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Celtic spelling checkers

GaelSpell: Litreoir na Gaeilge. Irish spelling checker for the Mac OS. Contains 290,000 entries.

GaelSpell: Litreoir na Gaeilge. Irish spelling checker for the PC. Contains 290,000 entries.

GaidhealSpell: Litreachadair na Gàidhlig. Scottish Gaelic spelling checker for the Mac OS. Contains 47,000 entries based on a database of 132,000 words.

ManxSpell: Lettreyder ny Gaelg. Manx spelling checker for the Mac OS. Contains 39,000 entries based on a database of 406,000 words.

KernSpell: Syllabyth Kernowek. Cornish spelling checker for the Mac OS. Contains 10,000 entries based on a database of 240,000 words.

HTML Michael Everson, Evertype, Cnoc na Sceiche, Leac an Anfa, Cathair na Mart, Co. Mhaigh Eo, Éire, 2003-02-24

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