf format)
 * Klingon pIqaD vaHbo’ OFL licence
HTML Michael Everson, Evertype, Cnoc Sceichín, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo, Éire, 2009-07-19

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