Blissymbolics on the Web
General links
- BCI Annual report 1993-1994 A report on Blissymbol project support in Ontario, some special events, and technological developments.
- Blissymbolics Communication International. The most complete and comprehensive set of pages available. Includes information on BlissNet -- this site is a must-see.
- Canadian Women: Risktakers and Changemakers Report about Rachel Zimmerman, who invented a computer program which uses Blissymbols when she was 12 years of age.
- Communication Aids for Language and Learning The CALL Centre at the University of Edinburgh. Follow the link to the Reference Library to find a bibliography of holdings of the Centre; under the letters I, R are works on Blissymbolics.
- Friends + Relations = FAMILY An article by Nola Millin, who has cerebral palsy, and learned Blissymbols when she was 8 years of age.
- Homepage for Blissymbolics Contains the text of a paper by Charles Bliss, the inventor of the language.
- International Information about the Icelandic branch of the BCI and BCI in general.
- Module 1: Overview of Augmentative & Alternative Communication Introduction to and guidelines for the use of by the Missouri Technology Center for Special Education.
- Psychosocial Evaluation Team Report for 1994-1995 from the Ontario Rehabilitation Technology Consortium, including remarks regarding Blissymbolics in Computer-Mediated Telecommunications (CMTC).
- Receptive Communication: How Children Understand Your Messages to Them Fact sheet from the National Information Clearinghouse On Children Who Are Deaf-Blind, including a very brief reference to Blissymbolics.
- Symbol Augmentative Communication Devices Text of a paper by Rebecca Cole, with an excellent overview of Blissymbolics.
Public service links
Conference links
- Creating a World of Opportunities: Liberating People with Disabilities Through Adaptive Technologies Text of a programme for a videoconference held in 1995. This is a large (180K) document filled with a great deal of interesting and specific information about adaptive technologies in general.
- Program for The 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) Web page for the conference, which will be held in Dublin, Ireland, 7-10 August 1998.
- Tentative Program for The 7th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) Web page for the conference, which was held in Vancouver, British Columbia, 7-10 August 1996. A lot of papers on Blissymbolics.
- Välfärdsutveckling och handikappolitik Programme for a conference held in Örebro, Sweden, 1997-04-12. There were two talks about Blissymbolics in a panel on welfare development and handicap politics.
Standardization links
Scholarly links
Commercial links
- Accessories for Ke:nx Educational software for Macintosh, including Blissymbols Icon Gallery, available from Don Johnson Incorporated.
- Augmentative Communication You can order the Blissymbols Icon Gallery (software for Macintosh) from Office Systems for the Visually or Physically Impaired.
- Coming Soon to a Computer Near You Notice that BCI Blissymbols Icon Gallery for use with Ke:nx and a Macintosh will be available from Don Johnston Incorporated.
- Spectronics Complete Price List A complete price list from Spectronics, an Australian company, including a Blissymbolics package from Don Johnston Incorporated. Prices are given in AUD.
- Speech and Language Impairments Electronic Communications Information on availability of some Blissymbolics systems. The information is free, but the systems might not be, so I've put it in to this the Commercial links section.
- Bullfrog Films - Has a 1987 Blissybolics video for sale.
- The Center for Ludic Synergy presents
Kennexions, the Genius System, and Game
Object Classes
Describes a kind fo game based on the semantics of Blissymbols and the constructed logical language Lojban.
- The Sexual Health Network Curricula
Curricula. Not a Child Anymore Brook Advisory Centres This twelve-module training program designed for use
with young adults with mental impairment covers. -
- Centre québécois de communinon orale -
- Symbol Systems. Information provided by Gillian Nelms, ACE Centre Advisory Trust. Has a brief description of Blissymbolics and the address of the BCI member in England.
- ABLEDATA Database of Assistive Technology
Computer Access
- Symbol Hierarchy Low to High. Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System. Handout created for "Making and Using Manual Communication Workshop",
presented by M. Lynne Luhrsen, CCC-SLP and Tami Folks, OTR/L of Orange
County Public Schools- Local Assistive Technology Team.
- Participation House Brantford , a supportive housing project located at 10 Bell Lane, opened in June 1978 to
provide community living for adults with physical disAbilities.
- Creating communication boards and displays by Patricia Dellacecca, Joyce Hignett, Kerri-Lee Turcotte. Doesn't refer specifically to Blissymbols, but has a bibliography which does.
- Himan Dimensions. Not sure what this is about. They use some Blissymbols in their logo and this particular page tells you that Semantography is out of print.
- Bruce Roland Baker. Bruce's bibliography has a lot of references to Bliss in it.
- Die Sprache der Nicht-Sprechenden. Sehr interessante Seiten! Auf Deutsch, Englisch, und Bliss.
- Bliss Forum
- Multivox Text-to-speech. This company offers a Bliss-to-Speech program. Software developed in Hungary.
- A Home of Blissymbolics. Excellent site with sentences translated into Blissymbols, and other things.
- Some Internet resources relating to constructed languages, compiled by Richard Kennaway. Mentions Blissymbols.
- Special Needs Titles - Apple. Lists three Apple-based programs for Blissymbolics.
- Disability-Specific Web Sites. Lists three Bliss sites. I should follow up on two of them!
- Sign Language and Blissymbolics. A course at Humber College in Ontario, "designed to introduce you to the basics of American Sign Language (ASL). The main focus will be practical application of ASL skills appropriate in a variety of settings and with different functioning levels of people with developmental disabilities. Total communication, blissymbolics and other communication modes will also be discussed."
- ArcBliss is a computer program written for the Acorn range of RISC computers. Blissymbolics are
widely used as a means of communication for the disabled. The symbols number 2.400 at present and ArcBliss
has the complete set.
- BlissGrammar software : considerably increases the communication ability of a person that already uses Bliss
symbols.Bliss Grammar is software for the grammatic improvement of the production of meaning consisting of
single Blisssymbols and written text.
Bliss Symbol Library : Created as part of a contour recognition project.
Computer Wise : Based in Ottawa, Canada, Computer Wise has a program which tutors school children in Bliss
Symbols via computer modem.
Michael Everson, Evertype, Dublin, 2005-02-27