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The Hunting of the Snark: An edition printed in the Nyctographic Square Alphabet devised by Lewis Carroll
By Lewis Carroll, Illustrated by John Tenniel, Foreword by Alan Tannenbaum 2024. ISBN 978-1-78201-330-3
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a.k.a Lewis Carroll, invented a special writing instrument he called “the Nyctograph” on 24 September 1891, in frustration at the process of “getting out of bed at 2 a.m. in a winter night, lighting a candle, and recording some happy thought which would probably be otherwise forgotten”. This edition of The Hunting of the Snark is written entirely in the author’s unique night-time alphabet.
The Millennium Snark Trilogy: Snarkmaster, Atchafalaya Boojum, Murder by Boojum. Tales inspired by Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark
By Byron W. Sewell 2024. ISBN 978-1-78201-329-7
Snarkmaster is a unique, gripping tale of a power struggle between good and evil, concluding with the development of an unusual intermediate state. Most of the story takes place prior to the traditional Snark voyage (described in verse in Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark"), but becomes inextricably linked with it-unless it isn't... The literary structure of "Snarkmaster" reveals some influence of Carroll's Sylvie and Bruno tales, as the characters (including the great Charles Dodgson himself) experience dream states and the appearance of at least one fairy. The comprehensive glossary and painstakingly hand-detailed maps of each of the islands in the archipelago may not be essential to follow the story, but they certainly enhance it. In the novella Atchafalya Boojum, four teenagers and two alligator hunters encounter a terrifying Boojum deep in the Atchafalaya Swamp near Morgan City, Louisiana. Murder by Boojum is the tale of a brutal serial killer stalks members of the Southern California branch of The American Lewis Carroll Society, targeting members of a mysterious and highly secretive Snark Club within the Society that meets once a year in San Diego's fabled Hotel del Coronado to celebrate and appreciate Carroll's epic nonsense poem, "The Hunting of the Snark". After the first few murders, the killer, who intentionally leaves Snarkian clues, is tagged by the media as "The Boojum", since the monster's victims, collectors of rare editions of Carroll's classic nonsense work, figuratively "vanish" when the killer strikes. Who is the Boojum? What is the Boojum's motive? Will all ten hapless members of this strange group die before the police can stop this Snarkian reign of terror? Is it even safe for anyone in the Society to own more than one copy of Carroll's darkest work?
The Old English Bible - I The Heptateuch (Corpus Textuum Anglicorum; 1)
Edited and with an introduction by John J, Gallagher and Michael Everson. Indexes by Michael Everson. 2024. ISBN 978-1-78201-328-0
This volume presents ten Old English texts, beginning with three treatises by Ælfric of Eynsham (c.950–c.1010): his letters to Sigeweard and to Wulfgeat, and his Preface to Genesis. Following these, the five books of Moses are given (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) along with the first two of the historical books, Joshua and Judges. Together with these is presented a complete index verborum listing each wordform and its location in the corpus. Twenty-five illustrations from five different manuscripts are presented, some showing the manuscript text, and eleven with beautiful vignettes from Genesis and Exodus.
Corpus Textuum Anglicorum is a series which presents editions of texts in Old English and in Middle English, as well as works in related languages. The series also includes thematic studies of early English literature, and linguistic and lexical resources.
Matthias O'Conway: Pioneer Irish Linguist in America
By David Barnwell 2024. ISBN 978-1-78201-325-9
Matthias James O’Conway (1766–1842) was born in Ireland but lived all his adult life in the New World. His travels ranged from the Northwest Wilderness of the Ohio Frontier to the Spanish possessions of Cuba and Louisiana. He eventually settled in Philadelphia, then the United States capital. O’Conway made his living as a translator and teacher of languages and left a number of important publications and manuscripts in philology and lexicography. He was an influential member of the Catholic community in the early United States, being an early supporter of Elizabeth Seton, first United States citizen to be canonized. O’Conway had a large family, several of whom had interesting lives in their own light. This account of O’Conway provides a new perspective on Irish emigrants in the early years of the American Republic.
Auraicept na nÉicsíne: A first reading book in Old Irish
By Harriette Taylor Treadwell and Margaret Free, translated into Old Irish by Francesco Felici 2023. ISBN 978-1-78207-316-7
Ad·midethar int auraicept-so, nó in cétlebor léigind-se, éicsíniu nó cétḟoglaimthidi inna Sengoídilce, eter chlanda écodnacha ⁊ chlanda codnacha. At·tá forus focal fobec and .i. trí cét focal acht bec nammá. Do·aissilbi int auraicept noí ngnáthscéla: In Cherc Bec Derg, In Macc Bairgine Sinnséir, Int Ṡenben ⁊ in Mucc, In Macc ⁊ in Gabor, In Srubán Aigin, Éiréne Bec, Trí Buicc Gairb, Lethscrepull Bec, ⁊ Chétlín in Damáin Allaid Bic.
Geiriadur Cymraeg-Rwsieg Rwsieg-Cymraeg - Валлийско-русский Русско-валлийский словарь
Compiled by Dmitri Hrapof 2023. ISBN 978-1-78201-315-0.
Rwsieg yw'r iaith frodorol fwyaf a defnyddir yn Ewrop, hefyd y iaith fwyaf cyffredin Ewrasia. Gyda dros 258 miliwn o siaradwyr ledled y byd, hi yw'r iaith Slafaidd a siaredir amlaf. Rwsieg yw'r seithfed iaith fwyaf poblogaidd yn y byd yn ôl nifer y siaradwyr brodorol a'r wythfed iaith fwyaf yn y byd yn ôl cyfanswm siaradwyr (ail-iaith a brodorol). Mae'r iaith yn un o chwe o'r ieithoedd swyddogol y Cenhedloedd Unedig. Rwsieg hefyd yw'r ail iaith mwyaf poblogaidd ar y We, ar ôl Saesneg. Mae'r geiriaduron yn cynnwys tua 14,000 gair Rwsieg a 8,200 gair Cymraeg, a'r 5,000 a 5,000 gair amlaf-eu-defnydd yn eu plith. Wrth gyfansoddi defnyddiwyd Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru a Geiriadur yr Academi, geiriadur Saesneg-Rwsieg Müller a geiriadur Rwsieg-Saesneg Smirnitsky, a hefyd geiriaduron Almaeneg-Cymraeg a Ffrangeg-Cymraeg. На предках валлийского говорили Верцингеториг и Кассивелаун, Каратак и Боудикка, король Артур и Вортигерн, галлы и пикты. Дж. Р. Р. Толкин и Анджей Сапковский использовали валлийский для создания своих эльфийских языков. Современный валлийский - это самый живой ныне кельтский язык и второй язык в Великобритании по числу понимающих (после английского). На валлийском языке вещают радио и телевидение, существует валлийский интерфейс для Фейсбука, Виндоус, и Линукс. Правительство Уэльса имеет амбициозный план по достижению 1 млн. валлийскоговорящих к 2050 г. Данные словари содержат около 14 000 русских и 8 200 валлийских слов, в том числе по 5 000 наиболее употребимых. В качестве источников использовались Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru и Geiriadur Yr Academi, англо-русский словарь Мюллера и русско-английский словарь Смирницкого, в трудных случаях также немецкий-валлийский и франко-валлийский словари.
Tirukkuṟaḷ: திருக்குறள் A Bilingual edition in Tamil and English
Attributed to Tiruvaḷḷuvar. Translated by V. R. Ramachandra Dikshitar. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-322-8
The Tirukkuṟaḷ is a celebrated literary and philosophical work written in classical Tamil by the poet Tiruvaḷḷuvar, known also as Vaḷḷuvar. It teaches the basic tenets of ethics and morality necessary for a good life. It is in 1330 short couplets called kuṟaḷs, each consisting of seven words, presented in groups of ten kurals in 133 chapters which, in turn, are grouped into three main sections, on virtue, wealth and love. Although the Tirukkuṟaḷ first appeared in the Tamil language, its appeal is universal. It has been translated into at least 40 Indian and non-Indian languages. உயர்தனிச் செம்மொழியாம் தமிழ் மொழியில் தோன்றி உலகப் பொதுமறை என்று போற்றப்படுகிற திருவள்ளுவர் இயற்றிய திருக்குறள், மனித வாழ்வியலுக்குத் தேவையான அடிப்படைக் கருத்துக்களைக் கொண்ட அற்புதமான தத்துவநூல். ஏழுசொற்களால், ஈரடியாய், குறள்வெண்பா யாப்பில் 133 அதிகாரங்கள் 1330 குறட்பாக்களைக் கொண்ட அறம், பொருள், இன்பம் பற்றி உரைக்கின்ற முப்பால் எனப்படும் ஒப்பற்ற இலக்கிய நூல். திருக்குறள் தமிழ் மொழியில் தோன்றியிருந்தாலும் உலக மக்கள் அனைவருக்குமான வாழ்வியல் அறங்களை எடுத்துரைக்கும் நூல். உலக அளவில் 107 மொழிகளுக்கு மேற்பட்ட மொழிகளில் மொழி பெயர்க்கப்பட்ட நூல்.
Tirukkuṟaḷ: திருக்குறள் Eagrán dátheangach i dTamailis agus i nGaeilge
Natháin a chum Tiruvaḷḷuvar. Traschruthaithe i nGaeilge ag Gabriel Rosenstock. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-313-6
An file Tiruvaḷḷuvar (ar a dtugtar Vaḷḷuvar freisin) a chum an Tirukkuṟaḷ, mórshaothar litríochta agus fealsúnachta as Tamailis chlasaiceach a mhúineann na prionsabail eitice agus moráltachta is gá le saol suáilceach fiúntach a chaitheamh. Tá 1330 kuṟaḷ (leathrann seacht bhfocal) sa téacs, arna dtabhairt le chéile in 133 caibidil deich leathrann, agus tá na caibidlí arna n-eagrú i dtrí mhórghrúpa, faoi na teidil Suáilce, Maoin, agus Grá. Cé gur as Tamailis a cumadh an téacs seo a chéaduair, tá fírinne uilíoch ann agus is féidir é a léamh anois i mbreis agus 40 teanga de chuid na hIndia agus de chuid an domhain mhóir. உயர்தனிச் செம்மொழியாம் தமிழ் மொழியில் தோன்றி உலகப் பொதுமறை என்று போற்றப்படுகிற திருவள்ளுவர் இயற்றிய திருக்குறள், மனித வாழ்வியலுக்குத் தேவையான அடிப்படைக் கருத்துக்களைக் கொண்ட அற்புதமான தத்துவநூல். ஏழுசொற்களால், ஈரடியாய், குறள்வெண்பா யாப்பில் 133 அதிகாரங்கள் 1330 குறட்பாக்களைக் கொண்ட அறம், பொருள், இன்பம் பற்றி உரைக்கின்ற முப்பால் எனப்படும் ஒப்பற்ற இலக்கிய நூல். திருக்குறள் தமிழ் மொழியில் தோன்றியிருந்தாலும் உலக மக்கள் அனைவருக்குமான வாழ்வியல் அறங்களை எடுத்துரைக்கும் நூல். உலக அளவில் 107 மொழிகளுக்கு மேற்பட்ட மொழிகளில் மொழி பெயர்க்கப்பட்ட நூல்.
Engaging the Snark: A Textual Commentary on The Hunting of the Snark
By Lewis Carroll, with an introduction and Notes by Selwyn Goodacre 2024. ISBN 978-1-78201-311-2
This textual commentary looks at Through the Looking-Glass quite simply, as a children’s novel, investigating the book’s narrative structure, analysing how Carroll successfully constructed a pioneering book for children that was to stand the test of time, remaining remarkably relevant to the present day. There are many depths and subtleties in this book that can only be properly appreciated by examining the text line by line. The writing is supremely skilful, and will stand the closest scrutiny-even virtually to every line of the narrative. Most books would crumble under such close analysis. It is testimony to the strength, depth, and quality of Through the Looking-Glass that the book comes through such intense examination and survives triumphantly. Selwyn Goodacre has a large Lewis Carroll collection including over 2000 copies of the Alice books. He is a past chairman of the Lewis Carroll Society, and edited the Society journal from 1974-1997. For years he has pursued a special interest in the text of the Alice books, which has led to his current commentary on, and analysis of, the way they were written.
Storchiste - Teasáras Aibítreach na Gaeilge: An Alphabetic Thesaurus of Irish
Compiled by Nicholas Williams 2023. ISBN 978-1-78201-312-9.
Is céim an stórchiste seo chun bearna i bhfoclóireacht na Gaeilge a líonadh. Foilsíodh níos mó na stórchiste Gaeilge amháin roimhe seo ach níl ceann ar bith acu chomh cuimsitheach leis an leabhar thíos. Ina theannta sin is de réir téama a leagadh amach na stórchistí eile atá le fáil cheana féin, ach is in ord aibitre a liostaítear na focail sa saothar seo, rud a éascaíonn go mór a úsáid don té atá ag baint feidhme as. Taobh istigh de gach iontáil is in ord aibítre a thugtar na focail; ach dealaítear cialla éagsúla go minic trí sraitheanna aibítreacha iomadúla. I gcorp an leabhair seo tugtar ceannfhocal, roinn chainte, agus gluais Bhéarla le socrú brí ghinearálta an fhocail faoi leith. Tugtar lipéid i mBéarla freisin chun úsáid na bhfocal éagsúil a thagann ina ndiaidh a shoiléiriú. Is beag nach bhfuil 12,000 iontráil i bhfoirm alt sa stórchiste. Tá thart ar 44,000 d’fhocail no de leaganacha in úsáid sna hiontrálacha sin. Tá 118 bosca eolais sa leabhar agus iontu sin feicfear liostaí de théarmaí a bhaineann lena chéile taobh istigh den aon réimse céille amháin. Is beag nach bhfuil 11,000 leagan faoi leith sna hiontrálacha úd. This thesaurus seeks to fill a gap in Irish lexicography. More than one Irish language thesaurus has been published before now. None, however, is as comprehensive as the present work. Moreover previous thesauri have been compiled thematically. In this work words are arranged in alphabetical order, a feature which will greatly facilitate use of the book. Within an entry words are ordered alphabetically, though different senses are also often distinguished with multiple alphabetic runs. The structure of entries gives headword, part of speech, and a gloss in English that helps to establish the semantic domain for the words which follow. A number of register labels are given to help specify the usage of the words which follow them. The number of entries appearing as paragraphs in the thesaurus is nearly 12,000. A total number of nearly 44,000 distinct words or phrases is used within these entries. There are 118 boscaí eolais which are largely lists of associated terms within a broad semantic domain. A total number of nearly 11,000 distinct items is used within these entries.
Приключения Алисы в Стране Чудес: Русско-английское двуязычное издание Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Russian-English Bilingual Edition
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Russian by Yury Nesterenko First edition 2022. ISBN 978-1-78201-310-5
Перевод Алисы в Стране чудес Юрия Нестеренко (2000), доступный в течение многих лет в Интернете, впервые публикуется в виде бумажной книги, с классическими иллюстрациями Джона Тенниела. Из предисловия переводчика: «Все русские переводы Алисы, с которыми мне довелось ознакомиться, достаточно далеки от оригинала. Честнее всего поступил Заходер, прямо назвавший свой вариант пересказом; но и переводчики, не сделавшие такой оговорки, позволили себе весьма вольное обращение с авторским текстом. Не стану утверждать, будто то, что у них получилось, никуда не годится; напротив, вариант Заходера, к примеру, написан более живым языком, чем оригинал, но есть одна маленькая проблема—Кэрролл писал не это. Итак, моей целью было сделать как можно более точный перевод—разумеется, настолько, насколько позволяют различия между английским и русским языком.» Юрий Нестеренко (1972 г.р.), поэт и фантаст, живёт во Флориде.
Eachtraí Eilíse i dTír na nIontas: Eagrán Dátheangach Gaeilge-Béarla Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Irish-English Bilingual Edition
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Irish by Nicholas Williams 2007. ISBN 978-1-78201-309-9
Is seoid de litríocht na bpáistí an leabhar Béarla Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland a foilsíodh den chéad uair sa bhliain 1865. Is iomaí sin teanga a bhfuil aistriúchán den scéal le fáil inti. Foilsíodh aistriúchán Gaeilge le Pádraig Ó Cadhla (1875-1948) sa bhliain 1922 ach ní fhacthas leagan ar bith eile i nGaeilge go dtí anois. Is aistriúchán nua ar fad an leagan seo thíos. K. Verschoyle a rinne na léaráidí le haghaidh aistriúchán Uí Chadhla. Is iad na pictiúir cháiliúla a rinne Sir John Tenniel agus a bhí sa chéad eagrán Béarla atá le feiceáil sa leabhar seo.
Devôcyon dhe Greryow: The Cult of Relics
By Alan M. Kent, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2021. ISBN 978-1-478201-305-1 (paperback).
Devôcyon dhe Greryow yw novel dhyworth Alan M. Kent (auctour a Proper Job, Charlie Curnow! hag a Electric Pastyland), trailys the Gernowek gans Nicholas Williams. An whedhel-ma a gebmer le i'n West a Vreten Veur in cres an bledhydnyow mil, naw cans, peswar ugans ha deg, termyn cot warlergh Bresel an Morbleg. Yth eson ny ow metya ino gans try ferson, meur a les: Jûd Fox, Viajyores a'n Oos Nowyth; Eddie Hopkins, an fôtojornalyst Amerycan; ha'n hendhyscansyth dhia Gernow, Robert Bolitho. Ymowns y aga thry ow dyscudha bos kescolm intredhans dhyworth bledhydnyow avarr an seytegves cansvledhen. I'n whedhel hudol-ma yma Kent ow qwia warbarth bêwnans kenyver onen anodhans gans an "Stranjer" kevrînek. Crer sans ha stranj re beu gwethys ganso ev, ha'n dra-na yw an crespoynt a'n othem a'n jeves kettep onen a gowethyans ha govenek.
The Cult of Relics: Devôcyon dhe Greryow
By Alan M. Kent 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-304-4 (paperback).
The Cult of Relics is a novel by Alan M. Kent (author of Proper Job, Charlie Curnow! and Electric Pastyland), presented in a bilingual format, with a Cornish-language translation, Devocyon dhe Greryow, by Nicholas Williams. The story is set in Western Britain in the mid-1990s just after the Gulf War, and tells of three extraordinary people: of the New-Age Traveller Jude Fox, of the American photojournalist Eddie Hopkins, and of the Cornish-born archaeologist Robert Bolitho. The three characters discover a set of connections between them, stretching back to the early seventeenth century. Kent's intriguing story weaves together their disparate lives with that of the mysterious "Stranger", whose preservation of a curious holy relic becomes a focus for their collective need for communion and hope.
Arthur Symons and his forgotten Tristan and Iseult (Studies in Cornish Language and Culture; 8)
By Alan M. Kent. 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-303-7ß
Arthur Symons (1865–1945) was a British poet, dramatist and literary critic. He is now best known for his critical work, The Symbolist Movement in Literature (1899), and his role as a poet within the Decadent Movement. This volume makes a reassessment of Symons’ work and its relationship to Cornwall and Anglo-Cornish Literature. Though usually recognized as being Welsh (he was born in Milford Haven in Pembrokeshire), Symons had Cornish parentage and was fully aware of his ethnicity. Not only did Symons write a number of distinctly Cornish poems, but he also completed a largely forgotten symbolist version of the legendary story of Tristan and Iseult (1917) in the form of an innovative stage drama. The text is presented here, alongside a new critical study of Symons’ contribution to Anglo-Cornish Literature. Leading Cornish literary critic Alan M, Kent examines the historicist context of Symons’ work, linking him to figures such as Oscar Wilde and W. B. Yeats; and also examines the psychological make-up of the writer. Symons suffered a mental breakdown during his life, which culminated in the production of his dramatic imagining of the legendary Celtic love triangle.
Вскипает лава - Стихотворения и пьесы (Vskipaet lava: Stikhotvoreniia i pʹesy)
by Victor Fet. 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-301-3
Эта книга сложилась из фрагментов разного времени, как складывается во времена катастроф геологическая структура. Лава войны, выплеснувшаяся на мир 24 февраля 2022 г., вылилась в 40 стихотворений, написанных в первые 100 дней войны. Они-о российской агрессии, о войне, о том тектоническом горе и гневе, которые я разделяю с десятками тысяч людей, говорящих по-русски во всём мире и проклинающих эту войну. Во второй части книги я поместил произведения из прошлых, довоенных лет, образующие многолетние осадочные пласты, объединённые той же геологией. Под слоем избранных стихов и драматических этюдов мы находим и юношеские опыты полувековой давности-о тирании и свободе. История, как всегда, тупо ходит по кругу, а её слои повторяют друга друга бессмысленными, ритмическими напластованиями вулканических и осадочных пород, периодов войн и застоев. Но нельзя не надеяться, даже когда уходит из-под ног твой язык, хрупкий и драгоценный... This book of Russian poetry is formed by fragments of different time, as a geological structure during catastrophes. The lava of war that spilled out into the world on 24 February, 2022 generated about 40 poems written during the first 100 days of the war. This tectonic grief and anger I share with tens of thousands of Russian speakers all over the world who condemn this war. In the second part of the book are works sampled across many pre-war years. Under a layer of selected poems and dramatic sketches, you will find my youthful experiences, written in the USSR half a century ago-all about tyranny and freedom. History, as always, stupidly goes in circles, in rhythmic layers of volcanic and sedimentary rocks, periods of wars and stagnation. But one can't help but hope, even when your language, fragile and precious, moves away from under your feet.
By Robert Louis Stevenson, translated into Esperanto by Grace Kirkwood, with illustrations by Louis Rhead 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-300-6 (paperback), 978-1-78201-299-3 (hardcover)
Robert Louis Stevenson verkis Trezorinsulo en 1880 aŭ 1881, komencinte ĝin en Braemar, Skotlando, kie lia patro helpis per ideoj ĉerpitaj el la propraj maristaj spertoj. Ĝi estis finita dum lia dua vizito al Davos en la vintro de 1881-1882. Trezorinsulo, kiu aperis kiam la aŭtoro estis 31-jara, estis lia unua longa romantika rakonto, kaj havigis al li unuan guston de populara sukceso tiam, kiam la romano estis eldonita libroforme. En oktobro 1881 ĉi tiu rakonto komencis aperi kiel serio en angla gazeto nomita Young Folks (Junaj Personoj). La titolo tiutempe estis The Sea Cook, or Treasure Island (La Markuiristo, aŭ Trezorinsulo), sed kiam ĝi eldoniĝis libroforme en majo 1883, la nomo estis simple Trezorinsulo. La traduko en Esperanto estas farita de Grace Kirkwood, kaj aperis en 1977.
Diccionario Irlandés-Español • Foclóir Gaeilge-Spáinnise: An Irish-Spanish Dictionary
Compiled by David Barnwell and Carmen Rodríguez Alonso 2023. ISBN 978-1-78201-298-6.
La publicación de este diccionario implica un importante paso adelante para la difusión y conocimiento del idioma irlandés. Con más de 17.000 entradas, se convierte en una valiosa herramienta que ayudará a los hispanohablantes que deseen aprender irlandés y a los hablantes de irlandés que deseen aprender español. Supone también un importante avance en la lexicografía española, ya que previamente no se había realizado ningún diccionario de correspondencia entre el español y una lengua celta; de hecho, el irlandés es la primera lengua celta que dispone de tal recurso. Este nuevo diccionario consolida la relación histórica existente entre las culturas irlandesa e hispana y proporciona un valioso instrumento para quienes hoy en día desean revivir y perpetuar esos vínculos. Is céim chun cinn suntasach don Ghaeilge an foclóir seo a chur ar fáil don phobal. Tá breis agus 17,000 ceannfhocal sa téacs. Mar sin, is acmhainn shaibhir é a chuideoidh le Spáinniseoirí ar mian leo an Ghaeilge a fhoghlaim, agus le Gaeilgeoirí ar mian leo an Spáinnis a fhoghlaim trí mheán na Gaeilge. Agus is céim ar aghaidh é, chomh maith, i bhfoclóireacht na Spáinnise, mar roimhe seo ní raibh aon fhoclóir Spáinnise ann a chuir an teanga sin le teanga Cheilteach ar bith. Go deimhin féin, is í an Ghaeilge an chéad teanga Cheilteach a bhfuil a leithéid d’acmhainn aici. Daingníonn an foclóir nua seo an caidreamh stairiúil idir an dá chultúr, agus cuireann sé leabhar úsáideach ina lámha siúd ar mian leo an caidreamh sin a athbheochan agus a bhuanú i saol na linne seo.
Kepar ha Cyta Encledhys: Like a Buried City
By Matthi ab Dewi, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2021. ISBN 978-1-478201-297-9 (paperback).
Nyns yw Kernow haval dhe gen tir vÿth rag yma hy cyvylta coth Keltek owth assaya dhe wetha y honen warbydn assaultyans an kensa cansvledhen warn ugans. Yth yw teylu Pengilley gwir-esely a’n bêwnans arnowyth-na ha scant nyns usons y ow powes dhe bredery adro dh’aga gwredhyow aga honen—erna wrella Sîra Wydn merwel ha gasa dhodhans cofyr hag ino paperyow podnek ha pot coth. Yma an kemyn-na ow sordya viaj dhe dhyscudha termyn passys coynt an teylu hag orth aga helmy dres an spâss a voy ès dew cans bledhen gans Jacka, Mary ha’ga thry flogh, anedhys in pendra vunys wàr gòst gwyls an West a Gernow. Res o dhe Deylu Pengilley in dyweth an êtegves cansvledhen strîvya gans bohosogneth, gans peryllys an bal sten ha gans cowl-dyswrians a’ga bêwnans ûsys dre davas nowyth esa ow kemeres posessyon a’ga fluw—an Sowsnek. Yma Jacka ow tôwlel towl rag selwel y vêny ha’y ertach cùlturek saw yth ywa chalynjys gans taclow usy ow terry y holon hag orth y ladha ogasty. A yll y dhieskynysy styrya an desmyk gesys ganso i’n tavas Kernowek?—rag warbydn an kensa cansvledhen warn ugans yth esa an tavas-na in dadn gel—kepar ha cyta encledhys?
Like a Buried City: Kepar ha Cyta Encledhys
By Matthi ab Dewi 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-296-2 (paperback).
Cornwall is a land like no other where a Celtic culture struggles to hold its own against the onslaught of the twenty-first century. The Pengilleys are very much part of that modern life and hardly stop to consider their own roots—until Grandad dies and leaves a chest of dusty papers and an old pot. The ensuing journey to uncover this strange past soon finds the family tied across more than two-hundred years to Jacka, Mary and their three children living in a tiny village on the rugged coast of West Cornwall. The Pengilleys of the late eighteenth century struggled with poverty, dangerous mines and the eradication of their whole way of life by a new language taking hold in their parish—English. Jacka sets about a plan to save his family and cultural heritage but faces challenges which break his heart and nearly cost him his own life. Can his descendants decode the puzzle he left in the Cornish language which, by the twenty-first century, lay beneath the surface—like a hidden city?
Äväntyrą̈ Alice i Underlandą̈
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Elfdalian by Inga-Britt Petersson 2022. ISBN 978-1-78201-294-8
Lewis Carroll ir namneð Charles Lutwidge Dodgson brukeð dar an skrievd byökär. C. L. Dodgson lärð aut rekkenlärų ą̊ Oxforduniwesitietę. An byrð ą̊ sai åv iss isstorun fiuorð juli 1862, mes an sigleð autą̊ Temsn i lag min ienum preste, so ietteð Robinson Duckworth, og trimm kullum. Įeðier war ti år gåmål og ietteð Alice Liddell. Attrað enner war systrär enes, Lorina og Edith, so war ą̊ trettund og åttund årę. Sos an beller sją̊ i waisun fuost i birettelsę, add iss trjär ärt ą̊ min C. L. Dodgson an ulld sai åv noger fer ðyöm. An war int just åv dyö fuost, men etter noð tag byrð an ą̊ sai åv birettelsę ðu beller leså i iss buotjin. Oll dier ðar femm irå minn ymssta’ss i birettelsę, liteð attgemder. Buotję um Alice kam aut ą̊ ainggelsk upą̊ 1865.
Ar Profed
Written and illustrated by Khalil Gibran. Translated into Breton by Alan Dipode. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-293-1
Ar Profed zo ul levr 26 fablenn skrivet e komz-plaen barzhoniel saoznek gant ar barzh ha prederour libanat-stadunanat Khalil Gibran. Er bloaz 1923 e voe embannet evit ar wezh kentañ, hag oberenn vrudetañ Gibran eo. Troet eo bet Ar Profed e tremen 100 yezh, ar pezh a ra anezhañ unan eus al levrioù a zo bet troet an aliesañ en Istor. Biskoazh n’eus bet paouezet d’e voullañ. An danevellañ a ginnig ar Profed Almoustafa, a zo bet e-pad daouzek vloaz o c’hortoz al lestr e gaso d’e vro c’henidik en diwezh. Kent dezhañ mont kuit, lod annezidi eus kêr Orfalez a c’houlenn digantañ treuzkas dezho evit ar wezh diwezhañ e soñjoù war meur a dachenn (“Komzit ouzhimp a-zivout...”). Distagañ a ra ar Profed 26 prezegenn a sell ouzh goulennoù diazez e buhez mab-den, eleze ar garantez, eurediñ, bugale, reiñ, debriñ hag evañ, labourat, levenez ha glac’har, tiez, dilhad, prenañ ha gwerzhañ, torfed ha kastiz, lezennoù, ar frankiz, ar skiant-vat hag an trelat, ar boan, an emanaoudegezh, kelenn, ar geneilded, komz, an amzer, ar mad hag ar fall, ar pediñ, ar blijadur, ar gened, ar relijion, hag ar marv da ziwezhañ. E dibenn al levr, Almoustafa a genblezh e gomzoù a gimiad hag ur gaoz a-zivout an dalvoudegezh.
Dracula and Dracula’s Guest
By Bram Stoker and with illustrations by Mathew Staunton Second edition, 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-291-7 (hardcover), 978-1-78201-292-4 (paperback).
When estate agent solicitor’s clerk Jonathan Harker visits Transylvania to assist Count Dracula with the purchase of his London house, he discovers more about his client and his castle than he might wish.… Bram Stoker’s classic novel Dracula, originally titled The Un-Dead, was first published in 1897. It has had a profound influence on world literature. It has enjoyed enormous popularity since its publication and is singularly responsible for spawning an extraordinary vampire subculture in the second half of the twentieth century. Over a thousand novels and hundreds of films feature Dracula or other vampires, not to mention the countless cartoons, comics, and television programmes which were ultimately inspired by Stoker’s work. This edition includes the short story “Dracula’s Guest”, which was published in 1914 by Stoker’s widow, Florence, who said of the story: “It was originally excised owing to the length of the book, and may prove of interest to the many readers of what is considered my husband’s most remarkable work.”
Drakulo kaj La Gasto de Drakulo
By Bram Stoker. Translated into Esperanto by Patrick H. Wynne. With illustrations by Mathew Staunton First edition, 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-288-7 (hardcover), 978-1-78201-289-4 (paperback).
Kiam juna solicitoro Jonathan Harker vizitas Transilvanion por helpi al Grafo Drakulo en la aĉeto de domo en Londono, li eltrovas pli pri sia kliento kaj lia kastelo ol li eble dezirus… La klasika romano Dracula fare de Bram Stoker estas prezentita ĉi tie en nova Esperanta traduko de Patrick H. Wynne. Dracula estis unue publikigita en 1897, kaj havis profundan influon sur monda literaturo. Ĝia enorma populareco de post ĝia publikigo estas sole respondeca por generado de eksterordinara vampira subkulturo en la dua duono de la dudeka jarcento. Pli ol mil romanoj kaj centoj da filmoj roligas Drakulon aŭ aliajn vampirojn, sen mencii la sennombrajn desegnofilmojn, komiksojn, kaj televidajn programojn fundamente inspiritajn de ĉi tiu verko de Stoker. Ĉi tiu eldono ankaŭ inkludas Esperantan tradukon de la novelo “Dracula’s Guest”, kies angla originalo estis unue publikigita en 1914 de la vidvino de Stoker, Florence, kiu diris pri la rakonto: “Ĝi estis origine eltranĉita el la romano pro la longeco de la libro, kaj eble montriĝos interesa al la multaj legintoj de tio, kion oni konsideras la plej rimarkinda verko de mia edzo.”
Le Prophète
Written and illustrated by Khalil Gibran. Translated into French by Jean-Christophe Benoist. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-290-0
Le Prophète est un livre constitué de 26 fables écrites dans une prose poétique en anglais par le poète et philosophe libano-américain Kahlil Gibran. Il a été publié pour la première fois en 1923 et est l’œuvre la plus célèbre de Khalil Gibran. Le Prophète a été traduit dans plus de 100 langues, en faisant un des livres les plus traduits dans l’histoire. Ses rééditions n’ont jamais cessé. Le récit nous présente le prophète Almustafa, qui a attendu douze années qu’un navire vienne finalement le chercher, pour le ramener dans sa terre natale. Avant son départ, des habitants de la cité d’Orphalese lui demandent une dernière fois de partager ses réflexions sur différent sujets (« Parle nous de… »). Le prophète prononce alors 26 sermons qui traitent de questions quotidiennes de la vie humaine, à savoir l’amour, le mariage, les enfants, le don, la nourriture, le travail, la joie et la tristesse, la maison, les vêtements, le commerce, le crime et le châtiment, les lois, la liberté, la raison et la passion, la souffrance, la connaissance de soi, l’enseignement, l’amitié, la parole, le temps, le bien et le mal, la prière, le plaisir, la beauté, la religion, et enfin la mort. Dans le chapitre final, Almustafa entremêle à son discours de départ une réflexion sur le sens.
An Profet
Written and illustrated by Kahlil Gibran. Translated into Cornish by Ian Jackson. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-287-0
An Profet yw lyver a 26 whedhel moralyta scrifys in pros-prydydhieth Sowsnek gans an prydyth ha fylosofer Lybanek-Amerycan Kahlil Gibran. Dyllys dhe’n kensa treveth in 1923, an lyver-ma yw moyha y hanow in mesk oberow Gibran. Re beu An Profet trailys dhe moy ès 100 tavas, ytho ev yw onen a’n lyfryow moyha trailys in oll istory. Bythqweth ny veuva mes a brynt. Yma an whedhel ow comendya dhyn an Profet Almùstafa, re wrug gortos y lester dêwdhek bledhen, an lester a vynn y dhon tre wàr an dyweth dh’y bow y honen. Kyns ès dell alla departya, yma rann a’n re usy trigys i’n cyta Orfalês ow pesy orto ry dhedha, rag dewetha tro, y dybyans wàr lies testen (“Cows orthyn a…”). Yma an Profet ow pregoth 26 sermon, ha’n re-ma ow tùchya qwestyons selvenek a’n bêwnans denyl – kerensa, demedhyans, flehes, rians, debry hag eva, whel, joy ha tristans, treven, dyllas, prena ha gwertha, drog-ober ha pùnyshment, lahys, franchys, rêson ha passyon, pain, honen-wodhvos, desky dhe bobel, felshyp, talkya, termyn, an dâ ha’n drog, pejadow, plesour, tecter, cryjyans, ha worteweth mernans. I’n dewetha chaptra oll, yma Almùstafa ow kesqwia dadhel a’n qwestyon pÿth yw mênyng gans y eryow a farwèl.
Aventurs Alys in Pow an Anethow: Dyllans Dywyêthek Kernowek-Sowsnek Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Cornish-English Bilingual Edition
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams First edition. 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-286-3
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, jowal bian a lien an flehes, a veu dyllys rag an kensa prës in 1865. Trailyansow dhe lies tavas re apperyas dhia an vledhen-na. I’n vledhen 1994 Kesva an Tavas Kernowek a dhyllas versyon a’n whedhel, trailys dhe Gernowek Kebmyn gans Ray Edwards in dadn an tîtel Alys y’n Vro a Varthusyon. Darn in mes a’n versyon-na a vëdh gwelys i’n present trailyans (gwelyr folednow 26-27). Remant an lyver-ma yw screfys i’n spellys gelwys Kerowek Standard (KS) pò in Sowsnek Standard Cornish. Yma an spellyans-na ow clena yn stroth orth spellyans tradycyonal an tavas hag yth ywa fonetyk yn tien kefrës. Y fëdh gwelys awoles fatell usy KS owth ûsya sînys diacrîtek a-ugh lytherednow dhe verkya dyffransow in geryow spellys i’n kerth fordh pò dhe dhysqwedhes an sonyow a vogalednow a’s teves moy ès udn leveryans. Abàn yw KS heb dowt vëth an gwella spellyans bythqweth a veu darbarys rag an tavas dasvewys, yma va comendys obma rag oll descoryon hag oll cowsoryon a Gernowek. Y fëdh gwelys i’n lyver-ma an delînyansow a brîs gwrës gans Syr John Tenniel rag an kensa dyllans in Sowsnek.
A Voyage to Arcturus
By David Lindsay 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-285-6 (hardcover), 978-1-78201-253-5 (paperback)
A Voyage to Arcturus is an intensely inventive work of the imagination, set in a wild and wholly original fantasy world. It proved a seminal influence on J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis (who called it the “real father” of his Space Trilogy), it was one of the first books to be reprinted in the celebrated Ballantine Adult Fantasy series of the late 1960s, it has been adapted for radio, theatre, and film (in a 1971 version by William Holloway), and it has inspired the work of musicians, composers, and artists. It remains one of the strangest works of twentieth century literature. —Murray Ewing
An Testament Nowyth: The New Testament in Cornish
Translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-283-2 (hardcover), 978-1-78201-284-9 (paperback).
A translation of the New Testament in the spelling known as Unified Cornish Revised was published by Spyrys a Gernow in 2002. An emended version of that text was published together with the Old Testament as An Beybel Sans by Evertype in 2011. This latter was entirely in Standard Cornish. The present work is a reprint with minor emendations of the New Testament in An Beybel Sans.
Алиса в Стране Чудес (Alisa v Strane Chudes)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Russian by A. D'Aktilʹ. Introduction and notes by Victor Fet 2022. ISBN 978-1-78201-282-5
This translation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, published in the Soviet Union almost 100 years ago, in 1923. The text itself reads well, and its poetry and puns are good. However, the translator—Anatolii Frenkelʹ a.k.a. A. D’Aktilʹ (1890–1942)—cuts quite a repulsive figure. Frenkelʹ’s Alice translation bears no traces of his Communist allegiances or a recent Civil War propaganda. His puns are quite inventive, with especially good phonetic equivalents for Carroll’s school puns. One feels that his book is directed not only at children but also, tongue-in-cheek, at their parents. In his replacements, Frenkelʹ parodied poems known to every Russian schoolchild: Krylov, Pushkin, Lermontov—or created his original pieces; he also enhanced the literary parody in Carroll’s text, adding here and there parodied phrases from sources known more likely to an adult Russian reader of the early 1920s than to small children. Этот перевод Приключений Алисы в Стране Чудес был опубликован в СССР почти 100 лет назад, в 1923 г. Текст перевода вполне хорошо читается по-русски, а пародийные стихи и игра слов, добавленные автором, изобретательны и остроумны. Однако, сам переводчик, Анатолий Френкель (литературный псевдоним A. Д’Актиль) (1890–1942) — фигура крайне отвратительная. В переводе Алисы Д’Актиля времени раннего НЭПа мы не найдëм следов его идеологии или недавней пропаганды времён Гражданской войны. Его игра слов довольно изобретательна; особенно хорошо подобраны «школьные» фонетические каламбуры. При этом складывается впечатление, что книга и ее юмор адресованы не только детям, но также и их родителям. Пародии Кэрролла на английскую поэзию он заменял пародиями на хорошо известные русские тексты, известные каждому школьнику — басни Крылова, «Птичка Божия...» Пушкина, Казачья колыбельная Лермонтова. Д’Актиль сознательно усиливает роль литературных пародий в тексте книги, добавляя в ряде мест фразы, пародирующие стихи, известные главным образом взрослому читателю.
L'Aventuri di Alicia en Marvelia
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Ido by Gonçalo Neves 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-281-8
Lewis Carroll es plum-nomo: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson esis la reala nomo dil autoro, olima matematikala lektoro che Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson komencis la rakonto ye la 4ma di julio 1862, dum pasajar en rem-batelo sur fluvio Thames an Oxford, ensemble kun reverendo Robinson Duckworth, kun Alice Liddell (lore evanta dek yari), la filiino dil dekano di Christ Church, e kun elua du fratini, Lorina (lore evanta dek e tri yari) ed Edith (lore evanta ok yari). Quale klare indikesas en l’introdukta poemo, la tri pueri pregis Dodgson rakontar ulo, ed il, unesme nevolunte, komencis naracar a li l’unesma versiono dil rakonto. Esas multa mi-celita aludi pri ca kin personi tra la tota texto di la libro, qua fine publikigesis en 1865.
Приключения Алисы в Стране Чудес (Prikliucheniia Alisy v Strane Chudes)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Russian by Nina Demurova 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-280-1
Перевод Алисы в Стране Чудес, созданный Ниной Михайловной Демуровой (Кэрролл, 1967, 1978), стал классическим для нескольких поколений русских читателей и переиздавался более 200 раз. Переводчица—которая является также крупнейшим специалистом по творчеству Льюиса Кэрролла—сама подробно объясняла сложную историю этого перевода и его принципы (Демурова, 1970, 1978; Demurova, 1995).
Jane Eyre
By Charlotte Brontë, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, with illustrations by Edmund H. Garrett and E. M. Wimperis 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-278-8
Yth yw an novel gerys dâ-ma ow whythra an bêwnans a venyn yonk dhyworth hy floholeth yêyn hag anwhek bys in hy devedhyans dhe oos leundevys ha’n egydnans a’y herensa dhown rag Mêster Rochester, perhednek Hel Thornfield. I’n descrefans a’n hapnyansow ha’n prederow wàr jy usy worth aga sewya, yma an pooslev wàr an dysplegyans lent a aswonvos moral ha spyrysek Jane; yth yw pùb wharvedhyans paintys in mes dre grefter o kyns an lyver-ma an negys a brydydhieth. Jane Eyre, an novel, a jaunjyas yn tien an art a screfa. Charlotte Brontë re beu henwys “kensa istoryan a brederow an golon,” hag indelha yth yw hy an ragresores a screforyon kepar ha Marcel Proust ha James Joyce. Yma brusyans socyal dhe redya i’n lyver kefrÿs hag in y gres warneth fast a ewnhenseth Cristyon. Yma lies crytycor ow consydra an novel-ma dhe vos fest avauncys rag y oos, dre rêson a natur dybarow Jane hy honen hag inwedh awos an fordh may ma dyghtys ino classygieth, carnalyta, crejyans ha femynystieth avarr.
Yer Ain: The Young Yins and the Auld Yin
by Edward F. H. Chisnall. 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-276-4
Yer Ain frae Edward Chisnall is a wark o gravity and humour, aw craftit in the Scots leid. Scots is virile, funny, descriptive, perfect for the soond required o ony dramatic form, novel, or poem. Dig within yersels and thare ye will find the treisur o yer ain culture, and that o the real wirth, oor weans that girn, or greet, or find things tae learn that come frae the hert. The hale faimily o oor history in Scotland is in oor wirds, the craft o wirds, the lauchter that airms ye agin sufferin or haurd days. So, in oor ain tongue, here’s whit Edward haes tae say tae ye, his freends... and it’s cried Yer Ain.
Jane Eyre
By Charlotte Brontë, translated into West Frisian by Jant van der Weg-Laverman, with illustrations by Edmund H. Garrett and E. M. Wimperis 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-275-7
Dizze klassike coming-of-age roman ûndersiket de emoasjes en ûnderfiningen fan in jonge frou, fan har drege en ûngelokkige bernetiid, troch har groei nei folwoeksenens en har ûntdekking fan leafde foar de hear Rochester, de master fan Thornfield Hall. Yn it har eigen meitsjen fan ’e aksje—de fokus leit op ’e stadige ûntjouwing fan ’e morele en geastlike gefoelichheid fan Jane, en alle barrens wurde kleure troch in ferhege yntensiteit dy’t earder it domein fan poëzij wie—bringt Jane Eyre in radikale feroaring yn de keunst fan fiksje. Charlotte Brontë is de “earste histoarikus fan it priveebewustwêzen” neamd en de literêre foarâlder fan skriuwers lykas Marcel Proust en James Joyce. De roman befettet eleminten fan sosjale krityk, mei yn ’e kearn in sterk gefoel fan kristlike moraal, en wurdt troch in soad beskôge as syn tiid foarút te wêzen, sjoen it yndividualistyske karakter fan Jane en de ferkenning fan de roman fan klassisme, seksualiteit, religy en proto-feminisme.
Dùileach: Elemental
by Marcas Mac an Tuairneir. 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-273-3
'S e Dùileach: Elemental an treas co-chruinneachadh aig a' bhàird chliùiteach Marcas Mac an Tuairneir a tha stèidhichte ann an Dùn Èideann is a tha air iomadh duais a chosnadh. Tha na dàin, air an cruthachadh is cruinneachadh rè greis stainge, an dà chuid pearsanta is cruthachail, aig a' cheann thall is nam measg, tha am bàrd a' dèanamh luaidh air farsaingeachd a chuid dearbh-aithne, a' toirt a-steach cuspairean LGDTC, diaspora, beatha sa bhaile mhòr agus iomadachd nuadh air saoghal na Gàidhlig. Dùileach: Elemental is the third collection from the critically acclaimed and award-winning Edinburgh-based poet Marcas Mac an Tuairneir. The poems, crafted during a period of intense upheaval, both personal and ultimately creative, reflect the poet's myriad identities, including LGBTQ themes, as well as those of diaspora, the urban and Gaeldom's emergent cosmopolitanism.
The War o the Warlds
By H. G. Wells, translated into Northeast Scots by Sheena Blackhall, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-271-9
First furthset in 1898, The War o the Warlds is thocht tae be the first “fremmit invasion” tales, an it’s bin ane o the maist influential science fiction novels iver screived. It’s bin fittit fur radio, stage, an screen, an its inspired an influenced mony warks o fiction, takkin in comics an graphic novels. Alangside The Time Machine, The Inveesible Chiel, an The Island o Dr Moreau, Wells’ The War o the Warlds stauns oot as mebbe his maist weel-likit wark.
Echo and Narcissus
by Sara Clark. 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-270-2
A collection of contemporary poems in Scots and in English by Sara Clark. Some of them were written originally in English, some in Scots, but all are presented facing their translation, so that readers can choose the language they prefer, or compare the two texts.
An Hobbit, pe, Eno ha Distro The Hobbit in Breton.
By J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Breton by Alan Dipode and Joshua tyra 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-269-6. ISBN 978-1-78201-268-9 (paperback)
A-zivout un hobbit anvet Bilbo Sac'heg a zo sammet dillo en ur veaj zic'hortoz gant Gandalf an hudour hag ur gompagnunezh trizek korr eo an istor-mañ, a zo klasel er faltazi evit lennerion a bep oad. An Hobbit zo un danevell a gurioù dreist, sevenet gant ur gompagnunezh korrien a zo o klask aour diwallet gant un aerouant. A-rekin e kemer Bilbo Sac'heg perzh er c'hlask pirilhus-se, pa 'z eo-eñ un hobbit dic'hoantek a gar e gletadurezh, ha souezhet eo e-unan zoken gant e ijinusted hag e ampartiz evel c'hwiblaer. Kejadennoù ouzh trolled, gobilined, korrien, elfed ha kevnid ramzel, pennadoù-kaoz gant an aerouant, Smaog, hag ur vezañs kentoc'h diratozh en Emgann ar Pemp Lu n'int nemet un nebeud eus ar planedennoù a zegouezh gant Bilbo. Bilbo Sac'heg en deus kemeret e lec'h e renkad harozed divarvel ar faltazi evit ar vugale.
Letters from my Foster Mother and other stories
By Fionntán de Brún. Translated from the Irish by Mícheál Ó hAodha. 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-267-2
A woman boards a train in search of a life-changing event, a gunshot victim receives a troubling visitor from the past, a photographer works on an elusive project entitled The Big Book of the Dead. These are some of the threads that weave through this collection of short stories where individuals are confronted by events that overwhelm and enlighten them in turn, leaving each to ponder where things may have gone awry and what, if any, the right course of action might be. These stories, newly translated by Mícheál Ó hAodha, were originally published in Irish as Litir ó mo Mháthair Altrama agus Scéalta Eile (2005).
Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There: An edition printed in Dyslexic-Friendly Fonts
By Lewis Carroll 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-264-1
The fonts used in this edition of Through the Looking-Glasshave been designed with the intention of making reading easier for people with dyslexia. OpenDyslexic3 (used for the body text) and OpenDyslexic (used for its italics) were designed by Abelardo Gonzalez and Lexia Readable (used for the chapter titles drop-caps, and headers) was designed by Keith Bates. Research suggests that dyslexic-friendly fonts are not always effective for all readers; it hoped nevertheless that this edition may help at least some readers to enjoy Alice's adventures.
Written Scots in Scotland and Ulster: A review of traditional spelling practice and recent recommendations for a normative orthography (Corpus Textuum Scoticorum; 2)
By Andy Eagle. Edited and with a foreword and afterword by Michael Everson First edition 2022. ISBN 978-1-78201-263-4
There have been ten modern attempts to approach the problem of Scots spelling. In this volume Andy Eagle analyses each of those proposed reforms, all of which have tried to make alterations here and there where they considered it made sense. This study begins with the linguistic reality, analysing the phonemes of Scots and the various graphs traditionally used for them. It then examines the various proposals for refinement of Scots orthography which have been suggested since 1947 when the Scots Style Sheet was published. Comparing and contrasting traditional graphs with these proposals, Andy proposes a sound, natural-looking compromise, aiming toward an inclusive orthography that serves all dialects, and does not favour any one over any other. Corpus Textuum Scoticorum is a series presenting editions of language and literature of particular interest to Scotland. The series focuses on but is not limited to volumes dealing with the Scots and Scottish Gaelic languages.
The Scarlet Petal and other stories
Four stories by Ryan Petrie, with illustrations by Aidan Donald. 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-262-7
Writers write because they want other people to know what they have discovered on their journeys. What they discover might be beautiful beyond comprehension, or terrifying beyond our most terrible nightmares. The Scarlet Petal: Beauty has no choice but to go with the Beast after a card game goes horribly wrong. She will find out a terrible truth about the castle to which she has come—a secret so monstrous that those who try to tell it vanish. The Devil’s Pit: Three young explorers set out into the Amazon rainforest to make names for themselves; but the world will remember the horrors of the valley they journey to, and the monster that lives there—a monster the modern world long thought dead… A Victorian Drama: Marriage is never easy, especially when there are affairs, scandal, and a night of passion at a friend’s ball into the bargain. But who knew that such a lovely night would erupt into a night of horror? Melt not in weeping while she lies sleeping: A forest of thorn has long guarded a secret, and those who enter never return to tell the tale. But a young man travelling in winter might have bitten off more than he can chew when he discovers a cottage at the centre of the forest its welcoming occupants.
Ashtavakra Gita: The Heart of Awareness A bilingual edition in Sanskrit and English
Attributed to Aṣṭāvakra. Transcribed and Translated by John Richards. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-261-0
The Ashtavakra Gita, or the Ashtavakra Samhita as it is sometimes called, is a very ancient Sanskrit text. Nothing seems to be known about the author, though tradition ascribes it to the sage Ashtavakra; hence the name. There is little doubt though that it is very old, probably dating back to the days of the classic Vedanta period. The Sanskrit style and the doctrine expressed would seem to warrant this assessment. The Reverend John Henry Richards, MA, BD, was an Anglican priest born in 1934 who was ordained a deacon in Llandaff in 1977 and a priest there in 1978. He served in Maesteg, Cardiff, Penmark, and Stackpile Elidor until his retirement in 1999, and died in 2017. He is known for his English translations of the Ashtavakra Gita, the Dhammapada, and the Vivekachudamani, which he put in the public domain and distributed on the Internet in 1994. The text used here is the one revised in 1996.
Aventurile lui Alice în Țara Minunilor
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Romanian by Claudia E. Stoian 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-260-3
Lewis Carroll este pseudonimul folosit de Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Acesta a fost lector de matematică la universitatea Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson a început povestea pe 4 iulie 1862, când a întreprins o călătorie într-o barcă cu vâsle pe râul Tamisa (Isis) din Oxford împreună cu reverendul Robinson Duckworth, cu Alice Liddell (în vârstă de zece ani), fiica decanului universității, și cu cele două surori ale acesteia, Lorina (treisprezece ani) și Edith (opt ani). După cum reiese din poezia de la începutul cărții, cele trei fete i-au cerut lui Dodgson o poveste iar, acesta, cu reticență, a început să le spună prima versiune a poveștii de față. Cartea a fost publicată în cele din urmă în 1865, conținând numeroase referințe oarecum ascunse la cei cinci călători. Cartea Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland a fost tradusă pentru prima dată în limba română în anii 40. De atunci, mai mult de douăzeci de traduceri au fost publicate, pe lângă diverse repovestiri și prescurtări. Traducerea de față își propune să contribuie la varietatea românească de traduceri cu o versiune mai modernă și actualizată, în tendință cu publicul actual.
An Dhammapada: Nathanna an Bhúda Eagrán dátheangach i bPáilis agus i nGaeilge
Scott Oser a chuir Gaeilge air. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-259-7
Tá an Dhammapada ar cheann de na téacsanna is cáiliúla sa Bhúdachas. Cnuasach véarsaí gonta atá ann, a chuireann síos ar bhunphrionsabail an Bhúdachais i stíl thaitneamhach shothuigthe. Ní hionann is a lán téacsanna Búdaíocha, a mbíonn féith na teibíochta agus na saindiamhrachta le brath iontu, úsáideann an Dhammapada meafair nithiúla ón ngnáthshaol chun friotal a chur ar theagasc an chreidimh. Cuirfidh cuideanna den téacs gaois sheanfhocail na Gaeilge i gcuimhne don léitheoir, nó b’fhéidir parabail na soiscéalta Críostaí. Ní nach ionadh, tá sé ar na saothair is mó a bhfuil gean an phobail Bhúdaíoch air.
The Dhammapada: The Sayings of the Buddha A bilingual edition in Pali and English
Translated and with an introduction by Ānandajoti Bhikkhu. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-258-0
The Dhammapada is probably the most popular book in the Pāḷi Canon, and has had innumerable translations into most modern languages. The timeless ethical teachings contained in these verses are still considered relevant to people’s lives, and they are a good guide to living well, and show how to reap the rewards of good living. The verses give instruction to the different groups that comprise the Buddhist community, including advice for the lay person and the monastic, and a number of the verses, especially towards the end, show ways for understanding who is living up to their role in the community well, and who is not.
Gíta Ashtávakra: Aṣṭāvakra Gītā Eagrán dátheangach i Sanscrait agus i nGaeilge
Aṣṭāvakra a scríobh. Traschruthaithe i nGaeilge ag Gabriel Rosenstock. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-257-3
Bí sona, bí suaimhneach an teachtaireacht atá ag an gcomhrá seo idir Ashtávakra, saoi agus Janaka, rí, an léargas is leithne, is loime agus is doimhne is féidir a bheith agat ort féin agus ar an gcruinne. Bí sona, bí suaimhneach, bí saor ó bhuairt. Traschruthú i nGaeilge ag Gabriel Rosenstock ar an gcomhrá beannaithe idir Ashtávakra, saoi, agus tiarna gaoismhear, Janaka.
Insolitus Casus Doctoris Jekyll et Domini Hyde: Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in Latin
By Robert Louis Stevenson, translated into Latin by Garrett Dome. With illustrations by Mathew Staunton. 2024. ISBN 978-1-78201-256-6
Horrifica novella terrōris quae potest cōnfundere et obstupifacere suōs lēctōrēs. Dēdiscās eās leviculās versiōnēs dēpictās pelliculīs, et cōnferās tuum animum ut ingrediāris in hunc psychologicum terrōrem Jekyll et Hyde. Haec novella est cōnstitūta Londīniī, sed omnēs pāginae sunt imbūtae scaenā mystēriā Edinburgī ubi Robertus Lūdovīcus Stephenson erat nātus. Estne fābula Freudiāna, mōrālis parabola, an allēgoria sexuālis? Dēcernendum est tibi..
Throwe the Keekin-Gless an Fit Ailice Found There
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Northeast Scots by Derrick McClure 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-255-9
For a general introduction to the literary and cultural background of the present translation, and to the Northeast Scots dialect itself, see the introduction to my translation of Carroll's previous book, Ailce's Anters in Ferlielann. As there, I have used a conservative form of the dialect, checking the words and pronunciations against classic literary texts (and this time also against the earlier translation, to ensure consistency). As there too, I have endeavoured to find a specific equivalent for every joke, pun, allusion and other trick of style in the original. The metrical and rhyme patterns of the poems are maintained: as always in poetic translations of any kind, this procedure necessitates some departures from the original wording; and in one instance, namely the sequence of thirteen rhymes on "toe" in the closing section of the White Knight's song, I have assumed the licence to treat Carroll's lines with complete freedom. --Derrick McClure
A Voyage to Arcturus
By David Lindsay 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-285-6 (hardcover), 978-1-78201-253-5 (paperback)
A Voyage to Arcturus is an intensely inventive work of the imagination, set in a wild and wholly original fantasy world. It proved a seminal influence on J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis (who called it the “real father” of his Space Trilogy), it was one of the first books to be reprinted in the celebrated Ballantine Adult Fantasy series of the late 1960s, it has been adapted for radio, theatre, and film (in a 1971 version by William Holloway), and it has inspired the work of musicians, composers, and artists. It remains one of the strangest works of twentieth century literature. —Murray Ewing
Alicia's Adventuras en Wonderlandia
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in Spanglish
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Spanglish by Ilan Stavans 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-252-8
Esta versión de Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland en Spanglish es el result de years de trabajo. Empezó, without yo knowing it, cuando yo transladé, in 1999, el first capítulo de Part I de Don Quixote. Since then, mi interés en esta hybrid lengua, un back-ad-forth entre el español and English que es neither español o English, se ha incrementado substantially. Spanglish es un global fenómeno that responde a la unavoidable condición del present: la immigración.
El Profeta
Written and illustrated by Khalil Gibran. Translated into Spanish by Zach Powell. 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-250-4
El Profeta es un libro de 26 capítulos, escrito por el poeta y filósofo lebanés-americano Khalil Gibran. Se publicó por primera vez en 1923, y es la obra mejor conocida del autor. El Profeta se ha traducido en más de 100 idiomas, así que es uno de los libros más traducidos en la historia del mundo. Nunca se ha dejado de imprimir. El narrativo nos presenta al profeta Almustafa, quien hace doce años ha esperado su nave, la cual lo llevaría por fin a su patria. Antes de irse, algunos habitantes de la ciudad de Orfalís le piden a él que hable de su conocimiento en varios temas por la ultima vez («Háblanos de…»). El Profeta relata 26 sermones que tratan de cuestiones básicas de la vida humana como el amor, el matrimonio, hijos, dando, comiendo y bebiendo, el trabajo, casas, ropa, comprando y vendiendo, el crimen y el castigo, las leyes, la libertad, la razón y la pasión, el dolor, el conocimiento de sí mismo, enseñando, la amistad, hablando, el tiempo, el bueno y el malo, la oración, el placer, la belleza, la religión, y al fin la muerte. En el capítulo final, Almustafa entreteje un discurso sobre la cuestión del significado mismo en sus palabras de despedida.
An Fáidh
Written and illustrated by Kahlil Gibran. Translated into Irish by Gabriel Rosenstock. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-249-8
Leabhar 26 fabhalscéal scríofa mar dhánta próis é An Fáidh le Kahlil Gibran, file agus fealsamh Liobánach-Mheiriceánach. Ba sa bhliain 1923 a foilsíodh ar dtús é agus is é an saothar is iomráití de chuid Gibran é. Aistríodh go breis is 100 teanga é, ceann de na leabhair is mó a aistríodh riamh. Ní raibh sé riamh as cló. Cuirtear an Fáidh Almustafa in aithne dúinn i dtosach an leabhair. Dosaen bliain atá sé ag feitheamh leis an long a thabharfaidh abhaile é. Sula n-imíonn sé, iarrann cuid d’áitreabhaigh na cathrach Orfalaís air a thuiscint do choincheapa áirithe a roinnt leo den uair dheireanach (“Labhair linn faoi…”). Tugann an Fáidh 26 seanmóir uaidh a bhaineann le buncheisteanna na beatha, is e sin an grá, an pósadh, leanaí, déirc, ithe is ól, obair, áthas is brón, tithe, éadach, díol agus ceannach, coiriúlacht agus pionós, dlíthe, saoirse, réasún agus paisean, pian, féin-eolas, teagasc, cairdeas, caint, am, maith is olc, paidreoireacht, pléisiúr, áilleacht, reiligiún, agus i ndeireadh na dála, an bás. Sa chaibidil dheireanach, tá ceist cad is brí le brí fite fuaite ina bhriathra scoir.
Gerard Clauson's Skeleton Tangut (Hsi Hsia) Dictionary: A facsimile edition (Corpus Textuum Tangutorum; 1)
Introduction by Imre Galambos; indexed by Andrew West; prepared for publication by Michael Everson Second corrected edition 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-247-4
Sir Gerard Clauson’s "Skeleton Tangut (Hsi Hsia) Dictionary" survives as an unpublished manuscript because the author felt that he could not complete it without additional Tangut material. He began compiling the dictionary around 1938 but had to abandon the idea when it became clear that no more Tangut texts held in the USSR would be accessible in the foreseeable future. In the 1950s he deposited the manuscript and his other notes on Tangut studies in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, with the aim of making them available to anyone engaged in the study of Tangut. He believed that the dictionary represented a solid structure which could be enriched with more lexical data once more Tangut texts were published. This facsimile edition makes his work accessible to a wider audience, in order to stimulate further research on the Tangut language. Corpus Textuum Tangutorum is a series presenting a variety of resources relevant to the study of Tangut, also known as Xixia, the northeastern Tibeto-Burman language of the Western Xia empire, attested from 1036–1502.
Colloquial Doesn’t Mean Corrupt: Observations on contemporary Revived Cornish (Studies in Cornish Language and Culture; 7)
By Rod Lyon. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-246-7
William Scawen, writing in the seventeenth century when Cornish was still the vernacular, compares Cornish with other Celtic languages, and says that Cornish is “lively and manly spoken”. When we hear the majority of present-day Cornish speakers, however, this can rarely be said—particularly when considering the “lively” part. Rod Lyon believes that for a number of years matters have been getting worse. He therefore has undertaken some research to find out why this appears to be the case. Inevitably his research has led him to study in depth the traditional Cornish texts. Present-day teaching methods and a particular approach to the texts seem to be the main causes of the problem.
An Etymological Dictionary of the Norn Language in Shetland: A colour facsimile edition (Corpus Textuum Scoticorum; 1)
Prepared for publication by Michael Everson First edition 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-243-6
Jakob Jakobsen’s dictionary was first published in Danish in 1908 as Etymologisk Ordbog over det norrøne Sprog paa Shetland. Its English translation was published in two volumes, in 1928 and 1932 by David Nutt in London and Vilhelm Prior in Copenhagen, and in 1985 it was reprinted in Lerwick by the Shetland Folk Society. Both editions of the book are very scarce and those rare copies that are available from antiquarian booksellers tend to vary both in condition and in cost. This colour facsimile edition contains the entire text in a single volume. A table of contents has been added to the front matter with added section numbers to help the reader navigate Jakobsen’s introductory material; the section numbers have been added in the margin of the text itself. There were 40 corrections given on an errata sheet in volume I, and 21 corrections given in volume II; all of the corrections have been implemented on the scanned images and so the errata sheets have not been reproduced. Corpus Textuum Scoticorum is a series presenting editions of language and literature of particular interest to Scotland. The series focuses on but is not limited to volumes dealing with the Scots and Scottish Gaelic languages.
Алисэ телъыджэщӏым зэрыщыӏар (Alisė Telʺydzhėshchḣym zėryshchyḣar)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Kabardian by Murat Temyr and Murat Brat. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-242-9
«Кэрролл Льюис»—инджылыз тхакӏуэ цӏэрыӏуэщ, Оксфорд университетым и Крайст Чёрч колледжым хьисэпымкӏэ и егъэджакӏуэщ, Чарлз Латвидж Додсон (1832–1898) и цӏэлейщ. Колледжым и унафэщӏ икӏи и ныбжьэгъуфӏ Лидделл Генри и унагъуэм щыхьэщӏэкӏэ, абы таурыхъ яжриӏэт и ныбжьэгъум ипхъу Алисэ цӏыкӏурэ (1852 гъэм къэхъуащ), абы и шыпхъу нэхъыжьхэу Лоринэрэ Эдитрэ. Зэгуэрым—1862 гъэм—гъэмахуэкум и еплӏанэм Кэрроллрэ, абы и ныбжьэгъу щихъ Дакуорт Робинсонрэ, хъыджэбз цӏыкӏуищри я гъусэу, ежьахэщ кхъухьжьейкӏэ псыгъунэм есылӏэу зыщагъэпсэхун я мураду. Мис а зэманым техуэу Кэрролл пщащэхэм яжриӏащ хъыджэбз цӏыкӏу Алисэ теухуа псысэ гъэщӏэгъуэныр: а пщащэр тхьэкӏумэкӏыхьыгъуэм ихуэу абы Телъыджэщӏым и деж къыщыщӏахэр. Алисэ Кэрроллым елъэӏуащ а таурыхъыр итхыжыну, икӏи зэман куэд темыкӏыу ӏэрытхыр хьэзыр хъуащ. Иужькӏэ нэгъуэщӏ гуэрэхэр хагъэхъуэжри, тхылъыр 1865 гъэм къыдэкӏащ. Алисэ Телъыджэщӏым зэрыщыӏар а заманым къыщегъэжьауэ тхылъыр бзэ зэщымыщ куэдми ирагъэуващ. Мы флъагъур а тхылъыр Ищхъэрэ Кавказым и курыкупсэм ит Къэбэрдей-Балъкъэр, Къэрэшей-Шэрджэс республикэхэм щызэрахьэ адыгэбзэкӏэ (адыгэбзэм и къэбэрдей псалъэкӏэ) зэдзэкӏащ.
Алиса Къужур Дунияны Къыдырады (Alisa Qujur Duniyanı Qıdıradı)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Karachay-Balkar by Magomet Gekki 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-241-2
Льюис Кэрролл—айтхылыкъ ингилиз жазыучуну, Оксфордну университетини Крайст Чёрч колледжинде математикадан устазыны, Чарлз Латвидж Додсонну (1832–1898), жашырын атыды. Генри Лидделлни, колледжни ректоруну юйюрюню къаршы шуёху эди, 1852 жылда туугъан Алисагъа бла аны абадан эгечлерине, – Лориннге бла Эдитге, – жомакъла айтыучу эди. Бир жол – 04.07.1862 жылда – Кэрролл, аны шуёху – жюйюсхан Робинсон Дакуорт, юч къызчыкъ, – къайыкъ бла айлана кетип, – сууну жагъасында «суху тойчукъ» къурайдыла. Ол кезиуде Кэрролл бир къызчыкъны, Алисаны, къоянны тешигине ташайгъанын, уча барып, бир Къужур Дуниягъа тюшгенин, анда сейирлик-тамаша хапарларын айтады. Алиса Кэрроллдан бу жомакъны жазып беририн тилейди, кёп сакъламай Алиса жомакъ къоллу болады. Артдаракъда жомакъгъа къошулгъан да этиледи, сюрмеленеди, 1865 жылда уа энчи китап болуп чыгъады. Андан бери Алисаны жомагъы жер жюзюнде халкъланы тиллерине кёчюрюлгенлей барады. Кезиу къарачай-малкъар тилге жетгенине аллыгъызда китап шагъатлыкъ этеди.
La Marveloza Sorcisto de Oz
By L. Frank Baum, translated into Ido by Brian E. Drake, and illustrated by W. W. Denslow 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-240-5
La Marveloza Sorcisto di Oz esas rakonto di L. Frank Baum pri puerino nomizita Dorothy, qua kun sua hundo Toto esas portita da ciklono de Kansas ad la stranja e belega lando di Oz. Hike el decidas vizitar la Smeralda Urbo por demandar de olua regnanto, sorcisto nomita Oz, ke lu retrosendez el adheme. Survoye el konoceskas Terorigilo, qua serchas cerebro; Stana Hakisto, qua deziras havar kordio; e Poltrona Leono, l’unika deziro di qua esas posedar kurajo. La grupeto renkontras multa danjeri e marveloza aventuri, ma sekure atingas la Smeralda Urbo, lia suceso debita a la pensemeso dil Terorigilo, la tenera sorgemeso dil Stana Hakisto, e la senpavoreso dil Poltrona Leono. To esas la libro qua inspiris la famoza cinemo-filmo de 1939 – qua multe diferas de la libro originala!
by Elaine Morton. 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-239-7
Elaine Morton haes been scrievin aff an on for the feck o her life. Her daft days were misspent in lair o leids an music. She erst stertit scrievin hailly in Scots in 1998, muived tae it by the rich idiolects o friens in West Lothian an efter in East Lothian. She is, for instance, aye thankfu tae the chiel wha judged a photie-feenish atween twa rival dauncers wi the words “Ye’se are that close a pail o watter wadna pairt ye.” Mair dacent influences cam frae John Galt, Robert Louis Stevenson, an Hugh MacDiarmid. A muckle guddle o unfurthset scrievins awaits fowk tae come, or the council cowp.
Attravierzo ’o specchio e cchello c’Alice ce truvaie
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Neapolitan by Roberto D'Ajello 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-238-9
Alice dint’ ’o Paese d’ ’e Maraveglie è nu cunto ’e ll’està, prubbecato ’a Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) p’ ’a primma vota ’int’ ’o mese ’e luglio d’ ’o 1865. Nu cuófeno d’ ’e perzunagge e de ll’avventure dint’a chistu libbro tèneno a cche fa’ cu nu mazzo ’e carte. Attravierzo ’o specchio e chello c’Alice ce truvaie è nu cunto d’ ’o vierno, che Carroll prubbecaie p’ ’a primma vota a decembre 1871. Dint’a chisto sicondo cunto ’e perzunagge ’e ll’avventure girano attuorno a na partita ’e scacche.
Aventurs Pinocchio: Whedhel popet
By Carlo Collodi, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, and illustrated by Enrico Mazzanti 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-237-5
An whedhel a’n popet a bredn usy ow soweny wàr an dyweth dhe dhesky dader hag yw gwrës gwir-vaw yw aswonys dres oll an norvës. Peskytter may whrella Geppetto, an gravyor predn, kervya popet a yll kerdhes ha côwsel, yma an fantasy-ma, rych y awen, ow try Pinocchio der aventurs heb nùmber; rag ensampyl, yma y dhewfrik ow tevy hir dres ehen pynag oll dermyn a wrella ev leverel gow, ev yw gwrës asen hag yw lenkys gans morgy, kyns ès ev orth dyweth an whedhel dhe drouvya gwir-lowena. Nyns yw an drolla-ma leun a emôcyons shùgrus ha nyns ywa whedhel naneyl a vo porposys dhe dhesky omdhegyans dâ. I’n contrary part yma Pinocchio dhe reckna in mesk domhelydhyon vrâs an folen screfys, awenyth muscok neb yw herdhys in rag in dadn arlottes y blesours ha’y whansow; in udn ger ev yw negedhys pur.
Sensuroitu Suomessa: Kirjoituksia blogista Kolinaa Panuhuoneesta 2006
Essays on culture in Finnish by Panu Petteri Höglund. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-234-4
Keväällä 2006 Panu Höglund värvättiin suuren suomalaisen nettiportaalin pakinoitsijaksi, koska hänellä oli ”oma tapansa käyttää kieltä”. Keväällä 2013 hän sai potkut eikä ole siitä saakka kelvannut yhteenkään suomenkieliseen julkaisuun, koska maahanmuuttokriitikot eivät salli. Tähän niteeseen on koottu hänen tärkeimmät kirjoituksensa syksyltä 2006, kun äärioikeistolaiset eivät vielä olleet sensuroimassa suomalaista sananvapautta.
Alicia in Terra Mirabili
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Latin by Clive Harcourt Carruthers 2018. Hardcover ISBN 978-1-78201-233-7
Hōc in librō offertur lēctōrī nova ēditiō fābulae Alicia in Terrā Mīrābilī in Latīnum annō 1964ō ā Clive Harcourt Carruthers conversae. Differt ā prīmā ēditiōne duābus praecipuīs rēbus: cum quod discrīmen nunc servātur inter i litteram vōcālem et j litteram vim cōnsonantis habentem, tum quod omnēs vōcālēs longae sunt līneolīs superscrīptīs ōrnātae. Omnium vōcālium longitūdinēs dīligenter exquīsītae sunt, etiam in syllabīs positiōne longīs. In pauciōribus syllabīs, quārum vōcālium longitūdinēs aut nunc incertae sunt, aut manifestē etiam antīquīs temporibus vacillābant, vōcālēs sine līneolīs scrīptae sunt.
Alicia in Terra Mirabili
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Latin by Clive Harcourt Carruthers 2018. Paperback ISBN 978-1-78201-232-0
Hōc in librō offertur lēctōrī nova ēditiō fābulae Alicia in Terrā Mīrābilī in Latīnum annō 1964ō ā Clive Harcourt Carruthers conversae. Differt ā prīmā ēditiōne duābus praecipuīs rēbus: cum quod discrīmen nunc servātur inter i litteram vōcālem et j litteram vim cōnsonantis habentem, tum quod omnēs vōcālēs longae sunt līneolīs superscrīptīs ōrnātae. Omnium vōcālium longitūdinēs dīligenter exquīsītae sunt, etiam in syllabīs positiōne longīs. In pauciōribus syllabīs, quārum vōcālium longitūdinēs aut nunc incertae sunt, aut manifestē etiam antīquīs temporibus vacillābant, vōcālēs sine līneolīs scrīptae sunt.
Eachtraí Eilíse i dTír na nIontas: Mathew Staunton a mhaisigh
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Irish by Nicholas Williams 2022. ISBN 978-1-78201-231-3
Is seoid de litríocht na bpáistí an leabhar Béarla Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland a foilsíodh den chéad uair sa bhliain 1865. Is iomaí sin teanga a bhfuil aistriúchán den scéal le fáil inti. Foilsíodh aistriúchán Gaeilge le Pádraig Ó Cadhla (1875-1948) sa bhliain 1922 ach ní fhacthas leagan ar bith eile i nGaeilge go dtí anois. Is aistriúchán nua ar fad an leagan seo thíos. K. Verschoyle a rinne na léaráidí le haghaidh aistriúchán Uí Chadhla. Is iad na pictiúir cháiliúla a rinne Sir John Tenniel agus a bhí sa chéad eagrán Béarla atá le feiceáil sa leabhar seo.
The Prophet
Written and illustrated by Kahlil Gibran. 2019. ISBN 978-1-78201-230-6
The Prophet is a book of 26 fables written in English prose poetry by the Lebanese-American poet and philosopher Kahlil Gibran. It was first published in 1923 and is Gibran’s best known work. The Prophet has been translated into over 100 languages, making it one of the most translated books in history. It has never been out of print. The narrative introduces us to the Prophet Almustafa, who has waited twelve years for his ship, which will finally take him back to his homeland. Before leaving, some inhabitants of the city of Orphalese ask him to convey to them his insights on various topics for the last time (“Speak to us of…”). The Prophet relates 26 sermons that deal with basic questions of human life, such as love, marriage, children, giving, eating and drinking, work, joy and sorrow, houses, clothes, buying and selling, crime and punishment, laws, freedom, reason and passion, pain, self-knowledge, teaching, friendship, talking, time, good and evil, prayer, pleasure, beauty, religion, and finally death. In the final chapter, Almustafa interweaves a discussion about the question of meaning into his parting words.
O Mice an Men
By John Steinbeck, translated into Northeast Scots by Sheena Blackhall 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-229-0
A horrifeein tale o fleg that’ll bumbaze an dumfouner its readers. Haud awa frae the licht settins o’t that ye’ve seen in films an gaither yer virr tae gyang intae the psychological grue o Jekyll and Hyde. It’s in Lunnon that the buik is supposedly set, bit ilkie page is drookit in the oorie air o Embro—far Robert Louis Stevenson wis born. Is’t a Freudian fable, a morality parable, or a sexual allegory? Its up tae yersel tae decide.
The Mighty Woman's Adventures Abroad
By Art de Creag. Translated from the Irish by Mícheál Ó hAodha. 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-228-3
The Mighty Woman’s Adventures Abroad is Mícheál Ó hAodha’s English translation of Eachtra na Mná Móire thar Lear, Art de Creag’s first novel in Irish, a hilariously sardonic take on Irish life and the humanity more generally. It is also a witty and darkly humorous exploration of a range of fictional types and characters who made up the Irish language movement.
Fey Case o Dr Jekyll an Mr Hyde
By Robert Louis Stevenson, translated into Northeast Scots by Sheena Blackhall, and with illustrations by Mathew Staunton 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-226-9
A horrifeein tale o fleg that’ll bumbaze an dumfouner its readers. Haud awa frae the licht settins o’t that ye’ve seen in films an gaither yer virr tae gyang intae the psychological grue o Jekyll and Hyde. It’s in Lunnon that the buik is supposedly set, bit ilkie page is drookit in the oorie air o Embro—far Robert Louis Stevenson wis born. Is’t a Freudian fable, a morality parable, or a sexual allegory? Its up tae yersel tae decide.
Tine sa Chácóin
A novel by Panu Petteri Höglund. 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-224-5
Tír shuaimhneach shíochánta i dTuaisceart na hEorpa a bhí sa Chácóin tráth. Anois áfach tá sí ar coipeadh le seineafóibe is le sceimhlitheoireacht. Maraíodh fear ceannais na heite deise antoiscí, agus an chuma ar an scéal go bhfuil lucht a leanúna ag cromadh ar fheachtas sceimhlitheoireachta le díoltas a bhagairt ar an tsochaí go léir. Caithfidh Makar Turkan, bleachtaire, an dúnmharfóir a cheapadh sula rachaidh cúrsaí na tíre ó smacht go hiomlán. Tháinig an scéal seo i gcló an chéad uair ar an iris Ghael-Mheiriceánach An Gael i dtús na 2010idí, ach níor imigh a dhath dá thoipiciúlacht idir an dá linn. Scéinséir é seo atá bord ar bhord le himeachtaí corracha ár linne. Scéal grá é freisin. Achainí phaiseanta atá ann ar son cairdis agus muintearais, in aghaidh gach cineál ciníochais.
Reflecting Alice: A Textual Commentary on Through the Looking-Glass
By Lewis Carroll, with an introduction and Notes by Selwyn Goodacre 2021. ISBN 978-1-78201-223-7
This textual commentary looks at Through the Looking-Glass quite simply, as a children’s novel, investigating the book’s narrative structure, analysing how Carroll successfully constructed a pioneering book for children that was to stand the test of time, remaining remarkably relevant to the present day. There are many depths and subtleties in this book that can only be properly appreciated by examining the text line by line. The writing is supremely skilful, and will stand the closest scrutiny-even virtually to every line of the narrative. Most books would crumble under such close analysis. It is testimony to the strength, depth, and quality of Through the Looking-Glass that the book comes through such intense examination and survives triumphantly. Selwyn Goodacre has a large Lewis Carroll collection including over 2000 copies of the Alice books. He is a past chairman of the Lewis Carroll Society, and edited the Society journal from 1974-1997. For years he has pursued a special interest in the text of the Alice books, which has led to his current commentary on, and analysis of, the way they were written.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: An edition printed in QR Codes
By Lewis Carroll, Illustrated by John Tenniel 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-222-1
QR Code was designed in 1994 for the Japanese automotive industry. Its purpose was to track vehicles during manufacturing; it was designed to allow high-speed component scanning. QR Codes are used around the world to enable people to get to websites quickly. They are also used for advertisements. This edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is presented in 114 QR Codes which have an average character count of 1281. You can decode each page easily with a free QR Code reader on any smartphone.
De Aventure Alisu in Mirvizilànd
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Uropi by Bertrand Carette & Joël Landais First edition 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-221-4
Lewis Carroll se u skrivinom: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson sì de veri nom de skrivori we sì profesor matematiki be Christ Church in Oxford. Dodgson inizì de storij be 4i Ʒul 1862, wan he pasitì in u remibark su riv Isis in Oxford sam ki Reverend Robinson Duckworth, ki Alice Liddell (10 jare), dota de Dekani od Christ Church, id ci du sestas, Lorina (13 jare), id Edith (8 jare). Wim je se klar in de poèm be inìz de bibi, de tri ʒikas pragì a Dodgson retalo u storij id, gonvolim prim, he inizì retalo lo de pri versiòn de storiji. Je ste mole mij-celen reperade a da pin persone tra tal de bibiteksti som, we vidì fendim publizen in 1865. Uropi se u struen linga wen i av som kreaten; je se u sintèz Indeuropan lingus, klarim bazen su de komùn Indeuropan rode.
Alice sine opplevingar i Eventyrlandet
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Nynorsk by Sigrun Anny Røssbø 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-220-7 OUT OF PRINT
Lewis Carroll er eit pseudonym: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson var forfattarens eigentlege namn. Han var foreleser i matematikk i Christ Church i Oxford. Dodgson byrja historia 4. juli 1862, då han ferda i ein robåt på elva Isis i Oxford saman med Pastor Robinson Duckworth, med Alice Liddell (ti år) – dottera til Diakon av Christ Church, samt hennar to søstre Lorina (13 år) og Edith (åtte år). Som det kjem fram i diktet i byrjinga av boka, spurde dei tre jentene Dodgson om ei forteljing og motviljeg starta han å fortelje dei den fyrste versjonen av historia. Det er mange referansar halvvegs gøymd igjennom heile boka, som då endeleg vart publisert i 1865. Det er med stor gledje eg tilbyr versjon nummer to av Sigrun Anny Røssbø si nynorske omsetjing som fyrst vart publisert i 2003 under tittelen Alice på Eventyr under Jorda. Denne tittelen tilhøyrer originalt den hand-skrivne versjonen Carroll gav til Alice Liddell Alice's Adventures under Ground, som her har vorte endra til Alice sine opplevingar i Eventyrlandet. Myndigheit for dette kjem frå omsetjinga i seg sjølv: i kapittel X, fortel den Forlorne Skilpadda til Alice; «Come, let’s hear some of your adventures» – her omsett til «Lat oss no få høyra noko av det du har opplevd»; óg i kapittel XII vert ordet «Wonderland» omsett to gongar til «Eventyrlandet»
Сыр Алиса Попэя кэ Чюдэнгири Пхув (Sir Alisa Popeja ke Čudengiri Phuv)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into North Russian Romani by Viktor Shapoval 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-219-1
Льюисо Кэрролло—адава сы псевдонимо, а лэскиро чячюно кхарибэн сыс Чарлзо Латвиджо Додсоно (1832–1898), английско писателё, джиндло пирэ нонсэнс-литература, и сыклякирибнари пирэ математика дро колледжо «Крайст Чёрч» (Христоскири кхангэри) ко университето Оксфордо. Ёв сыс лачё друго Генрискэ Лидделлоскэ, адалэ колледжоскирэ ректороскэ, и лэскирэ барэ семьякэ. Кэрролло роспхэнэлас байки тыкнэ Алисакэ (сыс бияндлы дрэ 1852 бэрш) и дуе пхурэдырэ пхэненгэ Лоринакэ и Эдитакэ. Екх моло—дро 4-то июлякиро 1862-то б.—Кэрролло, лэскиро друго рашай Робинсоно Дакуорто и трин тыкнэ ранорья выкэдынэпэ прэ лодка тэ погулинэн прэ природа и скэрдэ пикнико про рэкакиро брэго.
The Winnerfu Warlock o Oz
By L. Frank Baum, translated into Northeast Scots by Sheena Blackhall, and illustrated by W. W. Denslow 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-218-4
The Winnerfu Warlock o Oz is L. Frank Baum’s tale o a wee quine caad Dorothy, fa wi her tyke Toto is cairriet by a furlywin frae Kansas tae the fey an bonnie lan o Oz. Here she ettles tae veesit the Emerant Toon tae sikk its heid bummer, a warlock caad Oz, tae sen her back hame again. On the wey she faas in wi a Tattiebogle, fa’s sikkin harns; a Tin Widmannie, fa wints tae hae a hairt; an a Cooardy Lion, fas ae wint is tae hae virr. The wee pairty encoonter mony mishanters an mervelous happenins on the wey, bit win tae the Emerant Toon safe, their success bein doon tae the thochtfuness o the Tattiebogle, the douce care o the Tin Widmannie, an the virr o the Cooardy Lion. This is the buik ahin the weel kent 1939 film—that differs frae the oreeginal buik in a fair fyew weys! This full-colour buik hauds the oreeginal illustrations by William Wallace Denslow that wir scanned frae copies o the first edeetion. There’s 24 colour plates an 150 text illustrations, mony localized inno the Scots leid. The buik his bin typeset in a wey like thon o the first edeetion, wi a puckle typographic cheenges fur the reader nooadays.
Disionario de Lingua Franca Nova: elefen-engles engles-elefen
Compiled by Simon Davies and George Boeree 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-217-7.
Esta disionario bilingual es dirijeda a parlores de engles ci usa lingua franca nova, un lingua aidante internasional construida par George Boeree, prima publicida a la rede en 1998, developada par sua comunia tra du desenios, e aora comun conoseda—longo sua inisiales—como elefen. La parte elefen–engles conteni plu ca 17 000 entradas xef e plu ca 6 000 espresas ajuntada; on trova plu ca 34 000 entradas xef en la parte engles–elefen. La libro ofre ance un resoma corta de la gramatica elefen, incluinte listas aidosa de parolas funsional, prefisas e sufisas. This bilingual dictionary is aimed at English-speaking users of Lingua Franca Nova, an international auxiliary language constructed by George Boeree, first published online in 1998, developed by its community over two decades, and now commonly known—via its initials—as Elefen. The Elefen–English section contains over 17,000 main entries and more than 6,000 additional phrases; there are over 34,000 main entries in the English–Elefen part. The book also offers a brief overview of Elefen grammar, including helpful lists of function words, prefixes and suffixes.
Jean Eyre
By Charlotte Brontë, translated into Northeast Scots by Sheena Blackhall and Sheila Templeton, with illustrations by Edmund H. Garrett and E. M. Wimperis 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-215-3
This weel-kent camin-o-age novel howks inno the feelins an ongauns o a young wumman, frae her wersh an coorse bairnhood, frae her growin intae adulthood an her brierin luve fur Mr. Rochester, the maister o Thornfield Haa. In its screivin o the inbye thochts o action—the spotlicht is on the slaw unfauldin o Jean's ethical an itherwardly awaurness, an aa the happenins are peintit wi a heichtened pouer that wis aince the warld o poetry—Jean Eyre transmogrifeed the airt o screivin. Charlotte Brontë his bin caaed the “first historian o the intimmers o thocht” an the literar forebear o screivers like Marcel Proust an James Joyce. The novel hauds swatches o social critique, wi a strang feelin o Christian vertue at its mids, an is thocht bi mony tae be aheid o its time gien the unique natur o Jean an the novel’s dellin intae classicism, sexuality, reeligion, an proto-feminism.
Midnight Metamorphosis
By Deborah E. Kehoe 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-214-6
When her mother died, Avery Anderson finally had a chance to leave a runaway life behind to try to have a normal one. After she moves in with her aunt Brenna and starts her new high school in Dover, California, Avery discovers that she isn’t an average teenage girl. On her sixteenth birthday she’ll inherit a mixture of Elemental and Seer powers. There’s only one problem: at fifteen, she’s already pretty powerful. Cole Sullivan was transplanted to Dover for a mission—and that mission is Avery. Cole is an Elemental who has trained to be a Guardian, having gained powers over three elements when he was twelve years of age. When Cole befriends Avery, he realizes that guarding her is going to be more difficult than he imagined. With her growing powers, she may be the daughter prophesied to bring about the end of his kind. When twins Devon and Dani Finn are suddenly enrolled by their father in the same school as Avery with an order to contain her if she’s dangerous, Devon gets suspicious though his sister supports their dad. Devon realizes that he and Avery may have a lot in common through shared talismans that align their powers, and they build a friendship.
La Mirinda Sorĉisto de Oz
By L. Frank Baum, translated into Esperanto by Donald Broadribb, and illustrated by W. W. Denslow 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-213-9
La Mirinda Sorĉisto de Oz estas rakonto far L. Frank Baum pri knabineto nomata Dorothy, kiu kun sia hundo Toto estas forportata de ciklono el Kansas al la stranga kaj bela lando Oz. Ĉi tie ŝi decidas viziti la Smeraldan Urbon por peti ĝian reganton, sorĉiston nomatan Oz, ke li resendu ŝin hejmen. Dumvoje ŝi renkontas Birdotimigilon, kiu serĉas cerbon; Stanan Lignohakiston, kiu volas havi koron; kaj Malkuraĝan Leonon, kies sola deziro estas posedi kuraĝon. La malgranda kompanio renkontas multajn danĝerojn kaj mirindajn aventurojn laŭ sia vojo, sed sukcese atingas la Smeraldan Urbon sendamaĝe, dank’ al la pensemo de la Birdotimigilo, la tenera zorgado de la Stana Lignohakisto, kaj la sentimeco de la Malkuraĝa Leono. Ĉi tiu estas la libro, kiu inspiris la faman filmon de 1939—kiu diferencas de la originala libro multmaniere!
Alicia in Terra Mirabili: Ēditiō Bilinguis Latīna et Anglica Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Latin-English Bilingual Edition
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Latin by Clive Harcourt Carruthers 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-212-2
Hōc in librō offertur lēctōrī nova ēditiō fābulae Alicia in Terrā Mīrābilī in Latīnum annō 1964ō ā Clive Harcourt Carruthers conversae. Differt ā prīmā ēditiōne duābus praecipuīs rēbus: cum quod discrīmen nunc servātur inter i litteram vōcālem et j litteram vim cōnsonantis habentem, tum quod omnēs vōcālēs longae sunt līneolīs superscrīptīs ōrnātae. Omnium vōcālium longitūdinēs dīligenter exquīsītae sunt, etiam in syllabīs positiōne longīs. In pauciōribus syllabīs, quārum vōcālium longitūdinēs aut nunc incertae sunt, aut manifestē etiam antīquīs temporibus vacillābant, vōcālēs sine līneolīs scrīptae sunt.
Ke Kāula Kamahaʻo o ʻOza
By L. Frank Baum, translated into Hawaiian by R. Keao NeSmith, and illustrated by W. W. Denslow 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-211-5
He moʻolelo ʻo Ke Kāula Kamahaʻo o ʻOza na L. Frank Baum no kekahi kaikamahine liʻiliʻi i kapa ʻia ʻo Dorotea i halihali ʻia ai me kāna ʻīlio, ʻo Toto, ma loko o kekahi makani kaʻa wiliwili mai Kanesasa ā hiki i ka ʻāina kupaianaha a nani, ʻo ʻOza. Ua holo kona manaʻo ma laila e kipa i ke Kaona Nui ʻEmelala e noi ai i ke aliʻi o laila, ʻo ke kāula i kapa ʻia ʻo ʻOza, nāna e hoʻihoʻi iā ia i kona home. Ma ke kaʻahele ʻana, hālāwai ʻo ia me kekahi Kiʻi Hoʻoweliweli Manu e ʻimi ana i ka lolo nona; he Kanaka Kua Lāʻau Kini e ʻiʻini ana i puʻuwai nona; a me kekahi Liona Hōhē, ʻo kona ʻiʻini hoʻokahi wale nō, ʻo ia ke koa o ka naʻau. Nui nā mea weliweli a pāhaʻohaʻo a kēia pūʻulu kaʻahele i ʻike ai, akā, ua kū aku nō lākou i ke Kaona Nui ʻEmelala me ka palekana nō ma muli o ka ʻeleu o ke Kiʻi Hoʻoweliweli, ka mālama pono ʻana o ke Kua Lāʻau Kini, a me ka wiwo ʻole o ka Liona Hōhē. Na kēia puke i kōkua i ka hana ʻia ʻana o ke kiʻiʻoniʻoni kaulana o ka 1939—a he ʻokoʻa iki kēlā moʻolelo mai ka moʻolelo o ka puke kumu ma nā ʻano like ʻole! Aia i loko o kēia puke waihoʻoluʻu nā kiʻi i kaha ʻia e William Wallace Denslow, ua hoʻoili ʻia nā kiʻi mai nā kope o ka puka mua ʻana o ka puke. He 24 mau pā waihoʻoluʻu a me 150 kiʻi hui ʻia i loko o ka ʻōlelo i kikokiko ʻia, a hoʻoponopono ʻia nā mea he nui o ia mau kiʻi no ka ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi. Ua hoʻonohonoho ʻia ka paʻi ʻana o kēia puke ma kekahi ʻano like me ka puka mua ʻana, a hoʻoponopono ʻia kekahi mau ʻano o ke kikokiko ʻana no ka mea heluhelu o kēia au.
Приключения Алисы в Стране Чудес (Prikliucheniia Alisy v Strane Chudes)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Russian by Yury Nesterenko First edition 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-209-2
Перевод «Алисы в Стране чудес» Юрия Нестеренко (2000), доступный в течение многих лет в Интернете, впервые публикуется в виде бумажной книги, с классическими иллюстрациями Джона Тенниела. Из предисловия переводчика: «Все русские переводы “Алисы”, с которыми мне довелось ознакомиться, достаточно далеки от оригинала. Честнее всего поступил Заходер, прямо назвавший свой вариант пересказом; но и переводчики, не сделавшие такой оговорки, позволили себе весьма вольное обращение с авторским текстом. Не стану утверждать, будто то, что у них получилось, никуда не годится; напротив, вариант Заходера, к примеру, написан более живым языком, чем оригинал, но есть одна маленькая проблема—Кэрролл писал не это. Итак, моей целью было сделать как можно более точный перевод—разумеется, настолько, насколько позволяют различия между английским и русским языком.» Юрий Нестеренко (1972 г.р.), поэт и фантаст, живёт во Флориде.
Алисакӧд Шемӧсмуын лоӧмторъяс (Аlіsаkӧd Šemӧsmuyn loӧmtorʺjas)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Komi-Zyrian by Evgenіі Tsypanov (text) and Elena Eltsova (verse) First edition 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-207-8
Англия литератураысь Россияын и Коми муын медся тöдса, дерт, Вильям Шекспир аслас ворсанторъяснас, сы бöрын мунö Льюис Кэрролл (1832–1898) да сылöн Алиса нывка йылысь гижöдыс. Нималана гижысьыслöн збыль нимыс вöлöма Чарлз Латвидж Додсон (рочöн гижöны Доджсон), сiйö велöдлöма математикаö Оксфорд университетса Крайст Чёрч колледжын, ёртасьлöма велöдчанiнса декан Генри Лиделлкöд, кодлöн вöлöма куим чой, на пиысь медiчöтыс Алиса нима нывка (чужлöма 1852-öд воын), ыджыдджыкъясыс Лорина да Эдит. Öтчыдысь 1862-öд вося ода-кора тöлысь 4-öд лунö Кэрролл, Робинсон вежаай да куим чой петасны голлясьны-джывъявны пыжöн да сувтасны шойччыны вадорö, пестасны бипур да нуръясясны. Сэки Льюис медводдзаысь висьталас Алиса нывка йылысь мойдсö, кыдзи нывкаыс вöтчас Горткöч бöрся да усяс пыдi гуö, сэтчöс шемöсмöдана лоöмторъяс йывсьыс. Алисаыс сэсся корöма Кэрзоллöс гижны сылы мойдсö, и регыд мысти тайö лои вöчöма. Сёрöнджык сы дорö гижысьыс содталöма мыйсюрö да 1865-öд воö лои йöзöдöма «Алисакöд шемöсмуын лоöмторъяс» небöг, кодöс сэсся вуджöдалöмаöсь мусяр пасьтала 200 сайö кывйö. Тiян водзын тайö нималана небöгсö медводдза комиöдöм.
Harry Potter a me ka Pōhaku Akeakamai
By J.K. Rowling, translated into Hawaiian by R. Keao NeSmith 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-206-1
‘A‘ole i lohe ‘o HARRY POTTER no ke Kula Hogwart i ke kau ‘ana mai o nā LEKA ma ka moena ‘īpuka o mua o ka hale ma ka helu ‘ehā, Alanui Pilikino. Na kona ‘anakala me kona ‘anakē ‘a‘aka loa i kā‘ili koke i nā leka i kākau ‘ia ai me ka ‘īnika ‘ŌMA‘OMA‘O ma luna o ka ‘ili palapala LENALENA me ka uepa PONI. A laila, ma ka lā hānau piha ‘umi kumamākahi makahiki o Harry, ‘ō‘ili maila kekahi PILIKUA me ka lauoho pūkalakī loa i kapa ‘ia ‘o RUBEUS HAGRID me ka pahū ikaika a halihali maila ‘o ia i kekahi lono KUPAIANAHA. He kahuna ho‘okalakupua ‘o Harry Potter a he wahi nō kona ma KE KULA HOGWART NO KA ‘OIHANA HO‘OKALAKUPUA. ‘O ka ho‘omaka mai nō koe o kekahi huaka‘i ho‘okāhāhā!
Mou Her Name
by Gabriel Rosenstock, translated into Scots by John McDonald. 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-205-4
Mou Her Name forrits the reader mair nor a hunner pomes in whit the makar cries a neo-bhakti style—a modren skew on thae poems o deep holiness whilk are threipit an croonit in India yit. Aff the cuff an meestical thae ootpoorins heize frae ayont the makar’s ain mense, he’s tiggit the hem o the Yirth Mither’s goun, an she’s turnt tae’m, an throuch his maisterly airt, turns tae us.
Asarlaí Iontach Oz
By L. Frank Baum, translated into Irish by Colin Parmar, and illustrated by W. W. Denslow 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-204-7
Is scéal Asarlaí Iontach Oz le L. Frank Baum faoi chailín beag darb ainm Dorataí a sciobann cuaranfa in éineacht lena madra beag Tótó í ó Khansas chuig tír álainn aduain Oz. Nuair atá sí ann socraíonn sí cuairt a thabhairt ar Chathair na Smaragaidí chun go n-iarrfaidh sí ar Oz Asarlaí, rialóir na tíre, í a chur abhaile arís. Castar uirthi agus í ar an mbealach Babhdán atá ag lorg inchinne; Coillteoir Stáin a bhfuil croí ag teastáil uaidh agus Leon meata nach bhfuil dada uaidh ach crógacht. Cé go mbuaileann an grúpa beag le mórán contúirtí agus eachtraí iontacha, éiríonn leo Cathair na Smaragaidí a shroicheadh go slán sábháilte, ach má éiríonn is de bharr intleacht an Bhabhdán, cineáltacht an Choillteora agus sárchrógacht an Leoin é. Ba é an leabhar seo ab inspioráid do scannán cáiliúil na bliana 1939, cé nach mar a chéile go díreach an leabhar féin agus an scannán! Tá bunmhaisiúcháin William Wallace Denslow le feiceáil san aistriúchán lándaite sómasach seo ar ó chóipeanna den chéad eagrán Béarla a scanadh iad. Tá 24 phláta daite agus 150 maisiúchán téacsa sa leabhar agus nuair ba ghá cuireadh in oiriúint don aistriúchán Gaeilge iad. Tá clóchur an leabhair ar aon dul le leagan amach an chéad eagráin Bhéarla ach go bhfuil roinnt feabhsúchán déanta air sin in áiteanna ar mhaithe le léitheoirí an lae inniu.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Illustrated by J. Michael Rolen
By Lewis Carroll, with a Foreword by Michael Everson 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-210-8
This edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has found its way into print because the publisher liked the illustrations, which he found out about from a conversation he and I had earlier this year. Thank goodness he asked to publish them; he’s a real publisher, and I have wandered in the publishing desert ever since J. Michael Rolen drew the illustrations for me long ago, in 1977, back before the Internet came into being.
Stragno Fall om Doctor Jekyll ed Poti Hyde
By Robert Louis Stevenson, translated into Sambahsa by Olivier Simon, and with illustrations by Mathew Staunton 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-208-5
Uno narn om horror ed terror quod siet taraghe ed hayranihes sien leisers. Myehrste ia forlegvern filmversions ed bevidte courage pro tod psychologic aventure. Id storia jinkdout in London, bet ghehdiet ubgwehmus in id mysteirplen hava os Edinburg, id urb quer gnahsit Robert Louis Stevenson. Kwe id est un Freudsk basmo, uno moralo parabel au un allegoria de sexualitat? Vos est zaruri.
Pystrior Marthys Pow Òz
By L. Frank Baum, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, and illustrated by W. W. Denslow 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-203-0
Yth yw Pystrior Marthys Pow Òz whedhel gans L. Frank Baum ow tùchya mowes vian Dorothy yw scubys dre gorwyns warbarth gans hy hy Tôtô in mes a Kansas bys in Òz, pow stranj ha sêmly. Pàn vo hy ena yma hy owth ervira travalya dhe Cyta an Emerôs may halla hy govyn orth rêwlyas an pow, Pystrior henwys Òz, dh’y gorra tre arta. Yma hy ow metya i’n fordh Bùcka Bryny, usy ow whelas empydnyon, Forstor Stênys usy ow tesîrya colon ha Lion ownek neb yw whansek dhe gafos coraj. Kynth usy an bagas bian ow tastya meur a berylyow hag ow cafos lies aventur coynt, ymowns y ow soweny wàr an dyweth dhe dhrehedhes Cyta an Emerôs yn salow, dre rêson a skentoleth an Bùcka Bryny, kerensa guv an Forstor Stênys ha fara diown an Lion. Yth o an lyver-ma neb a inspîryas fylm gerys brâs an vledhen 1939, kyn nag yw haval in pùb poynt an lyver ha’n fylm an eyl dh’y gela! Yma lînyansow gwredhek William Wallace Denslow dhe weles i’n trailyans leunlywys ha gorlanwesek-ma. Yma 24 plâta lywys i’n lyver ha 150 delînyansow text; hag y feu radn a’n re-na desedhys dhe acordya poran gans an trailyans Kernowek. Yth yw olsettyans an lyver kepar ha hedna i’n kensa dyllans Sowsnek, kynth yw amendys olsettyans an lyver-ma in nebes tyleryow rag comodyta redyoryon agan dedhyow ny.
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
By L. Frank Baum, illustrated by W. W. Denslow 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-202-3
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is L. Frank Baum's story of a little girl named Dorothy, who with her dog Toto is carried by a tornado from Kansas to the strange and beautiful land of Oz. Here she decides to visit the Emerald City to ask its ruler, a wizard called Oz, to send her back home again. On the way she meets a Scarecrow, who is in search of brains; a Tin Woodman, who wishes to have a heart; and a Cowardly Lion, whose one desire is to possess courage. The little party encounter many dangers and marvelous adventures on the way, but reach the Emerald City in safety, their success being due to the thoughtfulness of the Scarecrow, the tender care of the Tin Woodman, and the fearlessness of the Cowardly Lion. This is the book that inspired the famous 1939 film -- which differs from the original book in quite a few ways! illustrations by William Wallace Denslow which were were scanned from copies of the first edition. There are 24 colour plates and 150 text illustrations. The book has been typeset a fashion similar to that of the first edition, with some typographic improvements for the modern reader.
Әлисәнең Сәйерстандағы мажаралары (Ӓlisӓneñ Sӓyerstandağı majaraları)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Bashkir by Güzӓl Sitdykov First edition 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-201-6
Льюис Кэрролл—атаҡлы инглиз яҙыусыһы һәм Оксфорд университеты Крайст Чёрч колледжының математика уҡытыусыһы Чарлз Латвидж Додсондың (1832–1898) псевдонимы. Ул колледж ректоры Генри Лидделл ғаиләһенең яҡын дуҫы булған һәм үҫмер Элис (1852 йылғы) менән уның Лорина һәм Эдит тигән апаларына әкиәттәр һөйләй торған булған. Бер мәл—1862 йылдың 4 июлендә—Кэрролл, уның дуҫы, рухани Робинсон Дакуорт һәм өс ҡыҙ бала кәмәлә йөрөргә сығып китәләр ҙә яр буйында табын ҡороп ултыралар. Шул сәфәр ваҡытында Кэрролл Әлисә исемле ҡыҙыҡайҙың йорт ҡуяны өңөнә осоп төшөүе һәм уның шундағы сәйер илдә шаҡ ҡатырғыс мажараларға тарыуы тарихын һөйләй ҙә инде. Элис был әкиәтте Кэрроллдың яҙып биреүен үтенә, бер аҙҙан ҡулъяҙма әҙер ҙә була. Һуңғараҡ уға төҙәтмәләр индерелә һәм тулыландырыла, һәм 1865 йылда китап баҫылып сыға. Шунан бирле «Әлисәнең Сәйерстандағы мажаралары» әкиәтенең төрлө версиялары донъя йөҙөндәге башҡа телдәрҙә сығып тора. Әҫәр элегерәк йәш тәржемәсе А. Әхмәҙиева тарафынан башҡорт теленә әйләндерелгәйне инде.
School: The Seventh Silence
By Craig Herbertson Second edition 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-200-9
Jean Deforte has found a caterpillar but lost his little sister. It’s a difficult year; Father is dying and Mother has sent him to an English school. Nobody likes Jean because he is half French. The girls are laughing. The teachers are on his back. The bullies are waiting in the hallways. Unluckily for Jean, there are worse things than bullies… There are vacant black holes in the corners of his mind. There are darker things that would gladly fill them. Jean is about to discover that his school is more foreign than he could possibly imagine. Jean’s quest to find her becomes a personal journey. A journey to the door of the Seventh Silence. A rite of passage, a symbolic expedition through Hades, the struggle between good and evil, the collision of appearance and reality. There is something here of Dante Alighieri, Mervyn Peake, Lewis Carroll. Add a little Franz Kafka and Philip K. Dick, and you will have guessed that this is not a book for children—unless, like Jean, they are very brave.
Ice: A Tale of Horror
By Frank Pickering 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-199-6
When Tom Shepherd returns to the Swiss mountain from where his wife disappeared while skiing five years previously, he has no idea what dark forces are about to be released. The picturesque charm of the ski resort masks a black history of dreadful deeds hidden but not forgotten, waiting to be unearthed. But the mountain that looms over the little town like a grim guardian holds an even more ancient secret. The time has come for its power to be unleashed once more. The consequences will be terrible.
Соня в царстве дива (Sonia v tsarstve diva): A new edition of the first Russian translation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
By Lewis Carroll 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-198-9
The first Russian translation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland appeared in Moscow in 1879. It bore the title Sonia in a Kingdom of Wonder. The text was printed in old Russian orthography (that is, using the old letters “і” and “ѣ”, and “ъ” at the ends of words, etc.) which was supplanted by the spelling reform of 1918. No name of the author, illustrator, or translator appeared on the title page. There is strong new evidence that the translator was Ekaterina Boratynskaya (née Timiryazeva), who later became an accomplished translator of children’s literature from English, a friend of Lev Tolstoy, and the first teacher of Boris Pasternak. According to Nina Demurova, “There are now many Russian translations of Alice, but Sonia is the first, and the only one done within Carroll’s lifetime, presumably with his knowledge, and thereby must be accorded a place of honour in the canon.” This is the first printing of Sonia in modern Russian orthography. The book has been edited by Victor Fet, whose introduction, essays, and notes supply much scholarship and commentary to the volume.
По эту сторону: Стихотворения и поэмы (Po ėtu storonu: Stikhotvoreniia i poėmy)
by Victor Fet. 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-197-2
Предметом стихов Фета служат все стороны жизни и литературы. Но он снова и снова возвращается к естественнонаучному видению. Это уместно, поскольку автор—биолог. Но это также необычайно трудно, и поэтому поэзия, нетривиальным образом черпающая вдохновение в науке, чрезвычайно редка на каком бы то ни было языке.... Научное видение естественным образом наполняет стихи Виктора Фета, сочетаясь с философией и воображением. (Роальд Хоффманн) --- Every aspect of life and literature is Fet's subject. But he returns time and time again to the scientific purview. Which is appropriate, as he is a biologist. But it is also extremely difficult to do, which is why there is so little poetry, in any language, which takes its inspiration in nontrivial ways from science. ... The scientific enters naturally in Victor Fet's poems, cohabits with the philosophical or imaginative view of the world. (Roald Hoffmann)
Cornish Solidarity: Using Culture to Strengthen Communities (Studies in Cornish Language and Culture; 5)
By Neil Kennedy. 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-196-5
Can local cultures be used to strengthen community bonds, boost morale, and equip and motivate people socially and economically? This book reviews how Cornish cultures are marketed, portrayed, and imagined against the background of a tourism-led “Lifestyle Cornwall”, migration, deindustrialization, and deprivation. It links culture’s primary emotional and social uses with well-being, and considers intervention in practice and policy to tackle disadvantage and to build cohesive communities that can adapt to change. Cultural, social, symbolic, and human capital are related to local knowledge, to community narratives, to belonging, and to emotional prosperity. Demographic and economic transformations threaten the very survival of a Cornish tradition, but this discussion affirms an outward- and forward-looking vision that allows for Cornishness to evolve, to grow stronger, and to be passed on to new residents and future generations. It is meant to inform and provoke consideration by cultural practitioners, community activists, and policy-makers on how to maintain Cornishness in ways that favour the well-being of “One and All”. In particular, it addresses those who are aligned with a broad Cornish Movement of socially engaged, cultural, economic, environmental, and political action, and identifies them as having the potential to bring about change. Cornishness is discussed with reference to a distinct post-industrial inheritance, to the Cornish Language, and to Celtic Revivalism, and related to a common habitus that distinguishes it. Neil Kennedy is a Cornish speaker, university ESOL teacher, and former cultural studies lecturer, originally from Mid-Cornwall, who has been involved in the Cornish Movement since the 1980s.
Alises Avantures in Vunderland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Yiddish by Adina Bar-El First edition 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-195-8
Der mekhaber fun "Alises Avantures in Vunderland" iz geven Lewis Carroll, der psevdonim fun Charles Lutwidge Dodgson fun Oksforder Universitet in England. Dos bukh iz tsum ershtn mol dershinen in yor 1865, un fun demolt on iz es ibergezetst gevorn oyf a sakh shprakhn iber der velt. Di ershte iberzetsung fun dem bukh oyf yidish hob ikh farendikt in yor 2012 (Zur-Os Farlag, Yerusholaim). Evertype git yetst aroys di dozike oysgebeserte oyflage. Beshas iberzetsn oyf yidish, iz mayn tsil geven tsu blaybn getray tsu dem englishn moker: tsu dem siper-hamayse, tsu di heldn un zeyere kharakters; un der hoypt ibertsulozn di tifkayt un dem gayst fun dem bukh. Fundestvegn hot men badarft tsupasn di shpas-lider, di vertlekh, di idyomen, un beiker Lewis Carrolls vertshpiln, tsu der yidisher shprakh un tsu dem lebns-shteyger vos iz bakant tsu di leyeners. Vayl yidish iz geven farshpreyt iber mizrekh-Eyrope, zenen faran in der shprakh vertlekh un oysdrukn vos shpiglen op di yidishe iberlebungen in der gegnt in di frierdike yorhunderter. — Adina Bar-El.
אַליסעס אַװאַנטורעס אין װוּנדערלאַנד (Alises Avantures in Vunderland)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Yiddish by Adina Bar-El 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-194-1
דער מחבר פֿון אַליסעס אַװאַנטורעס אין װוּנדערלאַנד איז געװען לואיס קאַראָל, דער פּסעװדאָנים פֿון טשאַרלס לוטװידזש דאָדזשסאָן פֿון אָקספאָרדער אוניװערסיטעט אין ענגלאַנד. דאָס בוך איז צום ערשטן מאָל דערשינען אין יאָר 1865, און פון דעמאָלט אָן איז עס איבערגעזעצט געוואָרן אויף אַ סך שפּראַכן איבער דער וועלט. די ערשטע איבערזעצונג פֿון דעם בוך אױף ייִדיש האָב איך פֿאַרענדיקט אין יאָר 2012 [צור־אות־פֿאַרלאַג, ירושלים]. Evertype גיט יעצט אַרױס די דאָזיקע אױסגעבעסערטע אױפֿלאַגע. בשעת איבערזעצן אױף ייִדיש, איז מײַן ציל געװען צו בלײַבן געטרײַ צו דעם ענגלישן מקור: צו דעם סיפור־המעשה, צו די העלדן און זײערע כאַראַקטערס; און דער הױפּט איבערצולאָזן די טיפֿקײט און דעם גײַסט פֿון דעם בוך. פֿונדעסטװעגן האָט מען באַדאַרפֿט צופּאַסן די שפּאַס־לידער, די װערטלעך, די אידיאָמען, און בעיקר לואיס קאַראָלס װערטשפּילן, צו דער ייִדישער שפּראַך און צו דעם לעבנס־שטײגער װאָס איז באַקאַנט צו די לײענערס. װײַל ײדיש איז געװען פֿאַרשפּרײט איבער מיזרח־אייראָפּע, זענען פֿאַראַן אין דער שפּראַך װערטלעך און אױסדרוקן װאָס שפּיגלען אָפּ די ייִדישע איבערלעבונגען אין דער געגנט אין די פֿריערדיקע יאָרהונדערטער.
Living Latin: The Heritage of Latin Phrases and Quotations in English
By John H. D. Parker 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-193-4
John Parker, after a career of teaching mathematics, retired to Cornwall and returned to his first love, the Latin language. He set about compiling this book, an extensive list of Latin words and phrases used by English writers, and indeed by English speakers, in the recent past and in the present. In the book he not only translates the Latin but also includes passages showing just how authors have embraced Latin and tucked it into their English... “Even before puberty Martin had known that deep within him were the makings of a great lover.… Samantha’s initial response to his tentative but markedly amorous advances seemed to hold out hope of his proceeding shortly a posse ad esse.” (P. J. Dorricot)... “I begin to think, Watson,” said Holmes, “that I make a mistake in explaining. ‘Omne ignotum pro magnifico’ you know, and my poor reputation… will suffer shipwreck if I am so candid.” (Arthur Conan Doyle)... “Mrs. Knox was told that I had taken Mrs. McRory for a run in the car at one o’clock in the morning, and on hearing it said, ‘De gustibus non est disputandum’.” (E. Œ. Somerville and Martin Ross)... “Whether I owe my recovery to the Carp, to the Return of Spring, or to the Vis medicatrix Naturae, I am not yet able to determine.” (Aldous Huxley). The book also notes how music groups have adopted Latin titles for themselves and for their compositions: as well as “Status Quo” we have “Carpe Diem”, “De Profundis”, and “Veni Vidi Vici”. Many institutions have Latin mottoes: Moorfields Eye Hospital has “Fiat Lux, the Black Watch have “Nemo me Impune Lacessit”, the Feltmakers’ Company have “Decus et Tutamen in Armis”, and HMS Dauntless has “Nil Desperandum”, not to mention the “Citius, Altius, Fortius” of the Olympic Games. And this is just a sample. There’s plenty more inside.
Irish Heraldry: A Brief Introduction
By Nicholas Williams First edition 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-192-7
Few topics are as interesting as heraldry although it is necessary to learn a new vocabulary to enjoy the subject fully. In this book, illustrated by the author, the origin, development and particular nature of Irish heraldry are described; how heraldry was first brought to Ireland by the Anglo-Normans and gradually adopted also by the Gaelic Irish. When describing the various aspects of coats of arms the book almost exclusively uses Irish examples, both Gaelic and Anglo-Norman. The volume includes sections on the heraldry of Ireland itself and of the historic provinces. The arms of cities, towns, counties and dioceses are also discussed, as well as the arms of some notable Irish people. Later chapters deal with modern heraldic jurisdiction and why spurious “souvenir heraldry” is best avoided. The history of the Irish heralds and kings of arms is also described with as well as origins of the present-day Office of the Chief Herald of Ireland.
Eriugena: Medieval Irish Philosopher, Poet, and Translator
By Eoghan Mac Aogáin 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-191-0
The story of Johannes Scottus Eriugena (c. 800–870), Ireland’s greatest philosopher, is told here for the newcomer. Educated in Ireland, Eriugena emigrated to France where he became a close friend of the Emperor, Charles the Bald, serving him as court poet and master of the palace school. He also became a translator and admirer of the theology of the Greek Church, leading eventually to his condemnation as a heretic. In recent times, however, he has become one of the most studied of all medieval intellectuals.
Dracùla hag Ôstyas Dracùla
By Bram Stoker, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, and with illustrations by Mathew Staunton 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-190-3
Pàn wrella Jonathan Harker, scrifwas laghyas stâtya treven, vysytya Transylvânya may halla ev gweres Cont Dracùla ow perna chy in Loundres, yma va ow tyscudha moy adro dh’y glient ha’y gastel ès dell usy ev whensys dhe wodhvos.… Yth o An Anvarow gwredhek tîtel novel classyk Bram Stoker Dracùla, neb a veu dyllys rag an kensa prÿs i’n vledhen 1897. Down re beu y awedhyans wàr lien an bÿs. An lyver re beu kerys yn frâs dres ehen abàn veu pùblyshys ha’n whedhel y honen oll re spêdyas dhe dhenethy cùltûr cudh coynt i’n secùnd hanter a’n ugansves cansvledhen. Yth yw Dracùla pò vampîryow erel dhe weles in moy ès mil novel hag in cansow a fylmys, heb gwil mencyon a’n cartouns, a’n jornals skethednow hag a’n towlednow pellwolok a veu inspîrys gans scrif Stoker. Yma “Ôstyas Dracùla” pryntys awoles, whedhel cot neb a veu dyllys i’n vledhen 1914 gans Florence, gwedhowes Stoker. Hy leverys adro dhe’n whedhel: “Y feu va trehys in mes a’n lyver drefen an lyver dhe vos re hir, saw martesen y fÿdh a les dhe lies redyor a’n ober moyha marthys a’m gour.”
Алисаның қайғаллығ Черинде полған чоруқтары (Alisanıñ qayğallığ Çerinde polğan çoruqtarı)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Shor by Liubovʹ Arbaçakova 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-189-7
Льюис Кэрролл теп псевдонимы полтур, шын ады тезе Чарлз Латвидж Додсон (1832–1898), ол аттығ-шаптығ пасчыба анаң пӧгин пичиктиң ӱргедикчизы полуп, Оксфорд теп университеттиң Крайст Черч колледжинде иштептир. Ол колледжтиң ректоразынма—Генри Лидделлгебе маттап чағын арғыштар полтурлар. Қачен Льюис Кэрролл ыларға аймақтап парғанда, Генри Лидделлғаның қыстарынға: пойдаң Алисаба (1852 туген ч.) анаң ааң Лоринебе Эдитке теп улуғ қыс қарындаштарынға маң-сайа ныбақтар ызыб-одуртыр. Пир қатнап—1862 чылдың пичен айының 4 кӱннеринде—Кэрроллба ааң арғыжы улуғ (преподобный) Робинсон Дакворт, анаң ӱш қызычақ кебеге одур-келип, суғба тӱжӱп, суғ қажында пикник иштептирлер. Ол чоруқтың теминде Кэрролл пойуңнуң ныбағын, қайде Алиса пир инге кел-тӱжӱп, анаң қайғаллығ Черинде полған чоруқтарын ыларға ыс-пертир. Алиса по Кэрролл чооқтап-перген ныбақты аға пас-перзин теп сураптыр. Че, қанче-қанче тем эрткен соонда Кэрроллдың ысқан чооғу пазыл-партыр. Ааң соонда Кэрролл аға қоже пазып, полған чооғун арий пашқарақ эт-келип, анаң 1865 ч. ол ном издательствадаң шықтыр. Анаң пеере Алисаның қайғаллығ Черинде полған чоруқтары теп ныбақ маттап кӧп версийлербе пашқа-пашқа қааннардың тиллеринге кӧчӱрӱл-келип, шықтыр. Слердиң қолунда паштапқы шор тилинге кӧчӱрген ныбақ.
Dracula and Dracula’s Guest
By Bram Stoker and with illustrations by Mathew Staunton 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-188-0. OUT OF PRINT.
When estate agent solicitor’s clerk Jonathan Harker visits Transylvania to assist Count Dracula with the purchase of his London house, he discovers more about his client and his castle than he might wish.… Bram Stoker’s classic novel Dracula, originally titled The Un-Dead, was first published in 1897. It has had a profound influence on world literature. It has enjoyed enormous popularity since its publication and is singularly responsible for spawning an extraordinary vampire subculture in the second half of the twentieth century. Over a thousand novels and hundreds of films feature Dracula or other vampires, not to mention the countless cartoons, comics, and television programmes which were ultimately inspired by Stoker’s work. This edition includes the short story “Dracula’s Guest”, which was published in 1914 by Stoker’s widow, Florence, who said of the story: “It was originally excised owing to the length of the book, and may prove of interest to the many readers of what is considered my husband’s most remarkable work.”
Otherworlds: Images of Transformation in Cornish Culture (Studies in Cornish Language and Culture; 6)
By Brendan McMahon. 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-187-3
Otherworlds attempts to explore the key stories which have given Cornish culture its distinctive character over the centuries and explain how they have pointed the way to new ways of understanding and transforming the world, both for individuals and for the Cornish people. This process has ranged from the aristocratic stories of Arthur and of Tristan and Iseult, to the humble folktales told in the cottages of the far west and collected by Robert Hunt in the nineteenth century. These stories still possess the power to change minds and perhaps even history.
Get a grip and stay sane: Self-Healing with the Nadi Technique
By Billy Roberts 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-186-6
The Nadi Technique is an effective way of energizing the body to encourage optimum health on all levels. It contains an eclectic mix of ancient eastern and western methods that culminate in a complementary self-healing system for the treatment of emotional and physical conditions. In the western world we rely far too much on allopathic treatments, with overuse of antibiotics and other chemicals that frequently do more harm than good. Working on the holistic premise that before we can heal the part, we must first treat the whole, the Nadi Technique, as a holistic healing system, helps to achieve just that. The body is a veritable network of channels, along which energy (prana) flows in the relentless work of revitalizing the individual components of the body and maintaining its balance and equilibrium. The primary channels are the Meridians, equated with the trunk of a tree, and the minor channels (the Nadis) the branches of the tree. As a result of either poor diet, stress, or wrong thinking, the flow of prana along the subtle channels is gradually restricted, causing an adverse effect on the corresponding part or parts of the physical body. Although a visit to an acupuncturist or reflexologist can in many cases resolve the problem, the Nadi Technique may be used by you in the comfort of your own home.
The Cornish Consonantal System: Implications for the Revival
By Nicholas Williams 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-185-9
Because there are no native speakers of Cornish, there is always the danger that revivalist will shape the revived language according to certain preconceptions. This was certainly true of Jenner and Nance. Revivalists should always be careful to study thoroughly the remains of the traditional language, and thus to base their speech on what is found in the texts rather than on either of the other Brythonic languages or on their own preferences. This is as true for matters of orthography and phonology as it is for the lexicon. In this book certain aspects of the Cornish consonantal system are examined, using as evidence only what is found in the surviving texts. Some at least of the discussion will not have appeared in print before. Thereafter some emendations to the Standard Written Form are suggested by which it might be rendered less inauthentic.
Alice and the Boy who Slew the Jabberwock
By Allan William Parkes 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-184-2
One day the thought occurred to me: Why should the splendid jokes and poems strewn throughout Lewis Carroll’s gigantic novel Sylvie and Bruno languish ignored and forgotten, when they could be put into the mouths of the Alice characters we all know and love? After all, the same wit and humour underpins them. And so, Carpenter-like, I began sawing and assembling; and, Walrus-like, began selecting the oysters of nonsense of the largest size. And now in your hands you hold the result. By using the Key found in Sylvie and Bruno the door has been opened for a new adventure for Alice. A new Alice book that is 95% pure Carroll. -- Allan William Parkes
Science and Séance: A discussion between a Parapsychologist and a Clairvoyant
Ciarán O'Keeffe and Billy Roberts. 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-183-5
A fascinating discussion between two experts on different sides of the paranormal debate. Dr Ciarán O’Keeffe, a sceptical expert who has appeared on the British television series Most Haunted and Jane Goldman Investigates, exchanges questions and answers with Billy Roberts, one of the UK’s leading stage psychics. Themes covered by the Parapsychologist and the Clairvoyant are quite varied: Defining the Paranormal, Mediumship and communicating with Spirit, Ghosts and “Things that go bump in the night”, Perceptions of the Spirit world, the Truth about Mediums, Divination methods like Scrying, the Ouija Board, Astrology, topics like Meditation, Superstition, and Spiritual Healing. First published in 2008, the authors have contributed new essays for this edition. The truth is out there—but finding it is not always so easy!
The Charter Fragment and Pascon agan Arluth (Corpus Textuum Cornicorum; 1)
Edited and translated by Nicholas Williams. Palaeographic manuscript transcription and facsimile prepared by Michael Everson. Introduction by Alan M. Kent. 2020. ISBN 978-1-78201-182-8
This volume presents two of the earliest pieces of Middle Cornish literature. The first, The Charter Fragment, is concerned with the question of marriage. It is only 41 lines in length and was probably part of a play. The second, Pascon agan Arluth ‘The Passion of our Lord’, is a magnificent poem of 259 stanzas composed c. 1375, which deals with the Passion, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Christ. Corpus Textuum Cornicorum is a series presenting editions of all of traditional Cornish literature. The Cornish texts are offered in a normalized, Standard Cornish spelling, and are accompanied by a palaeographic transcription giving for the first time the text in its original orthography, as well as a new English translation based on the manuscript text. Each volume contains a literary introduction describing the content and its Cornish and European background.
My Head is Missing: A Kerry Detective Story
Gabriel Rosenstock. 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-181-1
Strange goings on in Powl Duv, a sleepy village in Kerry, Ireland, where the one-man Kerry Detective Agency (KDA) gets bogged down in one mystery after another. And what sort of place is the mysterious Powl Duv anyway? It seems to exist in a time warp. --- "My Head is Missing" is a delightful romp; on one page it’s Alexander McCall Smith, turn a page – and this is a page-turner for sure – and we’re in Carlos Castenada territory, or the land of Flann O’Brien, or all three together if such unlikely company is at all imaginable.
Las Aventuras de Alisia en el Paiz de las Maraviyas
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Ladino by Avner Perez Second edition 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-179-8
Lewis Carroll es un psevdonimo: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson era el nombre real del autor i el era profesor de matematika en Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson empeso el kuento el 4 de djulio de 1862, kuando viajo en una barka de remos en el rio Thames en Oxford djunto kon el reverendo Robinson Duckworth, kon Alice Liddell (diez anyos de edad) la ija del dekano de Christ Church, i kon sus dos ermanas, Lorina (tredje anyos de edad), i Edith (ocho anyos de edad). Komo lo vemos klaramene en el poema al prinsipio del livro, las tres djovenas pidieron a Dodgson ke les kontara un kuento; i sin gana, al prinsipio, este empeso a kontarles la primera version del kuento. En el livro ke finalmente fue publikado en 1865, existen munchas referensias a estos sinko personajes, ke aparesen medio-eskondidas a lo largo de todo el teksto.
לאס אב׳ינטוראס די אליסייה אין איל פאאיז די לאס מאראב׳ילייאס (Las Aventuras de Alisia en el Paiz de las Maraviyas)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Ladino by Avner Perez 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-178-1
לואיס קארול איס און פסיב׳דונימו: טשארלס לוטואיג׳ דודג׳סון אירה איל נומברי ריאל דיל אאוטור אי איל אירה פרופ׳יסור די מאטימאטיקה אין קראייסט ג׳ירג׳, אוקספ׳ורד. דודג׳סון אימפיסו איל קואינטו איל 4 די ג׳ולייו די 1862, קואנדו ב׳ייאז׳ו אין אונה בארקה די רימוס אין איל ריאו טימז אין אוקספ׳ורד ג׳ונטו קון איל ריב׳ירינדו רובינסון דוקואורט, קון אליס לידיל (דייז אנייוס די אידאד) לה איז׳ה דיל דיקאנו די קראייסט ג׳ירג׳, אי קון סוס דוס אירמאנאס, לורינה (טריג׳י אנייוס די אידאד), אי אידית (אוג׳ו אנייוס די אידאד). קומו לו ב׳ימוס קלאראמינטי אין איל פואימה אל פרינסיפייו דיל ליב׳רו, לאס טריס ג׳וב׳ינאס פידיירון אה דודג׳סון קי ליס קונטארה און קואינטו; אי סין גאנה, אל פרינסיפייו, איסטי אימפיסו אה קונטארליס לה פרימירה ב׳ירסייון דיל קואינטו. אין איל ליב׳רו קי פ׳ינאלמינטי פ׳ואי פובליקאדו אין 5681, איגזיסטין מונג׳אס ריפ׳ירינסייאס אה איסטוס סינקו פירסונאז׳יס, קי אפאריסין מידייו-איסקונדידוס אה לו לארגו די טודו איל טיקסטו.
Кайкалдыҥ Јеринде Алисала болгон учуралдар (Kaykaldıñ Cerinde Alisala bolgon uçuraldar)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Altai by Küler Tepukov 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-177-4
Азияныҥ чике ӧзӧгинде теҥкейишкен Алтайдыҥ кырларында јуртаган эл-јон—алтайлар бу тергениҥ ӧс калыгы. Алтай тил тӱрк тилдердиҥ кыпчак бӧлӱгине кирет. Ого јуук тилдер—кыргыс ла карачай-балкар тилдер. Арасей Федерацияныҥ Алтай Республиказында алтай тил—экинчи государстволык тил. Эл-јонныҥ калганчы тооалыжын кӧргӧжин, су-алтай тилле куучындап тургандардыҥ тоозы јетен муҥ кижи. Алтай литература фольклорыла, јебреннеҥ бери тузаланган башка-башка бичик-билигиле байлык. Оныҥ ӧзӱмин тӧрт јаан бӧлӱкке (период) бӧлип темдектегилейт: јебрен тӱрк ӧй, ол IV-XII чч. келижет; тӱрк-моҥол ӧй—XIII-XVIII чч.; XIX ч. экинчи јарымынаҥ ала XX ч. бажына јетиреги ӧй; эмдиги ӧй – XX-XXI чч. Орус тилдеҥ ле СССР-дыҥ калыктарыныҥ литературазынаҥ алтай тилге сӱреен кӧп бичиктер кӧчӱрилген; бого балдарга да учурлаган чӱмдемелдер кирет. Улу англичан бичиичиниҥ—Льюис Кэрроллдыҥ Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland / Кайкалдыҥ Јеринде Алисала болгон учуралдар (Kaykaldıñ Cerinde Alisala bolgon uçuraldar) деп чӧрчӧги алтай тилге кӧчӱрилгени алтай литератураныҥ база бир јаан једими болуп јат.
Алисанын Кызыктар Өлкөсүндөгү укмуштуу окуялары (Alisanın Kızıktar Ӧlkosündogü ukmuştuu okuyaları)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Kyrgyz by Aida Egemberdieva 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-176-7
Кыргыздар—Азиянын эң эле борборундагы Тянь-Шань тоолорун жердеген түпкүлүктүү эл. Кыргыз тили борбордук түрк тилдер үй-бүлөсүнүн кыпчак бутагына кирген тил жана Кыргызстан катары дагы белгилүү болгон Кыргыз Республикасынын мамлекеттик тили болуп саналат. Кыргыз тилин алып жүрүүчүлөрдүн саны 4 миллиондон ашык адамды түзөт. Кыргыз адабияты көлөмү жагынан дүйнөдө теңдешсиз (500,000 сап) атактуу Манас эпосун камтыган (18-кылым) фольклордук жана 128 өлкөдө дүйнөнүн 176 тилине 100 млн. дон ашык нуска менен которулган атактуу Чыңгыз Айтматовдун чыгармаларын камтыган жазма бай салтка ээ. Чыңгыз Айтматовдон мурда-кийин адабиятка агедил кызмат өтөгөн Касым Тыныстанов, Түгөлбай Сыдыкбеков, Мукай Элебаев, Аалы Токомбаев, Касымалы Жантөшев, Жоомарт Бөкөнбаев, Узакбай Абдукаимов, Казат Акматов сыяктуу ондогон ысымдар бар. Кыргыз тилине дүйнөлүк адабияттын көптөгөн чыгармалары которулган. Кыргыз элинин кайталангыс улуу акыны Алыкул Осмонов которгон грузин элинин залкары Шота Руставелинин Жолборс терисин жамынган баатыры кыргыздар үчүн кымбат чыгарма. Улуу англис жазуучусу Льюис Кэрроллдун кыргыз тилине Алисанын Кызыктар Өлкөсүндөгү укмуштуу oкуялары (Alisanın Kızıktar Ӧlkosündogü ukmuştuu okuyaları) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland деген аталышта которулган жомогун кыргыз адабиятынын дагы бир жетишкендиги деп саноого болот.
Әлисәнің ғажайып елдегі басынан кешкендері (Älïsäniñ ğajayıp eldegi basınan keşkenderi)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Kazakh by Fatima Moldashova 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-175-0
Льюис Кэрролл лақап аты: Автордың шын есімі Чарльз Лютвидж Доджсон; ол Оксфордта Крайст -Черчте математикадан дәріс берген. Бұл шығарманың басы 1862 жылы 4 шілдеде Доджсон Оксфордта Темза өзені бойымен қайық есу сапарына шыққанда басталған еді. Сапарда онымен бірге Мәртебелі Робинсон Дакворт, Краист-Черчтің деканының қызы Әлисә Лидделл (он жаста), және оның апасы Лорина (он үш жаста), сіңлісі Эдис (сегіз жаста) болатын. Кітаптың басындағы өлеңде айтылғандай, үш қыз Доджсоннан әңгіме айтып беруді өтініп, ол алғашында шығарманың алғашқы нұсқасын айта бастады. Кітаптағы кейбір жасырын сілтемелер сол бесеуге қатысты еді; ол өз алдына басылым боп 1865 жылы шықты.
La geste d’Aalis el Païs de Merveilles
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Old French by May Plouzeau 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-174-3
L’ancien français, qui se parla et s’écrivit, grossièrement, du milieu du 9e siècle au milieu du 14e siècle, connut de multiples variations selon temps et lieux, et nous en conservons des textes innombrables. La geste d’Aalis el Païs de Merveilles est un de ces textes, lequel avait jusqu’à récemment échappé à l’attention des médiévistes. Long de 5517 vers, il se présente sous la forme d’une chanson de geste en décasyllabes assonancés ; le contenu est celui d’une chanson d’aventures. Un Glossaire et une Introduction sont joints à l’édition. La langue d’Aalis étant limpide, le premier renferme seulement hapax, néologismes et mots régionaux ; leur détermination spatiale et temporelle a été puisée chez les plus grands savants (Matsumura, Möhren, Roques, etc.), et est justifiée dans chaque article. La seconde est solidement traditionnelle : elle étudie notamment langue du scribe, de l’auteur (de l’Ouest), date de composition (avant 1250 ?), sources, influences. On y démontre que Lewis Carroll est celui qui s’est le plus inspiré d’Aalis : dans Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, il supprime certes les nombreux traits de civilisation médiévale et procédés de composition épique de la chanson, mais pour le reste suit fidèlement la narration, démarque avec soin les spécificités langagières des personnages ainsi que la douzaine de pièces en vers rimés que contient Aalis ; enfin, il prend la peine de transposer adéquatement la cinquantaine de jeux de mots qui émaillent le texte.
Old French was spoken and/or written in many parts of what is now France, very roughly north of the Loire, and in parts of Belgium; it was also used in numerous circles in England, notably after the Norman conquest. It extended roughly from the middle of the ninth century to some time in the fourteenth century. Aalis is written in a western variation of French, composed ca 1250 in the form of a chanson de geste which is versified in stanzas of assonanced decasyllables. But the songs and poems of Carroll are rhymed in Aalis; they are either translated faithfully or are parodies of French well known poems. Practically all the puns have been transposed, and so have most traits of nature or culture (food, animals, money, measure of time and space, knowledge, language, etc.) Yet (in the realm of nonsense, let’s misbehave!), outrageous anachronisms or lexical monsters have occasionally been introduced; they are listed in the Glossary, which points out words which are found only in Aalis and the French words which are seen there for the first time. And the Introduction, which mimics a 19th-century one, studies the language of Aalis, the texts it quotes, and those it has influenced, which leads to a close scrutiny of Carroll’s modus operandi while transposing Aalis to Alice.
Lès paskéyes d’Alice è payis dès mèrvèyes
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Central Walloon by Bernard Louis First edition 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-173-6
Lewis Carroll, di s’ vrê nom Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a v’nu au monde à Daresbury (Cheshire) li 27 di janvier è 1832, èt il a moru l’ 14 dè minme mwès è 1898, à Guilford. Il èsteut mêsse di matématiques è Christ Church College à Oxford. I s’a intèrèssé ossi al fotografîye. Li 4 di julèt´ è 1862, i fêt one porminâde dins one bârque su l’ Tamise avou lès trwès fèyes dau dwèyin Henry Liddell dè Christ College, Édith (8 ans), Lorina (13 ans) èt Alice (tot jusse 10 ans ç’ djoû-là), èt co on soçon, li révérind Robinson Duckworth qui tint lès rames. Lès soûs lî d’mandèt dèlzî raconter one istwêre èt il èmantche li fauve d’one pitite Alice qui toume dins l’ tèréye d’on lapin. Alice li va soyî po qu’i mète tot ça d’ssu papî. Li scrîjeû va bin sûr ajouter totes sôtes d’afêres à s’ conte. I l’ofrit à Alice po s’ Noyé è 1864 èt l’anéye d’après, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland èst publiyî avou dès dèssins da John Tenniel.
Sun-hee’s Adventures Under the Land of Morning Calm : A Korean tale inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
By Victoria J. Sewell and Byron W. Sewell 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-172-9
While on a business assignment in the Republic of Korea in 1985–86 Byron and Victoria Sewell immersed themselves in Korean culture and eventually loosely adapted and beautifully illustrated Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland into a uniquely bilingual English-Korean version of Lewis Carroll’s famous tale. The first edition has been long out of print and is basically unattainable. Evertype has arranged for the republication of the Sewells’ adaptation, making once again available both the English and Korean texts in separate editions. In this English version, An Sun-hee (a name meaning “fairyland girl”) takes the place of Alice. She follows a White Rabbit wearing a traditional jeogori robe down a rabbit hole at the base of a tumulus (the traditional hemispherical-shaped Korean grave), where she has a number of adventures encountering the inhabitants of this underground world beneath the Land of Morning Calm.
Алисаның Хайхастар Чирінзер чорығы (Alïsanıñ Hayhastar Çïrinzer çorığı)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Khakas by Maria Çertykova 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-171-2
Льюис Кэрролл—ол саблығ англия писательі паза Оксфорд университедіндегі Крайст Чёрч колледжтің математика ÿгретчізі Чарлз Латвидж Додсонның (1832–1898) позы аданған солазы. Ол колледж ректоры Генри Лидделлнің сöбірезінің чағын нанӌызы полған. Сöбіреде öсчеткен Алисаа (1852 чылда тöреен) паза аның пиӌелері Лоринге паза Эдитке ол удаа нымахтар чоохтаӌаң. Пірсінде—1862 чылның от айының 4-чі кÿнінде—Кэрролл, аның арғызы, Робинсон Дакуорт абыс, паза пу ÿс хызыӌах суғӌа кимеліг иніп, чарда тынанғаннар. Ана іди тынанчатхан туста Кэррол кічіг ööрелеріне Алиса аттығ хызыӌахтаңар улуғ чоох оңдайлығ нымах чоохтап пирген, хайди ол Кроликтің інінӌе Хайхастар Чирінзер тÿс парып, анда пасхаӌыл, таңнастығ киректерде араласхан. Алиса Кэрроллнаң пу нымахты позына пас пирерге сурынған. Нинӌе-де тус пазынаң чаӌында пазылған нымах тимде полған, анаң анда хай пірее тÿзедіглер иділгеннер паза хайзы чардыхтар хоза пазылғаннар. Соонаң пу нымах 1865 чылда чарых кöрген. Ол тустаң пеер «Алисаның Хайхастар Чирінзер чорығы» чир ÿстÿндегі кöп аймах тіллерге тілбестелген. Амды сірернің алныңарда аның хакас тіліне пастағы тілбестее.
Ma Loko o ke Aniani Kū a me ka Mea i Loaʻa iā ʻĀleka ma Laila
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Hawaiian by R. Keao NeSmith Second edition 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-170-5
He moʻolelo ʻo Nā Hana Kupanaha a ʻĀleka ma ka ʻĀina Kamahaʻo no ke kau wela i hoʻopuka ʻia e Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) no ka manawa mua ma Iulai o ka 1865. Ua pili nā kānaka he nui o loko o ia puke i ka pāʻani pepa. He moʻolelo ʻo Ma Loko o ke Aniani Kū a me ka Mea i Loaʻa iā ʻĀleka ma Laila no ke kau anu i hoʻopuka ʻia e Carroll no ka manawa mua i Kēkēmapa o ka 1871. Ma kēia moʻolelo ʻelua, ua pili nā kānaka o ka moʻolelo i ka pāʻani he mū kākela. Ma ka pau ʻana o ka puke, aia kekahi māhele o ka moʻolelo i hoʻokāpae ʻia, ʻo “Ka Nalo Hopeʻō ma ka Lauoho Kuʻi”. I kinohi, ua manaʻo ʻia e lilo ia i māhele o Ma Loko o ke Aniani Kū. ʻAʻole naʻe i hoihoi ʻo John Tenniel, ka mea nāna i kaha i nā kiʻi o ka puka mua ʻana o nā puke ʻelua, i kēia māhele, a no laila, ua kāpae ʻia akula. Ua kaha ʻia ke kiʻi uʻi e hoʻowehiwehi nei i kēia mokuna ma ke ʻano kaila o Tenniel e Ken Leeder ma ka 1977.
Vivekachudamani: The Crest-Jewel of Discrmination A bilingual edition in Sanskrit and English
Attributed to Adi Shankara. Transcribed and Translated by John Richards. 2022. ISBN 978-1-78201-169-9
The Vivekachudamani (Sanskrit Vivekacūḍāmaṇi) is an introductory treatise within the Advaita Vedanta tradition of Hinduism, traditionally attributed to Adi Shankara of the eighth century ce. It is in the form of a poem in the Shardula Vikridita metre, and for many centuries has been celebrated as a prakaraṇa grantha (‘teaching manual’) of Advaita. Vivekachudamani literally means ‘the crest-jewel of discrimination’. The text discusses key concepts and the viveka or discrimination or discernment between real (unchanging, eternal) and unreal (changing, temporal), Prakriti and Atman, the oneness of Atman and Brahman, and self-knowledge as the central task of the spiritual life and for Moksha. It expounds the Advaita Vedanta philosophy in the form of a self-teaching manual, with many verses in the form of a dialogue between a student and a spiritual teacher. The Reverend John Henry Richards, MA, BD, was an Anglican priest born in 1934 who was ordained a deacon in Llandaff in 1977 and a priest there in 1978. He served in Maesteg, Cardiff, Penmark, and Stackpile Elidor until his retirement in 1999, and died in 2017. He is known for his English translations of the Ashtavakra Gita, the Dhammapada, and the Vivekachudamani, which he put in the public domain and distributed on the Internet in 1994. The text used here is the one revised in 1996.
Gathering the Fragments: Storytelling and Cultural Resistance in Cornwall (Studies in Cornish Language and Culture; 4)
By Brendan McMahon. 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-168-2
The central theme of this book is the importance of the act of shared memory in reconstituting identity in every generation. This is particularly so where the traditional culture of the community has been under threat from a powerful neighbour, as is the case in Cornwall, and this is why the same pattern tends to recur, not because of direct cultural transmission, but because the same problems evoke similar responses. In such a context, storytelling becomes an act of cultural resistance. This book is predicated on the importance of storytelling. We use stories to make sense of our lives and our world,where we came from and where we might be going. These stories deal with personal experience, though they also incorporate historical and cultural experience which indicates where our experience might intersect with that of others. On an individual level, stories can help us cope with developmental issues which we all face, but they also bind us together in a shared understanding of who we are. Language is central to this and the struggle to reclaim its ancient language is an important theme in recent Cornish history and in this book. Brendan McMahon is a retired psychotherapist and university teacher living in Derbyshire. He has published widely on the psychodynamics of Celtic myth and legend. His book The Princess Who Ate People, appeared in 2006 (Heart of Albion Press), and his book A Wreck upon the Ocean appeared in 2015 (Evertype).
Gerard Clauson's Skeleton Tangut (Hsi Hsia) Dictionary: A facsimile edition (Corpus Textuum Tangutorum; 1)
Introduction by Imre Galambos; indexed by Andrew West; prepared for publication by Michael Everson 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-167-5 OUT OF PRINT
Sir Gerard Clauson’s "Skeleton Tangut (Hsi Hsia) Dictionary" survives as an unpublished manuscript because the author felt that he could not complete it without additional Tangut material. He began compiling the dictionary around 1938 but had to abandon the idea when it became clear that no more Tangut texts held in the USSR would be accessible in the foreseeable future. In the 1950s he deposited the manuscript and his other notes on Tangut studies in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, with the aim of making them available to anyone engaged in the study of Tangut. He believed that the dictionary represented a solid structure which could be enriched with more lexical data once more Tangut texts were published. This facsimile edition makes his work accessible to a wider audience, in order to stimulate further research on the Tangut language. Corpus Textuum Tangutorum is a series presenting a variety of resources relevant to the study of Tangut, also known as Xixia, the northeastern Tibeto-Burman language of the Western Xia empire, attested from 1036–1502.
Nā Hana Kupanaha a ʻĀleka ma ka ʻĀina Kamahaʻo
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Hawaiian by R. Keao NeSmith Second edition 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-166-8
ʻO Lewis Carroll ka inoa kākau puke o Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898), he mea kākau puke ʻo ia ma ke ʻano hoʻopohihihi ʻōlelo a he loea makemakika pū ʻo ia ma Christ Church ma ke Kulanui o Oxford ma ʻEnelani. He hoa kamaʻāina ʻo ia no ka ʻohana Liddell: Ua nui nā keiki a Henry Liddell, a ʻo ia ke Poʻo o ke Kulanui. He hahaʻi moʻolelo ka hana a Carroll i ke kaikamahine ʻōpiopio loa, ʻo Alice (hānau ʻia i ka 1852), a me kona mau kaikuaʻana ʻelua, ʻo Lorina lāua ʻo Edith. I kekahi lā-ʻo ia ka lā 4 o Iulai 1862-ua hele aku ʻo Carroll, kona hoaloha, ʻo ke Kahu, ʻo Robinson Duckworth, a me nā kaikāmahine ʻekolu i ka huakaʻi hoehoe waʻapā no ka pāʻina awakea ma kapa muliwai. Ma kēia huakaʻi ma ka muliwai, ua hahaʻi aku ʻo Carroll i kekahi moʻolelo no kekahi kaikamahine, ʻo Alice kona inoa, a me kāna mau hana kupanaha i lalo o kekahi lua lāpaki. Ua noi aku ʻo Alice iā ia e kākau i ia moʻolelo nāna, a i ke au ʻana o ka manawa, ua paʻa ka mana hoʻāʻo mua o ka moʻolelo. Ma hope o ke kākau hou ʻana, ua puka akula ka puke ma ka 1865, a mai ia manawa mai, ua puka nā mana like ʻole o Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ma nā ʻōlelo like ʻole he nui.
Ocolo id Specule ed Quo Alice Trohv Ter
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Sambahsa by Olivier Simon 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-165-1
Ia Aventures as Alice in Daumsenland est un lientnarn publien ye id prest ker ab Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) in Jul 1865. Plurs im persons ed aventures in tod buk deile con un cartenpack. Ocolo id Specule ed Quo Alice Trohv Ter (Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There) est un ghimnarn, quod Carroll prest-ye publicit in December 1871. In tod dwoter narn, i persons ed aventures sont basen ep schakhleik. Ocolo id Specule mathmount meis jinas ed logic paradoxa quem in Alice. Yinjier est meis un buk pro adults quem id prever wehrg. Est eti un buk meis difficil uperwehrttu, kam pleisti tarjmants schahide dayir to, maghses ob Carroll hat-se strohnct ad id buwes subtiler ed meis dienghia. Id Sambahsa tarjem ab Olivier Simon est un admirable riawdals, quod hamraht schungjin-ye Ia aventures as Alice in Daumsenland.
Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (𐐛𐑉𐐭 𐑄 𐐢𐐳𐐿𐐮𐑍-𐐘𐑊𐐰𐑅 𐐰𐑌𐐼 𐐐𐐶𐐲𐐻 𐐈𐑊𐐮𐑅 𐐙𐐵𐑌𐐼 𐐜𐐯𐑉): An edition printed in the Deseret Alphabet
By Lewis Carroll 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-164-4
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a summer tale published by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) for the first time in July 1865. Many of the characters and adventures in that book have to with a pack of cards. Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There is a winter tale, which Carroll first published in December 1871. In this second tale, the characters and adventures are based on the game of chess. This book contains the famous illustrations of Sir John Tenniel, which first appeared in the original English edition. The Deseret alphabet was developed in the mid-19th century by the board of regents of the University of Deseret (later the University of Utah) under the direction of Brigham Young, second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was intended to help make learning to write English easier. This wasn't very successful, though the alphabet does have interesting phonemic features, as well as being a fascinating part of Mormon history. This edition of Through the Looking-Glass is written entirely in that same alphabet, with fonts specially designed by John H. Jenkins and Michael Everson.
Le Livre du Venin: Histoires inspireés par H. P. Lovecraft
Four stories by Panu Petteri Höglund and one by S. Albert Kivinen, translated into French by Michel Jovet, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton. 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-161-3
Cinq histoires inspirées par l’auteur américain H. P. Lovecraft, créateur et maitre reconnu des histoires d’Horreur Cosmique. S. Albert Kivinen fut le pionnier grace auquel les lecteurs finlandais de littérature fantastique ont fait la connaissance de Lovecraft. Kivinen a donné des conférences de théorie philosophique à l’Université d’Helsinki pendant de nombreuses années, et ses recherches furent en grande partie centrées sur l’ontologie. Panu Petteri Höglund a analysé en profondeur l’irlandais des locuteurs natifs pendant de nombreuses années, jusqu’à ce qu’il soit en mesure de raconter ses histoires dans un style d’irlandais lui permettant d’y insuffler l’atmosphère appropriée. Ce recueil est la traduction de son second livre de nouvelles écrites en irlandais.
ელისის თავგადასავალი საოცრებათა ქვეყანაში (Elisis t’avgadasavali saoc’rebat’a k’veqanaši)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Georgian by Giorgi Gokieli 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-160-6
ლუის კეროლი ფსევდინიმია. ავტორის ნამდვილი სახელი და გვარი კი ჩარლზ ლატუიჯ დოდსონი იყო და იგი გახლდათ მათემატიკის მასწავლებელი ოქსფორდის ქრაისტ-ჩერჩის კოლეჯში. დოდსონმა წამოიწყო ამ ამბის მოყოლა 1862 წლის 4 ივლისს იმ დროს, როცა ნავით სეირნობდა მდინარე აისისზე, ოქსფორდში, თავის კოლეგა რობინსონ დაკუორთთან, ქრაისტ-ჩერჩის დეკან ლიდელის ათი წლის ქალიშვილ, ელისთან, და მის ორ დასთან: ცამეტი წლის ლორინასთან და რვა წლის ედითტან ერთად. როგორც წიგნის შესავალი ლექსიდან ჩანს, სამმა გოგონამ დოდსონს ამბის თხრობა მოსთხოვა, ისიც იძულებული იყო, დაჰყოლოდა და წამოიწყო ბავშვებისთვის ამ ზღაპრის პირველი ვერსიის მოყოლა. ამ ხუთ ადამიანზე მრავალ ნახევრად ფარულ მინიშნებას შეხვდებით წიგნის ტექსტში, რომელიც საბოლოოდ 1865 წელს გამოქვეყნდა. ელისის თავგადასავალი საოცრებათა ქვეყანაში ქართულ ენაზე მეორედ ითარგმნა 1997 წელს. გიორგი გოკიელმა გადაამუშავა თავისი თარგმანი და 2013 წელს ახლად თარგმნილ სარკისმიღმეთთან ერთად გამოაქვეყნა. 2014 წელს ამ წიგნმა ლიტარატურული პრემია „საბა“ დაიმსახურა საქართველოში „წლის საუკეთესო თარგმანისთვის“. ეს ახალი გამოცემა „ევერტაიპისთვის“ კიდევ ერთხელ იქნა შესწორებული 2016 წელს გამოსაქვეყნებლად. სარკისმიღმეთის გამოცემა გაისად, 2017 წელს მოჰყვება.
Aliz kalandjai Csodaországban (𐲀𐳖𐳐𐳯 𐳓𐳀𐳖𐳀𐳙𐳇𐳒𐳀𐳐 𐲆𐳛𐳇𐳀𐳛𐳢𐳥𐳁𐳍𐳂𐳀𐳙): An edition printed in the Old Hungarian Alphabet
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Hungarian by Anikó Szilágyi, illustrated by John Tenniel 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-159-0
A rovásírás egy rúnajellegű írás a magyar nyelv lejegyzésére; a rovásírás név rövidített formája, a rovás is használatos. Első feljegyzésünk róla a késő 13. századból való, az első fennmaradt jelsor körülbelül 1490 és 1526 közé tehető. A 20. század során több kísérlet is történt a történelmi ábécé kibővítésére annak érdekében, hogy az jobban igazodjon a modern magyar íráshoz. Ez a kiadás Szilágyi Anikó teljes fordítását rovásírásban tartalmazza Michael Everson által tervezett betűtípusokból szedve. ---- The Old Hungarian alphabet is a runiform script used to write the Hungarian language. It is first mentioned in a written account of the late 13th century; the first surviving alphabetical listing dates to between 1490 and 1526. In the twentieth century several attempts have been under taken to extend the historic alphabet so that it corresponds better to modern Hungarian orthography. This edition of Anikó Szilágyi's translation of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is written entirely in that same alphabet, with fonts specially designed by Michael Everson.
Алиса и Машина Времени (Alisa i Mashina Vremini)
by Victor Fet, translated into Russian by the author, with illustrations by Byron W. Sewell. 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-157-6
Дарвин улыбнулся... “У мистера Уэллса есть аппарат, позволяющий путешествовать в прошлое.” “Неужели?” рассмеялась Алиса. “Это похоже на волшебные сказки, которые придумывает мистер Додсон!” На страницах этой книги 14-летняя Алиса, ученица Чарльза Дарвина, встречает мистера Уэллса. Он прибыл из конца столетия для обсуждения срочных и тревожных проблем, связанных с Приключениями Алисы. В обсуждении участвует предполагаемый автор знаменитой сказки, а также выдающиеся ученые прошлого, настоящего и будущего. “Мы не будем беспечно ждать, пока из будущего, против течения Реки Времён, накатит грязная волна, которая заполнит наше время страхом и безумием! Мы попытаемся направить Корабль Истории—который, как нам кажется, сейчас идёт в никуда.… Время серьёзно вывихнуло сустав—и если нам суждено вправить этот вывих, то давайте же строить планы по спасению мира!” Книга посвящается 150-летию публикации Приключений Алисы в Стране чудес и 150-летию со дня рождения Герберта Уэллса.
Alice and the Time Machine: A Tale inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland
by Victor Fet, with illustrations by Byron W. Sewell. 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-156-9
“Mr Wells has a time machine that allows him to travel backwards into the past.” Alice giggled. “That’s very funny, Mr Darwin. It sounds like something Mr Dodgson might dream up in one of his fairy tales.” Here, a fourteen-year-old Alice, an apprentice to Charles Darwin, meets Mr Wells who arrives from the end of the century to discuss some urgent and disturbing issues related to Alice’s Adventures with its alleged author, as well as illustrious scholars of past, present, and future. “We should not wait for a future shock-wave that would pollute our time, pushing its fear and madness back against the flow of the River Times! We will try to steer the Ship of History, which seems to be going nowhere.… Time seems to be seriously out of joint—and if we wish to set it right, let us make plans to save the world!” This book is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and the 150th birthday of H. G. Wells.
L’Avventure d’Alice ’int’ ’o Paese d’ ’e Maraveglie
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Neapolitan by Robert D'Ajello 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-155-2
Lewis Carroll è nu scangianomme: ’o nomme vero ’e ll’autore era Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, e isso era prufessore ’e Matemateca ’int’ ’a Christ Church, a Oxford. Dodgson accummenciaie ’o cunto ’o 4 ’e luglio d’ ’o 1862, ’ntramente se faceva na varchiata ncopp’ ’o sciummo Thames a Oxford, nzieme cu ’o Reverenno Robinson Duckworth, cu Alice Liddell (ca teneva riece anne), ’a figlia d’ ’o Rettore d’ ’a Christ Church, e cu ’e ddoie sore d’essa, Lorina (’e trìrece anne), e Edith (d’otto anne). Comm’è ditto chiaro dint’ ’a puisia che sta ô pprincipio d’ ’o libbro, ’e ttre guagliuncelle cercàieno a Dodgson ’e le cunta’ nu fattariello, e isso, doppo nu poco ’e resistenza, ll’accumminciaie a ddìcere ’a primma versione d’ ’o cunto. Dint’ ’o scritto ’e ’stu libbro, c’a la fine fuie prubbecato ’o 1865, ce stanno nu cuófeno ’e mieze revettielle referute a cchisti cinche ’e lloro. ’Sta traduzzione appresenta a ’o leggetore muderno ’a primma traduzzione maie prubbecata ’int’ ’a lengua Napulitana, ca se parla a Napule, ’n Campania e bona parte d’ ’o Sud, e è stata dechiarata patrimmonio ’e ll’UNESCO.
Alis Advencha ina Wandalan
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Jamaican Creole by Tamirand Nnena De Lisser 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-154-5
It gud se Karal tap-a-tap buk de ina wahn neda langwij, bot ina dis ya kies ya, it beta fi di langwij. Jamiekan Kriyuol, wa piipl uu lov it kaal Jamiekan Patwa, a di langwij ina Jamieka alangsaid Ingglish, di langwij wa muos a di Patwa wod dem kom fram, bot fi ierz ya nou piipl maak it out fi bi wahn bad wie fi chat Ingglish. A onggl roun 40 ier abak piipl wa stodi langwij rekagnaiz se Jamiekan Patwa a wahn ful langwij ina itself. Jamiekan Patwa, wa spred woliip chuu wi myuuzik, de aal uova di worl an a wahn langwij wa wi lov woliip, wa shou uu wi bi an dat wi proud a we wi kom fram. Duo it de bout fi ova 300 ier ya nou, an bout 2.8 miliyan piipl a yaad chat it, an uova 1.8 miliyan muor abraad, stil muos a di taim a jos chat piipl yuuz it fa. Rait ya nou dem a du woliip a sitn fi tiich piipl uu chat Jamiekan Patwa fi riid an rait it tu. Frejrik Kyasidi did kom op wid wahn wie fi rait it fraa ina di 1960z an no tuu lang ago di Jamiekan Langwij Yuunit did chienj it op likl bit, an a it wi yuuz fi du dis ya buk ya nou. Wi put iin wahn likl sitn fi elp piipl uu waahn fi riid di buk bot uu no nuo ou fi riid di prapa wie ou it rait.
The Hunting of the Snark (𐐜 𐐐𐐲𐑌𐐻𐐮𐑍 𐐲𐑂 𐑄 𐐝𐑌𐐪𐑉𐐿): An Agony in Eight Fits: An edition printed in the Deseret Alphabet
By Lewis Carroll 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-153-8
The Hunting of the Snark was first published in 1876, eleven years after Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and four years after Through the Looking-Glass. It is a master piece of nonsense and is connected to Through the Looking-Glass by its use of vocabulary from the poem “Jabberwocky”.
The Hunting of the Snark is a strangely dark poem, and some critics believe that its themes—insanity and death—are rather too adult in nature for children’s literature. We know, nonetheless, that Lewis Carroll intended the poem to be enjoyed by children: he dedicated the book in acrostic verse to his young friend Gertrude Chataway, and signed some 80 presentation copies to other young readers. Many of those inscriptions were in the form of an acrostic based upon the name of the child to whom the book was presented. Part of the pleasure of reading this book is in the inevitable musing about what it means. Its author, often asked to explain his work, invariably replies that he does not know. It is therefore open to readers of the poem to decide the question for themselves... The Deseret alphabet was developed in the mid-19th century by the board of regents of the University of Deseret (later the University of Utah) under the direction of Brigham Young, second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was intended to help make learning to write English easier. This wasn't very successful, though the alphabet does have interesting phonemic features, as well as being a fascinating part of Mormon history. This edition of "The Hunting of the Snark" is written entirely in that same alphabet, with fonts specially designed by John H. Jenkins and Michael Everson.
The Annotated Alice in Nurseryland: Lewis Carroll’s newly discovered suppressed precursor to The Nursery “Alice”
By Byron W. Sewell First edition 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-152-1
Need a good laugh? This obscure work by Carrollian author and illustrator Byron W. Sewell is an outrageous comic parody of one of Lewis Carroll’s stranger and lesser-known works, The Nursery “Alice”. It purports to be the recently discovered (in Dead Deer, Alberta, Canada) precursor of the actual work that was written by Carroll to be read by children “nought to five years old”. It seems likely that this is the first (and perhaps will be the final) time that anyone has done this. While Sewell is at it, he claims that Carroll was the inventor of the iconic “happy face”, which explains Sewell’s quirky illustrations of Carroll’s famous Wonderland characters. It also demonstrates just how ridiculous and untenable some recent theories about Carroll’s life and friendships are.
A very funny book indeed.
Алесіны прыгоды ў Цудазем’і (Alesiny pryhody ŭ Tsudazem’i)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Belarusian by Max Ščur Second edition 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-151-4
Льюіс Кэрал—гэта псэўданім; сапраўднае імя аўтара—Чарлз Латўідж Додсан, ён быў выкладчыкам матэматыкі ў коледжы Крайст-Чэрч у Оксфардзе. Додсан распачаў свой аповед 4 ліпеня 1862 г., калі ў веславым чоўне выправіўся з Оксфарду ў вандроўку па Тэмзе, разам з пастарам Робінсанам Дакўартам, дзесяцігадовай Эліс Лідэл (дачкой дэкана коледжу) і ейнымі дзьвюма сёстрамі, трынаццацігадовай Ларынай і васьмігадовай Ідыт. Як ясна вынікае зь верша на пачатку кнігі, дзяўчаткі папрасілі Додсана расказаць ім казку, і ён, спачатку неахвотна, пачаў апавядаць ім першы варыянт гісторыі. Ува ўсім тэксьце шмат прыхаваных адсылаў да пяці ўдзельнікаў паездкі; сама кніга была ўрэшце апублікаваная ў 1865 г. Гэтая публікацыя - першае беларускамоўнае выданьне Льюіса Кэрала ў кніжнай форме.
Elisabeth: Excerpts from the diary of a Mennonite girl in the Gran Chaco
By Peter P. Klassen, translated by Jack Thiessen, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-150-7
Elizabeth-a girl in the Gran Chaco-tells about her life in a diary. Having been born in Russia, she tells about the founding and the building of her village in the Chaco of Paraguay, with all the inherent difficulties in a wilderness settlement and growing up in conservative provincialism, with the conflicting priorities typical of a Mennonite society of long standing-societal norms on the one hand, and Christian commandments and rules on the other. The political world at the time motivated her flight from Russia, and continued to play a decisive role during the Second World War with its widespread fallout and repercussions. Peter P. Klassen was born 1926 in the Mennonite village of Chortitz on the Dnieper. Together with his parents, they fled Russia via Moscow, arriving in Germany in 1929, and departing from there to settle in Paraguay in 1931. He and his parents pioneered in the founding and development of the Fernheim Settlement in the Chaco; it was here that he attended public and high school. Klassen subsequently continued graduate work in Germany and in Switzerland. In addition to his profession as a teacher and his work in pedagogical training, he was the editor of the Mennonite German paper Menno Blatt for decades. Moreover he wrote a series of historical books, too numerous to mention, on the Mennonites in Paraguay and Brazil.
На тым баку Люстра і што там напаткала Алесю (Na tym baku Liustra i shto tam napatkala Alesiu)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Belarusian by Max Ščur 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-149-1
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is a summer tale published by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) for the first time in July 1865. Many of the characters and adventures in that book have to do with a pack of cards. "Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There" is a winter tale, which Carroll first published in December 1871. In this second tale, the characters and adventures are based on the game of chess. Both "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There" were widely known and enjoyed in Belarus in Russian translations a long time before the first Belarusian translation appeared. The main character, Alice, was quite popular due to a number of films and cartoons. The delay with a Belarusian Alice translation can be attributed to the government's cultural politics during Soviet times, when translations of "bourgeois" Western writers, even the classic ones, into a small national language were not encouraged.
Folly in Fairyland: Tales inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland
By Carolyn Wells, Illustrated by Wallace Morgan 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-148-4
Folly, whose real name is Florinda, travels to Fairyland to discover how the fairies live there, what their houses are like, and how they amuse themselves. There, travelling with her guide Puss in Boots, she meets Aladdin, Cinderella, and the Queen of Hearts in their castles, as well as the Three Bears in their woodland home, and the Old Woman who lived in a Shoe. Folly encounters Scheherezade and the Popular Popinjays, and pays an interesting visit to Sleeping Beauty in the Wood, where she experiences the strange sensation of wandering through a palace where everybody was asleep. And what happened there-well, it was just what one might expect! Carolyn Wells was known for her poetry, humour, and children's books, and Folly in Fairyland, one of her earlier works, is a splendid example of her crisp and original story-telling, the tale enhanced by her rhythmical, jingly rhymes.
The Westminster Alice: A political parody based on Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland
By Hector Hugh Munro (Saki) 2010. ISBN 978-1-78201-147-7
Saki was the pen-name of Hector Hugh Munro (1870–1916). He was an author and playwright best known for his subtle and witty short stories. He wrote for periodicals such as the Westminster Gazette, the Daily Express, the Bystander, the Morning Post, and the Outlook. The Westminster Alice vignettes were collected together and published in Westminster Popular No. 18 in 1902
Charles Geake (1867–1919) was, from 1892 to 1918, the head of the Liberal Publication Department, which had been established in 1887 by the National Liberal Federation (a union of all English and Welsh (but not Scottish) Liberal Associations), and the Liberal Central Association (an organization which had been founded in 1874 to facilitate Liberal Party communication throughout United Kingdom). Francis Carruthers Gould (1844–1925) was a political cartoonist and caricaturist who contributed to the Pall Mall Gazette until he joined the Westminster Gazette when it was founded. He later became an assistant editor for that publication. In addition to illustrating Saki’s Westminster Alice in a series of publications from 1900 to 1902, Gould also illustrated Charles Geake’s parody John Bull’s Adventures in the Fiscal Wonderland, published in 1904.
A Nosegay of Pleasant Delights: Five-minute fictions
By Brian S. Lee, with illustrations by Laura Anne Passarello 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-146-0
A Nosegay odorous and not onerous: thirty delightfully brief and varied stories, urban, domestic, rural, or extra-terrestrial, in style quirky or jocoserious, set in places as disparate as England, Europe, Africa, and America, in eras ranging from ancient and medieval to modern and futuristic, encompassing science fiction, romance, fantasy, and history, all drawn from a well as deep and treacly as the Dormouse’s in Wonderland. Brian S. Lee is a teacher and academic, long resident in a leafy suburb of Cape Town, near the fynbos-covered slopes of Table Mountain, between the cold Atlantic and warm Indian Oceans.
De Adhaerendo Deo: On Cleaving to God A bilingual edition in Latin and English
Attributed to Albertus Magnus (Albert the Great). Transcribed and Translated by John Richards. 2022. ISBN 978-1-78201-140-8
This famous and much-loved little treatise, De Adhaerendo Deo (On Cleaving to God), has been attributed to Albert the Great, but the identification of Albert as the author has long been disputed, and it has been shown that it was written by Johannes von Kastl, a Benedictine monk from Kastl in Bavaria who was perhaps prior there c.1399. The Latin text of which this is a translation is found in volume 37 of Albert’s Opera Omnia published in Paris in 1898. The Rev. John Henry Richards, MA, BD, was an Anglican priest born in 1934 who was ordained a deacon in Llandaff in 1977 and a priest there in 1978. He served in Maesteg, Cardiff, Penmark, and Stackpile Elidor until his retirement in 1999, and died in 2017. He is known for his English translations of the Sanskrit Ashtavakra Gita and Vivekachudamani, of the Pali Dhammapada, and of the medieval Latin De Adhaerendo Deo, all of which he put in the public domain and distributed on the Internet in the late 1990s.
Armas: Sracfhéachaint ar Araltas na hÉireann
By Nicholas Williams Second edition 2017. ISBN 978-1-78201-139-2
Is beag ní atá chomh spéisiúil leis an araltas, cé gur gá stór focal nua a fhoghlaim chun lántaitneamh a bhaint as an ábhar. Tugtar sa leabhar seo, atá arna mhaisiú ag an údar féin, cuntas ar bhunús araltas na hÉireann agus ar an gcaoi ar fhorbair sé. Ba iad na Sean-Ghaill a thug an t-araltas go hÉirinn ach de réir a chéile is amhlaigh a ghlac na Gaeil féin leis. Chun gnéithe éagsúla araltas na hÉireann a léiriú, baintear feidhm sa leabhar seo go hiomlán nach mór as armais Éireannacha, idir Ghaelacha agus Ghallda. Tugtar tuairisc freisin ar armais éagsúla thír na hÉireann féin, mar aon le harmais na gcúigí stairiúla. Pléitear armais chathracha, bhailte móra, chontaetha agus dheoisí na hÉireann freisin chomh maith le harmais roinnt Éireannach mór le rá. Ceist na dlínse araltaí is ábhar do na caibidlí deireanacha agus mínitear cén fáth ar fearr diúltú don “araltas siopa”. Sa chuid deireanach den leabhar tugtar léargas éigin freisin ar stair arailt agus rí-arailt na hÉireann chomh maith le bunú agus gníomhaíocht Oifig Phríomh-Aralt na hÉireann.
The War of the Worlds
By H. G. Wells, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-138-5
First published in 1898, The War of the Worlds is considered to be the first “alien invasion” tales, and has been one of the most influential science fiction novels ever written. It has been adapted for radio, stage, and screen, and has inspired and influenced many works of fiction, including comics and graphic novels. Alongside The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, and The Island of Dr Moreau, Wells’ The War of the Worlds stands out as perhaps his most popular work.
The Circle at the Hollow Tree
By Billy Roberts, with illustrations by June Lornie 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-137-8
The Circle at the Hollow Tree on the Devreux estate in Cornwall is a collection of ancient standing stones—but one of the many urban myths that abound is that it is also a portal from this world to the Jesnick Kingdom, a secret inner world supervised by a gnome-like race whose sole existence is dependent on the balance and sanctity of nature. The Jesnick people are also the custodians of the ancient Crystal of Rohm, an energy source that prevents Lithom’s cruel lieutenants, goblins, giants, and many other evil forces, from entering the Jesnick Kingdom, thus stopping them from gaining access into our world. Lithom is the anonymous, infamous leader of the kingdom of giants, and their subservient goblins, whose power extends across all of Zilon, causing fear to be felt in the hearts of all its inhabitants. It is said, that the perpetrators of evil in our world, unwittingly empower Lithom’s men, giving them the strength to destroy the Jesnick Kingdom and the power to take control of our world. Born into a wealthy Cornish family, ten-year-old Simon Halifax is cruel to animals, and has no regard whatsoever for anyone but himself. His continual abuse of nature and his privileged life have contributed to the empowerment of Lithom’s army and causes him to be drawn into the Jesnick Kingdom, where he is finally forced to face the creations of his own malevolence. Accompanied by Zedda, one of the Jesnick people, Simon Halifax journeys across the dangerous terrain of Zilon, the land of two suns, en route to the Golden Temple, in the Mountains of Time, to collect the Crystal of Rohm from the Holy Brethren, who had borrowed it from the Jesnick people until their own depleted powers had fully recovered. The many ordeals young Simon Halifax faces finally help him to discover exactly who he really is, and what he is truly capable of.
Tír na Deo
By J. M. Barrie, translated into Irish by Máiréad Ní Ghráda, with illustrations by Mabel Lucie Attwell 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-136-1
“Agus mhúin sé dúinn conas eitilt agus d’imíomar leis go Tír na Deo mar a raibh na Foghlaithe Mara agus na Sióga agus na Fir Dhearga agus na Murúcha agus an Teach faoi Thalamh.” Seo eagrán nua de Tír na Deo, aistriúchán a rinne Máiréad Ní Ghráda ar ghearrinsint ar Peter Pan and Wendy, an scéal iomráiteach do pháistí a cheap an scríbhneoir Albanach J. M. Barrie (1860–1937). Foilsíodh Tír na Deo den chéad uair in 1938. Fágfaidh Peadar Pan, Clingín Cloig, agus an Crúcaire, bithiúnach an scéil, a rian ar an léitheoir. Tá an draíocht agus an díobháil fite fuaite ina chéile sa scéal seo agus is iomaí cor agus casadh ann. Ní hionadh go bhfuil Wendy agus a beirt deartháireacha ar bís le dul ar thóir eachtraíochta i dTír na Deo. Is amhlaidh gur féidir scaoileadh go hiomlán leis an tsamhlaíocht sa tír iontach sin.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Illustrated by Harry Furniss
By Lewis Carroll, with a Introduction by Selwyn Goodacre and Edward Wakeling 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-135-4
Lewis Carroll is a pen-name: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was the author's real name and he was lecturer in Mathematics at Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson began the story on 4 July 1862, when he took a journey in a rowing boat on the river Thames in Oxford together with the Reverend Robinson Duckworth, with Alice Liddell (ten years of age) the daughter of the Dean of Christ Church, and with her two sisters, Lorina (thirteen years of age), and Edith (eight years of age). As is clear from the poem at the beginning of the book, the three girls asked Dodgson for a story and reluctantly at first he began to tell the first version of the story to them. There are many half-hidden references made to the five of them throughout the text of the book itself, which was published finally in 1865. The text for this edition makes some alterations to Lewis Carroll's final revised text in order to correct some inconsistencies which remained, or which appear to have been introduced, by Carroll in 1897. In the Evertype definitive text the aim has been to establish (or re-establish) clarity and consistency where it was lacking, while conserving the idiosyncrasies of Carroll's writing which have delighted readers for a century and a half. The illustrations in this volume were prepared in 1908 by Harry Furniss, who had previously illustrated Carroll's "Silvie and Bruno". The book has an introduction about Furniss's work by noted Carrollian scholars, Selwyn Goodacre and Edward Wakeling.
Close Encounters of the Snarkian Kind: A Portmanteau inspired by Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark
By Byron W. Sewell 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-134-7
Your ticket on this Snark hunting expedition through the snarkish imagination of Byron Sewell is good for several stops on planet Earth and far-off Jupiter! Our first stop is at Olosega, a volcanic doublet in the Manu'a group of the Samoan Islands, over a century ago, to learn about the true story of Robert Louis Stevenson's tragic encounter with a Boojum. From there our next two stops are in today's West Virginia to attend a meeting of the West Virginia Snark Hunting Society, followed by a deadbeat dad's encounter with someone intent on painting his trailer and pick-up truck with neon-pink polka dots. From there you will travel to Cologne where someone is visiting a psychiatrist seeking help for his ability to see live snarks that everyone attempts to convince him are just illusions. Our last stop is a close encounter on one of Jupiter's moons, eventually colonized after the sudden onset of an ice age across Earth's northern hemisphere, where the words of an ancient tale have the power to rip open a seam in the fabric of space-time and reveal a terrifying world where Boojums abound. Be sure to bring along a fork and some soap.
She: A History of Adventure
By H. Rider Haggard, with illustrations by Maurice Greiffenhagen and Charles Kerr 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-133-0
Rider Haggard wrote this novel in a few days shortly after his success with King Solomon's Mines, and in it he again uses his African experiences and his familiarity with old legends. But there is a greater and more frightening depth in this book. In the story the three men from Cambridge endure shipwreck, fever, and cannibals as they search for She, the object and end of their adventure, bequeathed to them two thousand years previously. She is the incarnation of one of the most powerful and most ambiguous figures in Western consciousness: a woman who is at the same time a seductress and a figure of terror. "My empire is an empire of the imagination." Those words are spoken by Ayesha, the central figure of this book and the queen of a central African tribe. Her soubriquet She-who-must-be-obeyed alludes to her deathless beauty and her magical powers. But taken together those two utterances bear witness to the powerful hold the author, Henry Rider Haggard, has had on his readers over the years.
Honna: Story Viaj Coynt
By H. Rider Haggard, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, with illustrations by Maurice Greifenhagan and Charles Kerr 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-132-3
Rider Haggard a screfas an novel-ma in nebes dedhyow termyn cot wosa y sowena gans Balyow Mytern Salamon hag ev ow qwil devnyth unweyth arta a'y experyens a Afryca hag a'y skians a'n fug-whedhlow coth. Saw yma downder brâssa ha moy grysyl dhe verkya i'n lyver-ma kefrës. I'n whedhel yma an try den dhyworth Kergraunt ow codhevel torrva gorhal, fevyr ha debroryon tus in udn whelas Honna, towl ha pedn aga viaj, kemynys dhedhans dyw vil vledhen alena. Honna yw an carnacyon a onen a'n fygurs moyha puyssant ha moyha omborthus in omwodhvos an West: benyn neb yw in kettermyn dynyores ha skyla rag euth. "Ow empîr vy yw empîr a'n desmygyans." An geryow-na yw leverys gans Ayesha, chif-person an lyver-ma ha myternes a drîb in Afryca Cres. Yma hy les’hanow Honna-a-res-bos-obeyes ow styrya hy thecter dyvarow ha gallos hy fystry. Saw an dhew lavar-na kemerys warbarth yw dùstuny kefrës a'n dhalhen crev a'n jeva an auctour, Henry Rider Haggard, wàr imajynacyon y redyoryon dres an bledhydnyow.
Les Aventures d’Alice au pays des merveilles
By Lewis Carroll, translated into French by Henri Bué 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-131-6
Cette édition de Les Aventures d'Alice au pays des merveilles présente la première traduction en français de 1869 pour le lecteur moderne. La traduction d'Henri Bué fut la deuxième traduction d'Alice dans une autre langue. Bué demanda l'avis de Lewis Carroll pour cette traduction, que l'on qualifia de traduction autorisée . Un petit nombre de modifications ont été apportées au texte, de manière à rendre le livre plus accessible au lecteur moderne.
Les Aventures d’Alice au pays des merveilles: Ouvrage illustré par Mathew Staunton
By Lewis Carroll, translated into French by Henri Bué 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-130-9
Lewis Carroll est un nom de plume : l'auteur s'appelait en réalité Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,et donnait des cours de mathématiques à Christ Church, Oxford. L'histoire a pris naissance dans lecerveau de Dodgson le 4 juillet 1862, sur la Tamise à Oxford, au cours d'un voyage en barque avec lepasteur Robinson Duckworth, Alice Liddell (dix ans), la fille du doyen de Christ Church, et ses deux sœurs, Lorina (treize ans), et Edith (huit ans). Comme indiqué dans le poème servant d'introduction au livre, les troisdemoiselles prièrent Dodgson de leur raconter une histoire, et il leur en conta, à contrecoeur au début, la première version. Les illustrations de ce volume, ludiques etpleines de fraicheur, sont les créations de Mathew Staunton, qui s'est basé sur les images d'Alice et desdifférents personnages qu'elle rencontre qu'a fait naitre en lui sa première lecture de l'ouvrage il y abien des années, et qui ont été inspirées en partie par sa fille Aoife, qui a posé pour les illustrations.
Alice’s Adventures in a Dyslexic Wonderland: An edition printed in a font that simulates Dyslexia
By Lewis Carroll 2015. With a foreword by Daniel Britton. ISBN 978-1-78201-129-3
In 2013, Daniel Britton initiated a project at the London College of Communication to recreate the feeling of reading with dyslexia-to try and instil a sense of empathy between non-dyslexics and dyslexics. To accomplish this, he designed a typeface that would be almost illegible and slow down the reading pace of a non-dyslexic person to the speed of a dyslexic, recreating the frustration and embarrassment of reading with the condition. Britton's typeface design doesn't simulate letters jumping around on the page or anything like that-it just breaks the reading time of a non-dyslexic down to the speed of a dyslexic. With fonts specially produced by Michael Everson, this edition has been typeset in keeping with Britton's design objectives.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Illustrated by Mathew Staunton
By Lewis Carroll, with a Foreword by Michael Everson 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-128-6
The text for this edition makes some alterations to Lewis Carroll's final revised text in order to correct some inconsistencies which remained, or which appear to have been introduced, by Carroll in 1897. In the Evertype definitive text the aim has been to establish (or re-establish) clarity and consistency where it was lacking, while conserving the idiosyncrasies of Carroll's writing which have delighted readers for a century and a half. The playful and fresh illustrations in this volume were prepared by Mathew Staunton, on the basis of very personal mental images of Alice and the different characters she meets which developed when he first read the book many years ago, and were inspired in part by his daughter Aoife, who acted as model for the book.
Eachtra Eibhlíse i dTír na nIontas
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Irish by Pádraig Ó Cadhla 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-127-9
Seoid de chuid litríochta na bpáistí atá in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, a foilsíodh den chéad uair sa bhliain 1865. Foilsíodh aistriúchán Gaeilge le Nicholas Williams sa bhliain 2003, agus cuireadh amach an dara heagrán de in 2007. Is sa bhliain 1922, áfach, a foilsíodh an chéad leagan Gaeilge, a rinne Pádraig Ó Cadhla (1875-1948), ach is deacair teacht ar chóip den leabhar sin inniu, agus is beag duine a bhfuil sé léite aige. Is sa bhliain 2015 atá an t-atheagrán seo d'aistriúchán Uí Chadhla á fhoilsiú, 150 bliain tar éis chéadfhoilsiú Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. --- The book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a jewel of children's literature, first published in 1865. An Irish translation by Nicholas Williams was published in 2003, with a second edition in 2007. But the first Irish translation by Pádraig Ó Cadhla (1875-1948) was published in 1922 though the book is difficult to acquire these days and few have read it. This new edition of Ó Cadhla's translation appears in 2015, the 150th anniversary of the first publication of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: An edition printed in Dyslexic-Friendly Fonts
By Lewis Carroll 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-126-2
The fonts used in this edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderlandhave been designed with the intention of making reading easier for people with dyslexia. OpenDyslexic3 (used for the body text) and OpenDyslexic (used for its italics) were designed by Abelardo Gonzalez and Lexia Readable (used for the chapter titles drop-caps, and headers) was designed by Keith Bates. Research suggests that dyslexic-friendly fonts are not always effective for all readers; it hoped nevertheless that this edition may help at least some readers to enjoy Alice's adventures.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
By Lewis Carroll, with a Foreword by Michael Everson 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-125-5
The text for this edition is based on that established in Selwyn Goodacre’s version of Lewis Carroll’s final revised text of 1897; Goodacre’s edition is augmented “with certain corrections, and elimination of errors”. To that text I have made a number of further alterations in order to correct some inconsistencies which remained, or which appear to have been introduced, in Carroll’s final revised text. This establishes a definitive text for Evertype publications. It aims to introduce (or re-introduce) clarity and consistency where it was lacking, while conserving the idiosyncrasies of Carroll’s writing which have delighted readers for a century and a half.
Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things
By Lafcadio Hearn, illustrated by Mathew Staunton 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-124-8
Evertype presents Lafcadio Hearn's classic tales of ghosts, spirits, and the darker side of the natural world with 20 new linotypes by Mathew Staunton. --- "A legend in Ireland and in Japan where his descendants thrive to this day, Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904) was himself drawn to legends, his imagination ignited initially by tales of the Celtic Otherworld and later fuelled by stories of Voodoo magic in Louisiana, an imagination that had its full flowering in far-away Japan where his restless spirit found peace. If you have any few hairs at all on your head, these venerable tales will have them standing up in wonder." -- Gabriel Rosenstock
Mbalango wa Alice eTikweni ra Swihlamariso
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Shangani by Peniah Mabaso and Steyn Khesani Madlome 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-123-1
Lewis Carroll i vito ro duvulela: kasi Charles Lutwidge Dodgson a ku ri rona vito ra mutsari ra xiviri naswona a a ri muleteri wa swa tinhlayo eChrist Church, edorobeni ra Oxford. Dodgson u sungurile marungula lama hi siku ra vumune ra n'hweti ya Mawuwani hi lembe ra 1862, loko va khomile rendzo ra byatso enambyeni wa Thames eOxford na Mufundhisi Robinson Duckworth, na Alice Liddell (loyi a ri na khumi wa malembe) n'wana wa Muangameri wa Kereke ya Christ Church, xikan'we na sesi na ndzisana, lava ku nga Lorina (wa malembe ya khumenharhu), na Edith (wa malembe nhungu). Tanihilaha swi paluxiweke hakona eka xitlhokovetselo emasungulweni ya tsalwa, vanhwana lava nharhu va komberile Dodgson leswaku a va garingetela kambe yena eku sunguleni a va nyika ntsheketo hi ndlela yin'wana ya khale. XiTsonga i ririmi ro tlula mindzilekano leri vulavuriwaka eka matiko ya mune ya Afrika wa Dzonga lama ku nga: Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Afrika-Dzonga, na Muzambiki. Eka matiko lama hinkwawo ririmi leri ri vitaniwa hi mavito yo hambana. Etikweni ra Afrika-Dzonga ri vuriwa XiTsonga; eMuzambiki, ntlawa wukulu i XiTsonga kambe ehansi ka wona ku na mitlawa leyi vuriwaka XiChangana, XiTshwa na XiRhonga. EZimbabwe, ririmi leri ri tiveka tanihi XiChangana hi xitalo. Hambiswiritano ku ni ririn'wana leri vulavuriwaka i ra XiHlengwe kumbe leri kuceteriwaka hi XiTshwa.
Alisi Ndani ya Nchi ya Ajabu
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Swahili by Ida Hadjuvayanis 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-122-4
Kiswahili ni lugha ya Kibantu inayozungumzwa huko Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, Somalia na nchi nyingine zilizo jirani na nchi hizi za Afrika ya mashariki. Kiswahili kimekirimu tafsiri za kigeni kwa karne nyingi na pia tafsiri imekuwa na jukumu muhimu la kukuza lugha hii kisiasa, kijamii, kiuchumi na kiutamaduni. Pia katika karne ya 19, tafsiri ilikuwa ndiyo chanzo cha riwaya ndani ya fasihi ya Kiswahili, hivyo imeweza kuathiri waandishi muhimu. Tafsiri hii ni ya kifasihi zaidi, pia imelengea kiuaminifu zaidi hadithi ya awali. "Alisi" ilitafsiriwa kwa mara ya kwanza mwaka 1940 ambapo mfasiri alifupisha hadithi hiyo na kuiita "Elisi katika Nchi ya Ajabu". Pia alimgeuza mhusika mkuu kuwa mtoto wa Kiafrika aliyemwita Elisi. Hii tafsiri mpya iliyofanywa na Ida Hadjivayanis, imetolewa kama mojawapo ya kazi zinazosherehekea kuazimia kwa miaka 150 tangu kuchapishwa kwa toleo la kitabu hiki la mwaka 1865. Tafsiri hii itamwezesha msomaji wa 'Alisi' wa Kiswahili apate hisia zilizokusudiwa na mwandishi hapo awali.
Охота на Снарка в Восьми Напастях (Okhota na Snarka: v Vosʹmi Napastiakh)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Russian by Victor Fet 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-121-7
Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark" is perhaps the most frequently translated and parodied English language poems into Russian. It is quite possible that no other country has managed to inspire so many translators to have a go at the difficult translation. Somehow, Lewis Carroll's poem has spoken to the Russian soul. The first person to produce a full Russian translation of the Snark is Victor Fet, who managed this feat in 1975. Not only a translator, Fet is also a Russian poet himself, a biology professor, a world-class expert on scorpions, and a particularly effective literary sleuth. He has located and described, with analysis both trenchant and humorous, no fewer than 36 different published full translations in Russian, by 33 translators (1991-2015), plus many partial translations-even down to single-stanza and single-line quotes. In this book is the final (1981) version of Fet's Russian translation of Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark as well as а facsimile of its 1976 version (a Samizdat typescript), a detailed Foreword, and additional materials including a comprehensive annotated bibliography in English. There is no doubt that it will stand as the foundation for Russian Snarkology.
Der Hobit, oder, Ahin un Vider Tsurik The Hobbit in Yiddish.
By J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Yiddish by Barry Goldstein 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-120-0. ISBN 978-1-78201-119-4 (paperback)
Di dozike balibte klasishe fantazye far leyener fun ale eltern hot tsu ton mit a hobit vos hot geheysn Bilbo Bagins, vos iz avekgekhapt gevorn oyf an umgerikhte nesie fun Gandalf dem mekhashef un a khevre draytsn shretlekh. Der Hobit iz a mayse ongefilt mit shpanendiker aventure, untergenumen fun a khevre shretlekh zukhndik nokh drakon-bavakht gold. An umviliker shutef in dem o sakonedikn zukhenish iz Bilbo Bagins, a nit-ambitsyezer hobit vos hot lib bakvemlekhkeyt, vos iz a khidesh tsu zikh aleyn afile tsulib dem eygenem hamtsoedikeyt un bekies vi an araynbrekher. Bagegenishn mit troln, goblins, shretlekh, elfn, un rizike shpinen, shmuesn mit dem drakon Smaug, un gor an umvilik bayzayn bay der Shlakht fun di Finf Armeyen zaynen bloyz a teyl fun di avantures vos trefn zikh mit Bilbo. Bilbo Bagins hot dem eygenem ort tsvishn di reyen fun di umshterbelekhe in beletristik far kinder. Geshribn fun Profesor Tolkin far di eygene kinder, hot Der Hobit teykef bakumen kritishe loyb ven ersht aroys fun druk. Itst kent ir dos ershte mol gefinen ot dos bukh in lataynishe oysyes in a prekhtiker iberzetsung fun Berish Goldshteyn. Dos bukh nemt arayn di ale tseykhenungen un kartes fun dem mekhaber.
“Alice” Condado aos Mais Pequenos
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Portuguese by Rogério Miguel Puga 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-118-7
“Alice” Contada aos Mais Pequenos destina-se a crianças em idade pré-escolar, “dos zero aos cinco anos”. Com um total de cerca de 7 000 palavras, esta 'versão' é significativamente mais curta do que As Aventuras de Alice no Subsolo (15 500 palavras) e Alice no País das Maravilhas (27 500 palavras). A maior parte da narrativa consiste em interpelações do autor ao jovem ouvinte e em explicações sobre a história através de referências às ilustrações. O efeito dessa estratégia é cativante, sobretudo quando Carroll brinca com aspectos das ilustrações de Tenniel elegantemente coloridas. Curiosamente, nessas obras de arte, o vestido de Alice é amarelo e o avental branco, com um laço azul, mas actualmente a maioria dos artistas pinta o vestido de azul e branco.
The Nursery “Alice”
By Lewis Carroll Second edition 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-117-0
The Nursery “Alice” is intended for pre-school children “aged from Nought to Five”. Running to just under 7,000 words, it is considerably shorter than both Alice’s Adventures under Ground (15,500 words) and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (27,500 words). Much of the narrative consists of the author’s addressing the young listener, explaining the story by reference to the illustrations. The effect is rather charming, particularly where Carroll pokes fun at features in Tenniel’s illustrations. These were quite skilfully and attractively coloured. Interestingly, Tenniel coloured Alice’s dress yellow with a blue trim and white apron, whereas nowadays most artists colour the dress in blue and white only.
Spedestä Säätiöön – kolme esseetä populaarikulttuurista
Three essays on popular culture in Finnish by Panu Petteri Höglund. 2018. ISBN 978-1-78201-116-3
Spede Pasanen oli vuosikymmenten ajan Suomen tuotteliain viihdemies. Olisiko nyt lopultakin aika pohtia myös Speden ansioita suomalaisen komedian uudistajana?
John Carter oli Tarzanista kuuluisan Edgar Rice Burroughsin toiseksi tunnetuin seikkailijahahmo, joka sai uutta kuuluisuutta taannoisen suurelokuvan ansiosta. Miten apinamiehen luojalta onnistui tieteisfantasian kirjoittaminen?
Isaac Asimov oli yhdessä Arthur C. Clarken ja Robert A. Heinleinin kanssa yksi klassisen angloamerikkalaisen tieteiskirjallisuuden kolmesta suuresta. Hänen ensimmäisiä voimannäytteitään oli Säätiö-trilogia. Oliko Säätiö kovaa scifiä vai pelkkää avaruusoopperaa?
Crystal's Adventures in a Cockney Wonderland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Cockney Rhyming Slang by Charlie Lovett 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-115-6
Cockney Rhyming Slang, as anyone who has stood at the till in a London souvenir shop could tell you, is a set of slang expressions based on taking the original word (say, “stairs”) and rhyming it with the final word of a short phrase (“apples and pears”), and then, in some cases, shortening the new expression (“apples”). This can lead to a sentence such as: “Careful you don’t slip and fall down the apples”. While the slang is often cited as the “secret language” of the Cockney population of London, many of its expression have entered into general usage, not just in the UK, but throughout the English-speaking world. This is not a translation of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” in the purest sense. It is, rather, the result of a linguistic game—another sort of translation. What Charles Dodgson would have loved most about Cockney Rhyming Slang, and what makes it suited for application to “Alice”, is that it is, as John Ayto writes in his introduction to “The Oxford Dictionary of Rhyming Slang”, “all really part of a giant ongoing word game, whose product is much more droll artefact that linguists’ lexeme”. It is with this idea of Cockney Rhyming Slang as word game, and with the goal of creating “droll artefact”, that this translation has been approached.
I Avventur de Alìs ind el Paes di Meravili
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Western Lombard by GianPietro Gallinelli 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-114-9
Lewis Carroll l'è on pseudònim: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson l'è el nòmm real de l'autor, che l'era on professor universitari de Matematica a la Christ Church a Òxfòrd. El Dodgson l'ha cominciaa la stòria el 4 de luj del 1862, quand l'aveva faa ona escursion in barca a remm in sul fiumm Tamigi a Òxfòrd, insema al Reverend Robinson Duckworth, con l'Alìs Liddell (de des ann de età) la tosa del Decan de la Christ Church, e cont i sò dò sorell, Lorina (de tredes ann de età), e Edith (de vòtt ann de età). Come l'è anca ciar da la poesia al inizzi del liber, i trè tosann gh'hann domandaa al Dodgson de cuntagh sù ona stòria e lù on poo contrari al princippi, l'ha cominciaa a mett giò quella che la sariss diventada la prima version del esempi. In tutt el raccont, ch'el sarà pubblicaa a la fin ind el 1865, gh'hinn di mezz allusion a qui cinch persònn. Questa edizion la porta a l'attenzion di lettor del dì d'incoeu la prima traduzion del liber I Avventur de Alìs ind el Paes di Meravili in Lombard Occidental, vun di pussee important dialett de la Penisola Italiàna, sviluppaa dal Latin e che l'è parlaa ind ona area che la corrispond pù o manch a la part occidentala de la Lombardia, a di part del Piemont, el Canton Tessin in Svizzera, e di arei a sud del Fiumm Pò.
Insumansumane Zika-Alice
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Zimbabwean Ndebele by Dion Nkomo 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-113-2
Insumansumane Zika-Alice liqoqo lenganekwane ezabhalwa nguCharles Lutwidge Dodgson ebhala enguLewis Carroll, okuligama elisetshenziswa emibhalweni yakhe. OkaDodgson wabhala inganekwane zakhe ezibhalela amantombazana amathathu ayizelamani, enye igama layo ingu-Alice. Lelo qoqo lenganekwane ladindwa okokuqala ngo-1865 anduba libe ngolunye lwengwalo zabantwana ezidume kakhulu emhlabeni wonke jikelele. Selatolikelwa endimini ezinengi kakhulu labuye lahlelwa ukuthi lidlalwe kumabonakude. Lolu gwalo olutolikelwe esiNdebeleni saseZimbabwe lungomunye wemizamo yokuqala yokuthi ugwalo lukaDodgson lutholakale endimini zesiNtu ngesikhathi kuthakazelwa ikhulu lamatshumi amahlanu eminyaka kusukela insumansumane zika-Alice zidindwa ngokokuqala olimini lwesiNgisi.
Æðelgýðe Ellendǽda on Wundorlande
By Hlóðwíg Carroll, translated into Old English by Peter S. Baker 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-112-5
Old English (or “Englisc”) is the English language as recorded from around the year 700 to 1100. Spoken by King Alfred the Great and Lady Godiva, the Venerable Bede and Edward the Confessor, it is the language of such classics as Beowulf, The Dream of the Rood, and The Seafarer. After 1100 the language went through a period of change so rapid that, by the time two centuries had passed, few could read these old texts. For those interested in learning the oldest variety of English, this translation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland may provide a pleasurable study aid: just set the modern text and this one side by side and compare the two. But be careful! In this book, Lewis Carroll’s classic tale has been transported into the distant past, before the English had ever heard of tea, imagined a device as sophisticated as a watch, or even seen a rabbit (a later invasive species). Instead, they drank beer, mead, or (when they could get it) wine; an exceptionally learned scholar might have known how to tell time with an astrolabe; and the most familiar long-eared animal was the hare.
Elises Eventyr i Undernes Land - Elise's Adventures in the Land of Wonders Den første norske oversettelse av Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - The first Norwegian translation of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
By Lewis Carroll. Edited by Kristin Ørjasæter. 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-111-8 (paperback)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland regnes som en av de viktigste barnebøkene i verden, kanskje den aller viktigste. I Norge har fortellingen vært kjent som enten Else i Eventyrland eller som Alice i Eventyrland. Vi har gode grunner til å anta at det var søstrene Augusta og Emma Hagerup (kalt E. A. Hagerup) som første gang formidlet Lewis Carroll's fortelling til norsk i Børnenes Blad 1. oktober 1870. Her presenterer vi denne oversettelsen både på norsk og engelsk. Boken inneholder også en bibliografi over norske Alice-oversettelser. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is regarded as one of the most important children's books in the world, perhaps the most important one. In Norway, the story has been known as either Else i Eventyrland or Alice i Eventyrland. We have reason to believe that it was the sisters Augusta and Emma Hagerup (called E. A. Hagerup) who presented Lewis Carroll's story in Norwegian for the first time, in the magazine called Børnenes Blad ('Children's Magazine') on 1 October, 1870. This book chronicles this story, and presents the text in Norwegian and English translation, as well as a bibliography of Norwegian Alices.
La Hobito, aŭ, Tien kaj Reen The Hobbit in Esperanto.
By J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Esperanto by Christopher Gledhill. Edited and Revised by Patrick H. Wynne. 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-110-1. ISBN 978-1-78201-109-5 (paperback)
Tiu ĉi amata fantasta klasikaĵo por legantoj ĉiuaĝaj temas pri hobito nomata Bilbo Bagins, kiu estas forportata en neatendita vojaĝo de la sorĉisto Gandalf kaj kompanio da dek tri gnomoj. La Hobito estas rakonto pri granda aventuro entreprenita de la gnomoj por serĉi oron gardatan de drako. Hezitema partoprenanto en tiu ĉi danĝera ekspedicio, Bilbo Bagins unue estas komfortama kaj senambicia hobito, sed li eĉ surprizas sin mem per sia elturniĝemo kaj rompŝtelista lerteco. Renkontoj kun troloj, goblenoj, gnomoj, elfoj, kaj gigantaj araneoj, konversacioj kun la drako Smaŭg, kaj iom nevolonta ĉeesto ĉe la Batalo de Kvin Armeoj estas nur kelkaj el la aventuroj kiuj okazas al Bilbo. Bilbo Baggins estas alpreninta sian lokon inter la senmortaj personoj de porinfana fikcio. Verkite de J.R.R. Tolkien por liaj propraj infanoj, La Hobito ricevis tujan kritikistan aklamon kiam publikigita. La libro inkluzivas ĉiujn ilustraĵojn kaj mapojn de la aŭtoro.
Nosy Neighbours: Stories in Mennonite Low German and English
Nieschieaje Nohbasch: Jeschichte opp Plautdietsch enn Enjlisch
By Jack Thiessen. 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-108-8
In addition to being the Samuel Johnson of Low German, a linguist nonpareil, and connoisseur of fine art and fine food, Jack Thiessen is a raconteur the way Mozart and John Driedger were musicians. The stories are simply there, and as they mature within him, he draws them up and releases them. Naturally they surface in the Low German dialect, and come garnished with humour. Like halvah and all fine things, they are best savoured slowly. – Jack Thiessen ess nich blooß dee mennischa Samuel Johnson, een Lexigraph sondajlitje, oba uck een resserietenda Feinschmatja enn Sache Konst enn goodet Äte, uck Latjabätjess jenannt. Mozart enn Johaun Driedja säde, “Dee Musitj ess mie enn”, enn soo ess’et mett Jack siene Jeschijchte; hee loagad dee, see woare ella enn bäta, bett hee daut Schlätelwuat finjt, omm dee ruttoolohte, emm Dialekt, Plautdietsch, jeschräwe enn mett Spoß utjestraumt. Aum basten sull eena dee lese, soo’s eena Halvah at: langsom enn mett Scheenjeschmack! — Ernest Braun
Alice’s Adventchers in Wunderland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Scouse by Marvin R. Sumner 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-107-1
“Scouse” is the name of the unique dialect of English spoken in Liverpool. It is a relatively new dialect, dating to the 19th century, showing some influence of speakers from England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. The Beatles are perhaps the most famous speakers of Scouse, or at least the first speakers who came to public prominence outside the Liverpool region. This book contains a brief sketch of the orthographic principles used in presenting the Liverpudlian dialect in this edition. The Scouse translation was first prepared by Marvin R. Sumner in 1990, and is now published for the first time in anticipation of the “Alice 150” celebrations being held this year.
In Perendinum Aevum: Carmina Latina
By Stephen Coombs 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-106-4
Classical Latin poetry is capable of a beauty all its own. Its structure, derived from Greek precedents, is an orderly patterning of long and short syllables, sometimes quite simple, sometimes more complex. Across these metrical patterns the words scatter a play of varied phonetic stress and fall in place with a freedom, facilitated by the inflexional nature of the language, that can convey fine nuances of emphasis. As late as the sixth century Latin poets could still feel free to present new metrical arrangements of this kind. Later we find them either (as in the Middle Ages) adopting the rhyme and the stressed-based or syllable-counting rhythms to which we are used in the verse of modern European languages or (especially from the Renaissance onwards) aiming at fidelity to a restricted number of ancient models. In his flowingly expressive Latin poetry Stephen Coombs adheres to classical principles while often once again introducing novel metrical forms. With the vocabulary and imagery of Latin's history at its disposal his voice is nonetheless contemporary and driven by personal experience and conviction. The title of this collection means "into the era of the day after tomorrow".
Elucidating Alice: A Textual Commentary on Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
By Lewis Carroll, with an introduction and Notes by Selwyn Goodacre 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-105-7
This textual commentary looks at Alice's Adventures in Wonderland quite simply, as a children’s novel, investigating the book’s narrative structure, analysing how Carroll successfully constructed a pioneering book for children that was to stand the test of time, remaining remarkably relevant to the present day. There are many depths and subtleties in this book that can only be properly appreciated by examining the text line by line. The writing is supremely skilful, and will stand the closest scrutiny-even virtually to every line of the narrative. Most books would crumble under such close analysis. It is testimony to the strength, depth, and quality of Alice that the book comes through such intense examination and survives triumphantly. Selwyn Goodacre has a large Lewis Carroll collection including over 2000 copies of the Alice books. He is a past chairman of the Lewis Carroll Society, and edited the Society journal from 1974-1997. For years he has pursued a special interest in the text of the Alice books, which has led to his current commentary on, and analysis of, the way they were written.
آلیس در سرزمین عجایب (Âlis dar Sarzamin-e Ajâyeb)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Dari by Rahman Arman 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-104-0
Dari is spoken natively by the majority of the population in Afghanistan and is one of the two official languages of the country, the other being Pashto. In Afghanistan, Dari has served as the lingua franca for many years, and is the main language of communication between people in most Afghan cities. Many Dari speakers, especially those in Central and Northern Afghanistan, identify themselves as belonging to the Tajik ethnic group. Many members of other ethnic groups-including Hazara, Pashtun, Uzbek, and Pamiris-speak Dari as a second language as well. Dari has a number of dialects such as Shamali (Northern), Herati, Hazaragi, and Kabuli which is the basis of the standard language. Dari, along with Persian spoken in Iran and Tajik spoken in Tajikistan, is one of the three literary languages that stem from a common language spoken in the Middle Ages called Pārsi (Arabized as Fārsi). Together with Persian and Tajik, Dari belongs to the West Iranian branch of Indo-European languages. The term “Dari” is derived from the word “dar” which meant ‘court’ in the classical language. So Dari is “the language of the court”.
Câss Coynt an Doctour Jekyll ha Mêster Hyde
By Robert Louis Stevenson, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, and with illustrations by Mathew Staunton 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-103-3
Whedhel a own uthyk usy ow sowthanas hag owth ancombra y redyoryon. Gwreugh ankevy an versyons scav re wrussowgh why gweles in fylmys, ha somonowgh agas coraj dhe entra i’n own brysoniethel a Jekyll ha Hyde. Y leveryr an novel dhe wharvos in Loundres, saw yth yw pùb folen trockys in airgelgh kevrînek Dyneydyn, an dre may feu genys Robert Louis Stevenson. Ywa istory Freudyan, parabyl moralyta pò allegory carnal? Res yw dhe’n redyor determya.
Alice’s Ventures in Wunderland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Cornu-English by Alan M. Kent 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-102-6
Cornu-English is that form of English spoken by the majority of native residents in Cornwall. It has also spread overseas to be spoken in areas of the world where Cornish migrants lived and worked-in such diverse locations as Australia, the United States of America, New Zealand, Mexico and South Africa. It may be said to be one of three major linguistic groups operating within Cornwall, a Celtic territory in the west of the island of the Britain. The three are Cornish, English and Cornu-English. Within Cornu-English, it is necessary to point out that although the broad vocabulary and grammar remain the same there are some variations in accent. These can be graded from east to west, and from north to south. In general, the accent in the west of Cornwall (in West Penwith, in particular) has remained quite distinctive, with some observers believing this is because of the later persistence of the Cornish language there. This edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is translated with a nod towards the Cornu-English accent of mid Cornwall; in particular that found in the working-class china-clay mining villages to the north of St Austell. This accent and locate remain interesting because for many years there were perceived as not being as picturesque as others parts of Cornwall, and so received less immigration and loss of Cornu-English speakers.
Selections from the Lewis Carroll Collection of Victoria J. Sewell
Compiled by Byron W. Sewell 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-101-9
The year 2015 marks the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the first publication of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. As part of the the sesquicentennial commemorations, a number of American exhibitions will be held under the auspices of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, designated Alice150. One participating museum is the Huntington Museum of Art in West Virginia, which will host "Selections from the Lewis Carroll Collection of Victoria J. Sewell" in their main gallery during the summer. This full-colour volume catalogues the more than 180 items on display, fully annotated by Byron W. Sewell and with an insightful Foreword by prominent English Carrollian, Edward Wakeling.
Veritas: The Captain’s Redemption (In Partes Ignotas: Book One)
By Lenny Montgpmery 2022. ISBN 978-1-78201-100-2
Eight hundred years into humanity’s future and the ties of blood are just as strong as ever. On her maiden voyage into deep space, the Wryneck, a prototype starship, was destroyed after her captain gave the order to self-destruct. Three decades later, Tiberius MacAlpin, the son of the Wryneck’s captain, is haunted by dreams that seem to show him what happened to his father’s ship. A new ship. A new mission. The same desire for answers. Tiberius has always believed his father was not in the wrong to act as he did, and is determined to clear his name, whatever it takes—even if it means uncovering long-held secrets borne by those who were close friends. Is it so wrong for a son to believe his father’s innocence until he uncovers the truth?
Cogadh na Reann
By H. G. Wells, translated into Irish by Leon Ó Broin, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton, edited by Aibhistín Ó Duibh 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-099-9
Foilsíodh Cogadh na Reann den chéad uair in 1898 agus meastar gurb é an chéad úrscéal riamh é faoi ionradh eachtrán ar an domhan agus tá sé ar cheann de na húrscéalta ficsean eolaíochta is tábhachtaí dár ceapadh. Athchóiríodh é don raidió, don téatar, agus don chineama, agus is iomaí sin saothar ficsin, de gach saghas, a raibh sé ina inspioráid acu. Mar aon le The Time Machine, The Island of Dr Moreau agus An Chéad-Chuairt ar an nGealaigh, áirítear Cogadh na Reann ar mhórshaothair ficsean eolaíochta H. G. Wells (1866-1946). Foilsíodh in 1934 an t-aistriúchán seo Gaeilge a rinne Leon Ó Broin. Is éard atá san eagrán nua seo leagan caighdeánaithe den aistriúchán sin, arna chur in eagar ag Aibhistín Ó Duibh.
A Wreck upon the Ocean: Cornish Folklore in the Age of the Industrial Revolution (Studies in Cornish Language and Culture; 3)
By Brendan McMahon. 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-098-2
In the nineteenth century the small nation of Cornwall underwent profound social and economic change. It became one of the first European regions to industrialize, and exported tin and copper to the world, along with the engineers and miners who extracted them. But bust followed boom, and emigration became high. Mortality rates and famine took their toll on a small community which had recently lost its language and was struggling to maintain its identity in the face of growing encroachment from across the Tamar. In the 1840s, driven by a growing sense that modernity was driving out the old folkways and beliefs, two Cornish scholars, Robert Hunt and William Bottrell, began to collect the ancient Celtic stories of pisgies, mermaids, and giants which had been passed down by generations of fisherfolk and tinners since time immemorial in the far west. Though many stories must have been lost with the passing of the Cornish language, those that survived enabled the community to articulate its sense of loss, and its anxieties about identity.
Balþos Gadedeis Aþalhaidais in Sildaleikalanda
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Gothic by David Alexander Carlton 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-097-5
Gothic (Gutiska razda or Gutrazda) was a continental Germanic language spoken by the Visigoths and Ostrogoths in many areas (most notably Spain and Italy) throughout antiquity and the early Middle Ages; while Gothic appears to have become functionally extinct sometime in the eighth century, some form of the language may have continued to be spoken in the Crimea until the sixteenth or seventeenth century. The Gothic Bible, translated from a lost Greek exemplar sometime ca. 360 CE by the Gothic bishop Wulfila, represents the earliest substantive text in any Germanic language. Gothic itself remains the only significant representation of the East Germanic branch of languages, which have since died off completely. Other extant works in Gothic include an exegesis of the Gospel of John known as Skeireins, a partial calendar, and some minor fragments. Unfortunately, all extant texts are incomplete, so it remains unknown to what extent the extant fragments are written in idiomatic Gothic, as well as exactly what dialect of Gothic they might represent.
Der an Gweder Meras ha Myns a Gafas Alys Ena
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-096-8
Whedhel a'n hâv yw Aventurs Alys in Pow an Anethow dyllys gans Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) rag an kensa prës in mis Gortheren an vledhen 1865. Yma lies onen a'n bobel hag a'n wharvedhyansow i'n lyver ow pertainya dhe back cartednow. Whedhel a'n gwâv yw Der an Gweder Meras ha Myns a Gafas Alys Ena, hag y feu dyllys gans Carroll rag an kensa prës in mis Kevardhu 1871. Yth yw pobel ha wharvedhyansow an secùnd whedhel-ma grôndys war wary gwëdhpoll. Y fëdh gwelys i'n lyver-ma delînyansow meurgerys Syr John Tenniel, a omdhysqwedhas rag an kensa prës in dyllans gwredhek an whedhel in Sowsnek. Orth dyweth an lyver y kefyr an wharvedhyans "ankevys" "Gùhien an Fâls-Blew", neb a veu porposys gans Carroll avell radn a Der an Gweder Meras. Nyns esa an darn-na ow plêsya John Tenniel, neb a brovias an delînyansow rag kensa dyllansow an dhew lyver, ha rag hedna y feu va gesys in mes. An pyctour spladn warlergh gis Tenniel usy dhe weles i'n chaptra-ma a veu gwrës gans Ken Leeder in 1977.
Aventurs Alys in Pow an Anethow
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams Second edition 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-095-1
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, jowal bian a lien an flehes, a veu dyllys rag an kensa prës in 1865. Trailyansow dhe lies tavas re apperyas dhia an vledhen-na. I’n vledhen 1994 Kesva an Tavas Kernowek a dhyllas versyon a’n whedhel, trailys dhe Gernowek Kebmyn gans Ray Edwards in dadn an tîtel Alys y’n Vro a Varthusyon. Darn in mes a’n versyon-na a vëdh gwelys i’n present trailyans (gwelyr folednow 26-27). Remant an lyver-ma yw screfys i’n spellys gelwys Kerowek Standard (KS) pò in Sowsnek Standard Cornish. Yma an spellyans-na ow clena yn stroth orth spellyans tradycyonal an tavas hag yth ywa fonetyk yn tien kefrës. Y fëdh gwelys awoles fatell usy KS owth ûsya sînys diacrîtek a-ugh lytherednow dhe verkya dyffransow in geryow spellys i’n kerth fordh pò dhe dhysqwedhes an sonyow a vogalednow a’s teves moy ès udn leveryans. Abàn yw KS heb dowt vëth an gwella spellyans bythqweth a veu darbarys rag an tavas dasvewys, yma va comendys obma rag oll descoryon hag oll cowsoryon a Gernowek. Y fëdh gwelys i’n lyver-ma an delînyansow a brîs gwrës gans Syr John Tenniel rag an kensa dyllans in Sowsnek.
Pride and Prejudice
By Jane Austen, with illustrations by Hugh Johnson 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-094-4
Pride and Prejudice is the best known of Jane Austen’s six novels, and was first published in 1813. It is highly regarded for the acute description of its characters and because of its ironic style. The novel tells about the relationship which ensues when Elizabeth Bennet meets Mr Darcy. There are many notable characters in the novel, in particular beautiful and affectionate Jane, Elizabeth’s older sister; Mrs Bennet, their foolish mother; and their wild and unruly younger sister Lydia. The other memorable actors in the story include gentle and amiable Mr Bingley; Mr Wickam, the plausible scoundrel; William Collins, the ridiculous clergyman; and his appalling patronness, Lady Catherine de Bourgh.
Gooth ha Gowvreus
By Jane Austen, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, with illustrations by Hugh Johnson 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-093-7
Yth yw Gooth ha Gowvreus an gwella aswonys a whegh novel Jane Austen hag y feu va dyllys in Sowsnek kyns oll i’n vledhen 1813. Talvejys brâs yw an whedhel-ma dre rêson a’n pyctour glew usy ev ow ry a’n bobel ino hag inwedh awos y narracyon gesedhus. Yma an novel ow terivas fatell wrug Elisabet Benet metya gans Mêster Darcy rag an kensa prës hag ev dystowgh dhe vos cas gensy. In folednow an lyver yma hy thybyansow in y gever ow chaunjya tabm ha tabm, ha wàr an dyweth egerys yw dhedhy hy theylu dhe vos in kendon vrâs dhodho ha hy hy honen dh’y estêmya ha’y gara dre rêson a’y dhader, y larjes ha’y lendury. Yma lies character notabyl i’n lyver inwedh, Jane sêmly ha hegar, whor gotha Elisabet; Mêstres Benet aga mabm wocky; ha Lydya wyls ha dygabester, aga whor yonca. In mesk persons hegof erel an whedhel y hyller campolla Mêster Bingly jentyl ha caradow; Mêster Wyckam, sherewa teg y semlant; Wyllyam Collins an pronter wharthus fol ha’y batrones dhyscortes ha casadow, Arlodhes Catheryn de Bourgh.
Ka Hopita, a i ʻole, I Laila a Hoʻi Hou mai The Hobbit in Hawaiian.
By J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Hawaiian by R. Keao NeSmith 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-092-0. ISBN 978-1-78201-091-3 (paperback)
He moʻolelo moemoeā kēia i haku ʻia a ua hele ā laulā loa kona kamaʻāina ma waena o nā kānaka o nā pae makahiki like ʻole. Ua pili ka moʻolelo i kekahi hopita i kapa ʻia ʻo Bilbo Baggins a kāʻili ʻia ʻo ia e ke kāula, ʻo Gandalf, a me ʻumi kumamākolu mau peke, e hele pū i kekahi huakaʻi kupaianaha i ka ʻimi i kekahi puʻu kula aʻiaʻi i kiaʻi ʻia e kekahi kelakona. He kuʻihē kēia Bilbo Baggins i ka hele pū ma muli o kona kānalua i nā mea weliweli, a he kuʻihē nō hoʻi ʻo ia i kona koa iho a me kona akamai i ka ʻaihue ʻana. Hālāwai ʻo ia me nā hakua, nā ʻoaka, nā peke, nū mūwao, a me nā nanana pilikua, a pāpāleo ʻo ia me ke kelakona, ʻo Smaug kona inoa, a me kona makemake ʻole loa nō naʻe, komo akula ʻo ia i loko o ke Kaua o nā Pūʻali ʻElima. ʻO ia kekahi o nā hana a ua Bilbo nei. I kēia wā, ua kamaʻāina ka inoa ʻo Bilbo Baggins ma ke ʻano ʻo ia kekahi o ka poʻe meʻe o nā moʻolelo kū kamaliʻi o ke ʻano. Ua kākau ʻia ua moʻolelo nei e Polopeka Tolkien no kāna poʻe keiki ponoʻī nō, a ma ia hope mai, ua hoʻomaikaʻi laulā loa ʻia ʻo Ka Hopita i kona wā koke iho nō i puka ai. ʻĀnō, ua loaʻa ua puke nei no ka manawa mua ma ka ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi a ua mikioi ka hana a R. Keao NeSmith ma ka unuhi ʻana. Hui pū ʻia i loko o ua puke nei nā kiʻi a me nā palapalaʻāina i kaha ʻia e ka mea kākau.
An Hobys, pò, An Fordh Dy ha Tre Arta The Hobbit in Cornish.
By J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-090-6. ISBN 978-1-78201-089-0 (paperback)
An fantasy meurgerys-ma a vydn plêsya redyoryon a bùb oos. Yma an lyver ow terivas an story a hobys gelwys Bylbo Baggyn, neb yw scubys in kerdh wàr viaj heb y wetyas gans Gandalf pystrior ha company a dredhek corr. Whedhel yw an Hobys a aventurs pygus gwrës gans bagas a gorras usy ow whelas owr in dadn with a dhragon. Coweth oll a'y anvoth gansans i'n whelas peryllys-ma Bylbo Baggyn, hobys heb uhelwhans ha rës dhe gonfort, a vydn sowthanas pùbonen ha'y honen kefrës der y injyn ha'y skentoleth avell lader nos. In mesk y aventurs y hyller bos reknys metyansow gans trollow, bùckyas, corras, elvow ha kefnys cowrek, kescows gans Smawg, an dhragon, ha presens anvodhek in Batel an Pymp Ost. Bylbo Baggyn re gemeras y le in mesk an persons dyvarow a lien an flehes. An Hobys a veu screfys gans an Pendescador Tolkien rag y flehes y honen, ha kettel veu dyllys, an grytycoryon a'n recêvas gans gormola vrâs. Yma an lyver dhe gafos lebmyn in Kernowek, in trailyans bryntyn dhyworth an Pendescador Nicholas Williams. Y fëdh gwelys i'n lyver-ma oll an delînyansow ha mappys a wrug an auctour y honen.
Fluttering their way into my head: An introduction to Haiku for young people
By Gabriel Rosenstock, translated into English by Gabriel Rosenstock and Mícheál Ó hAodha, and illustrated by Mathew Staunton. 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-088-3
What do we allow into our hearts and heads? - "fluttering their way / into my head... / plum blossoms" - The great haiku master Issa wrote over 20,000 haiku, little masterpieces of kindness, wonderful caring observations of the natural world around him. Birds, frogs, butterflies, fleas, insects, snow, all entered his heart and head from season to season: - "The small crow / is snubbed / geese in the rice field" - There's fun to be found here and excitement- in the littlest things. Open your heart and open your head to the incredible world of haiku.
Ahlice’s Adveenturs in Wunderlaant
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Border Scots by Cameron Halfpenny 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-087-6
This is the first translation into the Border Scots dialect of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Scots was at its peak as a European language of scholars in the 16th century, but its scope and influence has declined since English became Scotland's formal written language in the 17th century. Border Scots has subsequently become primarily an oral dialect, spoken by more than 100,000 people at home, work and play, but not regularly committed to paper for use in a formal context. Recognizing the oral nature of the dialect was an important step in deciding how this first translation of Alice was to be carried out. Border Scots differs from other Scots dialects in terms of its anglicized and unusual flat vowel pronunciations, earning it the moniker of the “yow an mei” dialect. There was an opportunity to echo this sound in the very name of Ahlice, where the drawn out and flattened first syllable acts as an aural clue to the deep timbre this dialect emits in its spoken form. To further achieve this aural effect the common Scots custom of dropping consonants at the end of words and syllables has also been deployed. In particular, applying it to the progressive participle ending -ing to make it -in flattens the sound to a more authentic Borders’ pitch. Elliot Cowan Smith observed nearly a century ago that the Borders dialect will “pass gradually into oblivion” if its spirit is allowed to be lost. It is hoped that the publication of Ahlice’s Adveenturs in Wunderlaant will kindle the spirit and confidence to record the dialect in print more widely, and establish a future role for it in the development of Borders life.
Ko Ngā Takahanga i a Ārihi i Te Ao Mīharo
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Maori by Tom Roa 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-086-9
He ingoa kārangaranga a Lewis Carroll: Ko Charles Lutwidge Dodgson te ingoa tūturu. He kaikauwhau i te Pāngarau i Christ Church, Oxford. Nō te 4 o Hūrae 1862 ka tīmata ai a Dodgson te kōrero nei. I te tere waka rātou ko ana hoa hoe i te Awa o Thames. Ko Reverend Robinson Duckworth tērā, me Alice Liddell (tekau ngā tau), tana tuakana a Lorina (tekau mā toru ngā tau), me tana teina a Edith (ka waru ngā tau), ngā tamāhine a te Amokapua o Christ Church. Kei te waiata mai i te tīmatatanga o te pukapuka te whakamārama, nā te pīnono a ngā tamawāhine e toru nei ki tētehi pakimāero ka whakauaua te whakapuakina e Dodgson te tīmatatanga o te kōrero nei. He kōrero huna huri noa o te pukapuka mō te tokorima nei. Nō te tau 1865 ka tāngia ai.
Éist leis an gCruinne
Gabriel Rosenstock. 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-085-2
Bailiúchán breá aistí le Gabriel Rosenstock. Foilsíodh cuid mhaith acu ar The Irish Times an chéad uair, aistí ina bpléitear réimse leathan ábhar agus scata daoine a bhfuil spéis aige iontu – Derrick Jensen, David Abram, Amin Maalouf, Wolfi Landstreicher, Rabindranath Tagore, Cathal Ó Searcaigh, Svetlana Marisova agus a thuilleadh nach iad. Ceisteanna a bhaineann le cúrsaí creidimh agus cúrsaí polaitíochta, náisiúnachas v. ainrialachas, cuir i gcás, cúrsaí teanga is filíochta, gan amhras, cúrsaí timpeallachta, an haiku. Tá a fhios againn go léir faoin am seo cad is haiku ann, ach cad is renku ann? Léigh leat. Léigh faoin bpobal neamhghnách san India, na Bishnoi, agus go leor leor eile. Lón machnaimh don rara avis sin na laethanta seo, an léitheoir Gaeilge.
Alison’s Jants
in Ferlieland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into West-Central Scots by James Andrew Begg 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-084-5
Lewis Carroll is the pen-name o Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, the screiver o Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, an a lecturer in Mathematics at Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson stertit his famous bairns’ tale on 4 July 1862, when, on a bonny simmer’s efternuin, he tuik a lang jant in a rowin boat on the Thames Watter in Oxford, alangside his freen the Reverend Robinson Duckworth, Alice Liddell (ten year-auld) the dochter o the Dean o Christ Church, an her twae sisters, Lorina (aged thirteen), an Edith (juist aicht). Frae the poem at the stert o the buik, it’s plain that thae three wee lassies threipt on at puir Mr Dodgson tae tell thaim a tale. Tho sweirt at the stert, he wycely gied in, an by the en o their day oot, he had gethert thegither the makins o an awfy guid splore aboot a steirin wee lass caad Alice. Spreid richt throu the feenishd wark, furst-published in 1865, are a wheen hauf-hidden references tae the five folk on that boat on that happy day.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (ˈÆlɪsɪz Ədˈventʃəz ɪn ˈWʌndəˌlænd): An edition printed in the International Phonetic Alphabet
By Lewis Carroll, Illustrated by John Tenniel 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-083-8
The International Phonetic Alphabet is a system of phonetic notation based primarily on the Latin alphabet. It was devised by the International Phonetic Association as a standardized representation of the sounds of spoken language. The IPA is used by lexicographers, foreign language students and teachers, linguists, speech-language pathologists, singers, actors, constructed language creators, and translators. This edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is written entirely in that same alphabet, with fonts specially designed by Michael Everson.
Alis bu Cëlmo dac Cojube w dat Tantelat
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Ṣurayt by Jan Beṯ-Şawoce 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-082-1
Ṣurayt (also called Ṭuroyo) is the Aramaic vernacular of Syriac Christians from Turabdin in south-eastern Turkey. Unlike the other Eastern Neo-Aramaic languages (e.g. Alqosh, Til-kepe, Nerwa (Jewish), and Urmia) Ṭuroyo had no writing tradition until recent times. It has been handed down from generation to generation only as a spoken language in Turabdin, while the writing and liturgical language is still Classical Syriac, the Edessean Aramaic language of Syriac Christianity. This translation of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" has been published on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the book.
Patimatli ali Alice tu Vãsilia ti Ciudii
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Aromanian by Mariana Bara 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-081-4
Cumu s’nu ti hãrseascã aestã carti tsi ari hãrsitã ahãntea bãrni di njits, tu tutã dunjaua! Tora u avemu ti prota oarã tu limba armãneascã. Limba nã easti arhundã sh axi ti apridutseri, ti atsea va s’aflats aua, tu patimatli ali Alice, unã pirifanã dizvãrteari, unã bunã furnjii ti anvitsari, ama sh ti adutseari aminti zboarã di zãmani. Autorlu easti genialu Lewis Carroll (1832–1898), tsi ari anvitsatã Oxford, deapoa fu profesoru Oxford di matematicã sh di logicã, unlu di atselji di prota cãdrãgeadz di portreti tu Europã, nica ditu 1856. Ari alãsatã tsintsi albumi di caduri sh multi cãrtsã. Editsia di tora fu andreaptã ti yiurtia, tu 2015, a 150-loru anj di la prota tipuseari.
An Fhondúireacht
By Isaac Asimov, translated into Irish by Panu Petteri Höglund, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton. 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-080-7
Is é Hari Seldon an matamaiticeoir is mó le rá ar fud Bhealach na Bó Finne, agus é tar éis an mhatamaitic, an tsíceolaíocht agus an scríobh staire a chumasc in aon bhrainse réabhlóideach eolaíochta - an tSíceastaraíocht, a cheadaíos dó todhchaí an chine dhaonna a oibriú amach roimh ré. Is é is toradh dá chuid taighde, áfach, go bhfuil Impireacht na Bó Finne, an impireacht shaibhir shíochánta a chuimsíos an réaltra go léir, le titim as a chéile roimh i bhfad, agus cogaí beaga suaracha idir ríthe cúigiúla agus tiarnaí áitiúla le teacht in áit na sean-bhuansíochána. Caithfidh Seldon Fondúireacht a bhunú ag ceann an réaltra le hoidhreacht na heolaíochta a thabhairt slán trí chéadta bliain na barbarthachta. Tháinig na scéalta faoi Phlean Seldon agus faoin bhFondúireacht i gcló an chéad uair sna 1940idí ar an iris Astounding Science Fiction, agus foilsíodh faoi chlúdach leabhair iad sna 1950idí. Fuair a lán scríbhneoirí ficsin eolaíochta inspioráid ó na scéalta seo ó shin i leith, agus is cuid de dhúshraith an tseánra iad inniu. Mar sin tá sé thar am iad a chur ar fáil as Gaeilge.
Murder by Boojum: A Mystery in Eight Fits inspired by Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark
By Byron W. Sewell 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-079-1
A brutal serial killer stalks members of the Southern California branch of The American Lewis Carroll Society, targeting members of a mysterious and highly secretive Snark Club within the Society that meets once a year in San Diego’s fabled Hotel del Coronado to celebrate and appreciate Carroll’s epic nonsense poem, The Hunting of the Snark. After the first few murders, the killer, who intentionally leaves Snarkian clues, is tagged by the media as “The Boojum”, since the monster’s victims, collectors of rare editions of Carroll’s classic nonsense work, figuratively “vanish” when the killer strikes. Who is the Boojum? What is the Boojum’s motive? Will all ten hapless members of this strange group die before the police can stop this Snarkian reign of terror? Is it even safe for anyone in the Society to own more than one copy of Carroll’s darkest work?
In the Boojum Forest: A Portmanteau inspired by Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark
By Byron W. Sewell 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-078-4
In this snark-skin portmanteau are four stories about various species of Boojum that have haunted Byron Sewell’s obsessively snarkian imagination. In the first novella, “Atchafalya Boojum”, four teenagers and two alligator hunters encounter a terrifying Boojum deep in the Atchafalaya Swamp near Morgan City, Louisiana. In the short story “Blue Boojum” we enter the aftermath of a dirty bomb that diverted the channel of the Mississippi River, a terrorist act that ultimately triggers a worldwide apocalypse. “In the Boojum Forest” we follow an American desert plant collector on a quest for rare dwarf Boojum Trees, whose seeds are powerfully hallucinogenic. In the Sonora Desert in northern Mexico he hires a shape-shifting Yaqui brujo guide who knows the location of the trees. They manage to collect a handful of seeds, but encounter three very real Boojums that enter the natural world from a spirit world controlled by an equally powerful bruja who is determined to protect the trees for herself and kill the brujo and Boojum Tree collector. For dessert in the desert we find a sweeter snarky tale about a young man in the deep South who hears Boris Karloff’s iconic recording of The Hunting of the Snark on NPR. Later that evening he comically retells the famous poem to his girlfriend while they flirt with each other on her porch swing, enjoying an RC Cola and dreaming of Moon Pies.
Stranga Kazo de D-ro Jekyll kaj S-ro Hyde
By Robert Louis Stevenson, translated into Esperanto by William Morrison and William W. Mann, and with illustrations by Mathew Staunton 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-077-7
Jen hororiga rakonto de teruro, kiu perpleksigos kaj mirigos siajn legantojn. Forgesu pri la leĝeraj versioj, kiujn vi jam vidis en filmoj, kaj kolektu vian kuraĝon por eniri en la psikologian teruron de Jekyll kaj Hyde. La scenejo de la romano supozeble estas Londono, sed ĉiu paĝo estas trempita en la mistera etoso de Edinburgo—kie Robert Louis Stevenson naskiĝis. Ĉu ĝi estas Freŭda fabelo, moraleca parabolo, aŭ seksa alegorio? La decido estas via.
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
By Robert Louis Stevenson, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-076-0
A horrifying tale of terror that will bewilder and amaze its readers. Forget the light renditions of it that you have seen in films and gather your courage to venture into the psycho logical terror of Jekyll and Hyde. It is in London that the novel is supposedly set, but every page is drenched in the mysterious atmosphere of Edinburgh—where Robert Louis Stevenson was born.
Is it a Freudian fable, a morality parable, or a sexual allegory? Its up to you to decide.
Cás aduain an Dr Jekyll agus Mhr Hyde
By Robert Louis Stevenson, translated into Irish by Conall Ceárnach, and with illustrations by Mathew Staunton, edited by Roibeard Ó Conaing 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-075-3
Scéal scáfar uafar a chuirfidh alltacht agus anbhá ar lucht a léite. Dearmad na léirithe éadroma de atá feicthe agat i scannáin agus cruinnigh do mhisneach le dul i bhfiontar sceimhle síceolaíoch Jekyll agus Hyde. Is i Londain atá an t-úrscéal suite mar dhea, ach tá gach uile leathanach de ar maos in atmaisféar dúrúnda Dhún Éideann—an áit ar rugadh Robert Louis Stevenson.
An fabhalscéal Freudach an leabhar seo, nó fáthscéal morál tachta nó fiú allagóire gnéasach? Is fútsa a chinneadh.
A Book of Cookery for dressing of Several Dishes of Meat and making of Several Sauces and Seasoning for Meat or Fowl
By Hannah Alexander 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-074-6
Almost forgotten at the back of a drawer for generations, Hannah Alexander’s Book of Cookery—which was first penned in Dublin in the late seventeenth century—has finally made it into print.
This recipe book is more than just a delightful foray into the dining habits of the Irish of times gone by. It is an important social history document that provides an abundance of information about Ireland’s import trade, the Irish culinary imagination, and one of the few ways in which the increasing number of literate women of the time expressed themselves: by writing about the foods, special treats, drinks, and home remedies they prepared for their families and friends.
Soul Space
By Charles Agnes. Illustrated by Ian Hyland 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-073-9
A mystic of the mountains and an acclaimed artist pool their visionary insights into a refreshing fount of wisdom to dip into whenever you want some clarity in your life. A book for all seasons, full of visionary insights and wholesome common sense. A refreshing fount of wisdom to dip into whenever you need some clarity in your life. Soul Space is a guide to that lovely place where mind and body thrive in harmony.
An introduction to the Laws of the Duchy of Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly, and Devon (Studies in Cornish Language and Culture; 2)
By John Kirkhope. 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-072-2
The author of An introduction to the Laws of the Duchy of Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly, and Devon is a lawyer, not a historian, although he has a passion for history. As a lawyer he takes a special interest in those laws which are particular to Cornwall and, to a lesser extent, to the Isles of Scilly and to Devon and are still capable of application in the twenty-first century. It is noteworthy that certain ancient laws and customs, in particular Stannary Law, although not as relevant today as once they were, are still part of the law of England and Wales. They continue to give rights which are capable of being exercised. This is not meant to be legal textbook; that would be very dull. It is instead intended to initiate the reader to a fascinating topic. In particular there has been a growth in the number of people interested in studying the history and culture of Cornwall. This work is intended to cast additional light on an aspect of the legal history of Cornwall. It is hoped that it will encourage the reader to research still further; to that extent a lengthy list of additional reading is also provided.
Alisa-ney Aventuras in Divalanda
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Lingwa de Planeta by Anastasia Lysenko; poems translated by Dmitry Ivanov 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-071-8
Lewis Carroll es nam do kalam. Autor-ney reale nam es Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Ta bin matematika-lektier in talimguan Christ Church, Oxford. Fama-ney rakonta es begin-ney pa dey 4 mes 7 yar 1862, wen ta fai rema-botaney safara pa riva Tems in Oxford pa hunta kun kirka yuan Robinson Duckworth e tri yunge gela: Alice Liddell (do shiyar-ney yash) to docha de sobreyuan de Christ Church, e elay dwa sista, Lorina (do shi-tri yar) e Edith (ot yar). Kom faklare fon poema pa beginsa de kitaba, sey tri gela pregi Dodgson om rakonta, e ta, un-nem sin yao, begin rakonti a li den un-ney version de historia. Ye mucho haf-ahfen ansha a li pet wan tra ol texta de kitaba. Kitaba chu pa fin in yar 1865.
Alice’s Adventirs in Wunnerlaun
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Glaswegian Scots by Thomas Clark 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-070-8
Lewis Carroll wis the pen-name ae Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a professor o mathematics at Christ Church, Oxford. His weel-kent story came aboot while he wis oan a rowin trip up the watter ae the Thames in Oxford oan 4 July 1862. Dodgson wis accompanit oan this outin bi the Rev. Robinson Duckworth an three young lassies: Alice Liddell, the ten-year-auld daughter ae the Dean ae Christ Church, an Alice’s two sisters, Lorina and Edith, who wir thirteen an eight. As ye kin tell fae the poem at the stairt, the three lassies begged Dodgson fir a story, an so he went oan tae tell them, wioot a hale loat ae enthusiasm tae begin wi, an early version ae the story that wis tae become Alice’s Adventirs in Wunnerlaun. Acause ae this, there’s a fair few refrences tae the five traivellers in the boat hauf-hidden away throo-oot the text ae the book, which wis published eventually in 1865.
Quaich: An Anthology of Translation in Scotland Today
Edited by Madeleine Campbell, Georgina Collins, Anikó Szilágyi 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-069-2
This collection of essays and translations has been compiled to sample and reflect on contemporary Scotland’s rich tradition of literary translation. The title is symbolic of how the anthology is to be read: as an offering, an act of kindness, an opportunity to gain insight into other cultures. “Quaich” is a term derived from the Scottish Gaelic word cuach, and it refers to a traditional two-handled drinking cup, usually made of wood or metal. The quaich has a special place in Scottish history; it was used to offer guests a cup of welcome, and the craft of quaichmaking was held in high regard. Translation can sometimes be seen as an unfriendly, invasive, even treacherous, act, but this volume aims to celebrate what is good about literary translation, its power to bring together, rather than to separate. All the texts contained here have a vital connection to Scotland through their authors or translators, languages or themes. They are as diverse as Scotland is today, itself a plurality of languages and peoples
Geryow Gwir: The lexicon of revived Cornish
By Nicholas Williams Second edition, revised and enlarged 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-068-5.
If one compares the vocabulary laid out in the handbooks of revived Cornish with the lexicon of the traditional texts, one is struck by how different are the two. From the beginnings Unified Cornish in the 1920s it appears that revivalists have tended to avoid words borrowed from English, replacing them with more “Celtic” etyma. Indeed the more Celtic appearance the vocabulary of both Welsh and Breton seems to have been a source of envy to some Cornish revivalists. From Nance onwards such purists have believed that English borrowings disfigured Cornish and in some sense did not belong in the language. They considered that revived Cornish would be more authentic, if as many borrowings as possible were replaced by native or Celtic words. Since there is no sizeable community speaking revived Cornish as a native language, we are compelled to rely on the only native speakers available to us, namely the writers of the traditional texts. We must follow them as closely as we can. It is to be hoped that this book will in some small measure assist learners of Cornish to speak and to write a form of the language more closely related to what remains to us of the traditional language.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: An edition printed in the Unifon Alphabet
By Lewis Carroll, Illustrated by John Tenniel, Foreword by Michael Everson 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-067-8
Unifon was developed in the 1950s as an auxiliary phonetic alphabet designed to help English-speaking children to learn to read, by starting them on a writing system that worked by sound. Tests showed that children were able to learn to read rather quickly using this system, and, having made that breakthrough, were able to learn traditional English spelling with relative ease. This edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is written entirely in that same alphabet, with fonts specially designed by Michael Everson.
Alice muNyika yeMashiripiti
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Shona by Shumirai Nyota and Tsitsi Nyoni 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-066-1
Lewis Carroll izita rokunyora raishandiswa naCharles Lutwidge Dodgson, mudzidzisi weMasvomhu pakoreji yeChrist Church paOxford. Dodgson akatanga kunyora rungano rwuno musi wa4 Chikunguru mugore ra1864 apo akatanga rwendo neigwa murwizi rweThames rwuri muOxford, achifamba naMufundisi Robinson Duckworth nevana vanoti Alice Liddel uyo aiva nemakore gumi okuberekwa zvakare ari mwana weMukuru weChrist Church, mukoma wake Lorina aiva nemakore gumi nematatu uye munin'ina wake Edith aiva nemakore masere. Sezvatinoona panhetembo iri kwekutanga kwebhuku, vasikana vatatu ava vakakumbira Dodgson kuti avaitire rungano. Saka achikokoma kwekutanga,akatanga kutaura rungano urwu semanyorerwo arwakaita pakutangatanga. Apo neapo panodimikirwa nezvavo vari vashanu mubhuku rose zvaro iro rakazodhindiswa muna 1865.
U-Alice Ezweni Lezimanga
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Zulu by Bhekinkosi Ntuli 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-065-4
Indaba ethi Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ngumphumela wogqozi lukaMfundisi Charles Lutwidge Dodgson owazalwa ngoMasingana ngonyaka we-1832 eDaresbury, eCheshire. Izincwadi zobucikomazwi wazikhipha ngegama lakhe losiba likaLewis Carroll. Wedlula emhlabeni ngo-1898. Incwadi yakhe esidume ngelika-Alice in Wonderland yashicilelwa okokuqala ngo-1865. Ukungena kwale ndaba enkundleni yezincwadi kwavusa isasasa elikhulu kubafundi bezincwadi, kangangoba nabakhuluma ezinye izilimi bafisa ukuba ihunyushelwe ezilimi zabo. Emva kweminyaka eyishumi nanye nje ishicilelwe ngesiNgisi, yase itholakala nangezinye izilimi, njengesiJalimane, isiFulentshi, isiSwidi, isiNtaliyane, isiDashi, nesiRashiya. Eminyakeni yawo-1900, kwavela imvula yezihumusho. Nangayo le minyaka yawo-
2000 isahushunywa. Nokho sazi ukuthi okokuqala ukuba kushicilelwe isihumusho sesiZulu.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (𐐈𐑊𐐮𐑅’𐑆 𐐈𐐼𐑂𐐯𐑌𐐽𐐲𐑉𐑆 𐐮𐑌 𐐎𐐲𐑌𐐼𐐲𐑉𐑊𐐰𐑌𐐼): An edition printed in the Deseret Alphabet
By Lewis Carroll, Illustrated by John Tenniel, Foreword by John H. Jenkins 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-064-7
The Deseret alphabet was developed in the mid-19th century by the board of regents of the University of Deseret (later the University of Utah) under the direction of Brigham Young, second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was intended to help make learning to write English easier. This wasn’t very successful, though the alphabet does have interesting phonemic features, as well as being a fascinating part of Mormon history. This edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is written entirely in that same alphabet, with fonts specially designed by John H. Jenkins and Michael Everson.
Di Avantures fun Alis in Vunderland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Yiddish by Joan Braman 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-063-0
The translator has avoided the temptation to make this translation a "Yiddishized" one, in which the characters live, move, and have their being in a now-vanished traditional Eastern European Jewish world. To do so would be an exercise in nostalgia and would, perhaps, deprive the original of its ageless, fairytale charm. For Alice's world is that of proper, middle class Victorian England, with its manners, morals, prejudices, and idiosyncrasies, and the world she visits is that same world turned on its head, so to speak. In the transliteration from Hebrew to Latin letters, this book makes use of the standardized spelling adopted in 1936 at a conference in Vilna sponsored by the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Although there are no capital letters in Yiddish print or script, they are naturally required in a Romanization.
ʻAlisi ʻi he Fonua ʻo e Fakaofoʹ
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Tongan by Siutāula Cocker & Telesia Kalavite 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-062-3
Ko Luisi Keloloʹ ko e hingoa fakangāue ia ʻo Sālesi Lutiuiki Totisoni (1832-1898), ko e tangata faʻu tohi talanoa fakaoli mo ha mataotao fika ʻi he Siasi ʻo Kalaisi ʻi he ʻUnivesiti ʻo ʻOkisifootiʹ, ʻi ʻIngilani. Ko e kaungāmeʻa ofi foki eni ʻo e fāmili Liteliʹ, ʻa ia ko Henelī Liteli ko e pule lahi ia ʻo e ʻunivesitiʹ. Naʻe tokolahi ʻa e fānau ʻa Henelī pea naʻe faʻa tala foki ʻe Kelolo ʻa e ngaahi talanoa ki he fānau fefine ʻe toko tolu ʻa Henelī ʻa ia ko ʻAlisi (fāʻeleʻi he 1852) pea mo hono ongo taʻokete ko Lolina mo ʻEtifi. ʻI he ʻaho ʻe taha—4 Siulai 1882—naʻe fononga atu ai a Kelolo pea mo hono kaumeʻa ko Faifekau Lopinisoni Takiuate pea mo e kiʻi fānau fefine ko eniʹ ʻo fai ʻenau ʻeveʻeva, kaimeʻakai mo ʻaloʻalo vaka ʻi ha vaitafe. Naʻe fakahoko heni ʻe Kelolo ʻa ʻene talanoa ki he kiʻi taʻahine ko ʻAlisi mo e ngaahi meʻa fakaofoʹ ʻi heʻene fononga atu ha luoki lāpisi ki he Fonua ʻo e Fakaofoʹ. Naʻe kole ʻe ʻAlisi Liteli ki a Salesi Totisoni ke ne lekooti muʻa ʻa e talanoa ni maʻana pea naʻe lava hono faʻu ʻo e tohi ni ʻo pulusi ʻi he 1865. Naʻe talu mei ai ʻa e mafola ʻa e talanoa ni ʻi hono ngaahi tala kehekehe ʻi he ngaahi lea kehekehe pea ko hono liliu Faka-Tongaʹ eni.
Las Aventuras de Alisia en el Paiz de las Maraviyas
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Ladino by Avner Perez 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-061-6 OUT OF PRINT
Lewis Carroll es un psevdonimo: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson era el nombre real del autor i el era profesor de matematika en Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson empeso el kuento el 4 de djulio de 1862, kuando viajo en una barka de remos en el rio Thames en Oxford djunto kon el reverendo Robinson Duckworth, kon Alice Liddell (diez anyos de edad) la ija del dekano de Christ Church, i kon sus dos ermanas, Lorina (tredje anyos de edad), i Edith (ocho anyos de edad). Komo lo vemos klaramene en el poema al prinsipio del livro, las tres djovenas pidieron a Dodgson ke les kontara un kuento; i sin gana, al prinsipio, este empeso a kontarles la primera version del kuento. En el livro ke finalmente fue publikado en 1865, existen munchas referensias a estos sinko personajes, ke aparesen medio-eskondidas a lo largo de todo el teksto.
Alice’s Mishanters in e Land o Farlies
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Caithness Scots by Catherine Byrne 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-060-9
To tackle a translation of the first book into the Caithness dialect of Scots was a challenge. Catherine Byrne met it by imagining how her mother, reading the book aloud, would have sounded—“hearing my mother’s voice in my head”, as she put it in an e-mail to this writer. The result is engaging and amusing, and those familiar with the Caithness accent will recognize the achievement at once. James Miller has outlined the history and the main characteristics of the dialect in the essay written for Jon Lindseth’s accompanying volume on translations. Suffice it to say here that Caithness dialect is a form of Scots but has some unique features that reflect the cultural and political geography of the north of Scotland in the Middle Ages when the county was a frontier zone, the area where Norse and Gaelic societies met.This conjunction has left its mark on place-names and on the common speech of the inhabitants.
An Leabhar Nimhe: Scéalta a fuair spreagadh ó H P. Lovecraft
Four stories by Panu Petteri Höglund and one by S. Albert Kivinen, translated into Irish by Panu Petteri Höglund, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton. 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-059-3
Cúig ghearrscéal uafáis in aithris ar stíl an Mheiriceánaigh H. P. Lovecraft, a chruthaigh seánra nua scéalta uafáis—an tUafás Cosmach. Panu Petteri Höglund a d'aistrigh gearrscéal Kivinen go Gaeilge agus a scríobh na ceithre cinn eile a fhoilsítear faoi chlúdach leabhair anseo. Casfar uafás cosmach Lovecraft ort san Fhionlainn agus in Éirinn, i saol an lae inniu agus i saol an lae roimh an Drochshaol. Chaith Panu Petteri Höglund na blianta fada ag déanamh dianstaidéir ar Ghaeilge na gcainteoirí dúchais le go bhféadfadh sé scéalta a insint i stíl a mbeadh blas ceart na teanga uirthi. Is é an bailiúchán gearrscéalta seo an dara leabhar Gaeilge a tháinig óna pheann. Na scéalta leis féin a fhoilsítear anseo, chuaigh siad i gcló an chéad uair in An Gael, iris Chumann Carad na Gaeilge sna Stáit Aontaithe.
The Book of Poison: Stories inspired by H. P. Lovecraft
Four stories by Panu Petteri Höglund translated into English by Colin Parmar, and one story by S. Albert Kivinen, translated into English by Tino Warinowski, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton. 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-058-6
Five short stories inspired by the American writer H. P. Lovecraft, creator and acknowledged master of the genre of Cosmic Horror. S. Albert Kivinen was the pioneer who introduced Lovecraft to Finnish readers of fantasy. He spent many years lecturing on philosophical theories in Helsinki University, and his research was focused mostly on ontology. Panu Petteri Höglund spent many years making an intensive study of native speakers of Irish until he could tell stories in a style of Irish that had the right flavour. This collection is a translation of his second book of short stories written in Irish.
The Partisan and other stories
By Gabriel Rosenstock, translated into English by Gabriel Rosenstock and Mícheál Ó hAodha, and illustrated by Mathew Staunton. 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-057-9
Stories set in Ireland, Slovenia, Slovakia, and India, penetrating stories woven out of Gabriel Rosenstock’s own fantastic worlds, some newly translated from the Irish, others appearing in English for the first time. The Partisan and other stories has a stunning range of moods, styles, voices and themes – from the quirky and mirthprovoking to the magically lyrical – all inviting the reader to engage in an entrancing and passionate conversation about the nature of reality.
Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)
By Jerome K. Jerome, with illustrations by A. Frederics 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-056-2
The author and his two friends, George and Harris, agree that they have been working too hard and that their health in consequence is suffering. The three young men decide therefore to take a boating holiday on the Thames, starting at Kingston and ending in Oxford. They also take Montmorency, their pet terrier with them. The book recounts their adventures and mishaps on the trip and is punctuated by numerous hilarious passages about, for example, being trapped in Hampton Court Maze, the unreliabilty of barometers and the problems involved in learning to play the bagpipes. Three Men in a Boat was first published in 1889 and has never been out of print since-a remarkable testimony to its popularity.
Tredden in Scath (Heb Gwil Mencyon a’n Ky)
By Jerome K. Jerome, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, with illustrations by A. Frederics 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-055-5
Yth yw an screfor ha'y dhew gothman, Jory ha Harrys, acordys y dhe vos ow lavurya re grev i'n dedhyow dewetha hag indella aga yêhes dhe sùffra. Yma an try den yonk ytho owth ervira kemeres degolyow in scath wàr Dhowr Tamys, ow tallath dhyworth Kyngston hag ow mos bys in Resohen. Ymowns y ow kemeres Montmorency, hèn yw aga broghky, gansans inwedh. Yma acownt rës i'n lyver a'ga aventurs hag a'ga droglabmow wàr an trumach; yth yw kefys ino inwedh lies whedhel wharthus, rag ensompel, ow tùchya bos prysonys in ker droya Lës Hampton, andhiogeleth barometrow ha'n problemow usy ow pertainya dhe dhesky an pîbow sagh. Y feu Tredden in Scath dyllys rag an kensa prës i'n vledhen 1889 ha nyns êth ev bythqweth mes a brynt dhia an termyn-na-dùstuny apert a'y vos meurgerys gans pùb henath
Neighbours: Stories in Mennonite Low German and English
Nohbasch: Jeschichte opp Plautdietsch enn Enjlisch
By Jack Thiessen. 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-054-8
Jack Thiessen is an educated tale spinner. This book contains an entire legacy of Mennonite Short Stories, from bragging to preaching, from laughing out loud to consolation and love and, also, the saddest of tears. One does well in reading a story a day, for a week or a month, for that matter, and enjoying the humour and the wisdom of a community coming alive as never before. Jack Thiessen ess een jegromda Resserieta. Een gaunzet Oawgoot von Mennonitische Kortjeschichte send enn dissem Buak too finje: von puche bett predje, von loosbrädre bett Troost enn Leew, enn uck de trurichste Trohne. Eena sull aum basten eene Jeschicht aum Dach lese, eene Wätjlang, ooda een Moonatlang, enn doamett den Spoß enn uck dee Weisheit von onse läwendje Jemeenschauft jeneete soo auls niemols verhäa. — Rudy Wiebe
Treasure Island
By Robert Louis Stevenson, with illustrations by Louis Rhead 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-33-6, ISBN 978-1-78201-053-1 (paperback)
It was in 1880 and 1881 that Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Treasure Island, which was begun at Braemar, Scotland, where his father aided him with suggestions from his own seafaring experiences. It was finished in the course of his second visit to Davos in the winter of 1881–1882. Treasure Island, which appeared when the author was thirty-one, was his first long romance, and it brought to him his first taste of popular success, when the story was published in book form. It was in October 1881, that this story began to appear as a serial in an English magazine called Young Folks. The title then was The Sea Cook, or Treasure Island, but when published in book form in May 1883, the name was simply Treasure Island, a name which has taken its place among the titles of far older classics. This edition contains the superb illustrations of Louis Rhead, which were first published in 1915. The Cornish translation is by Nicholas Williams, who also translated Louis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland into Cornish and into Irish.
Ifflepinn Island: A tale to read aloud for green-growing children and evergreen adults
By Muz Murray, Illustrated by the author 2014. ISBN 978-1-78201-052-4
Our hero Iffleplum is no ordinary ifflepinn. He dreams of dashing deeds and derring-do and saving damsels in distress. But on finding himself entrapped in a faery mushroom ring and menaced by the shambling shadow-creatures known as Gropes, he thinks again—too late! “Don’t throw your heart away on wild deeds,” his Ifflemother Mumkin had warned him. But alas! when his wild wishes suddenly come true, in fearful shock, the spirit of his heart flies out as he is whisked away on a terrifying and unexpected journey, left a wanderer with an empty heart. His search to find its elfin-spirit plunges him into the worlds of Half-Elves and Dwemmers, Men and Ghòrs, Trolls and Ogres, Umbelopes and Pogs, and more fantastical adventures than he ever dreamed…
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Alis’z Advnčrz in Wunḍland): An edition printed in Ñspel Orthography
By Lewis Carroll, transcribed into Ñspel Orthography by Francis K. Johnson 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-051-7
Francis K. Johnson devised Ñspel (pronounced "Ingspell") as a comprehensive and radical reform of English spelling, because he believes that, in the case of such a magnificently complex and subtle language as English, piecemeal and conservative proposals cause more problems than they solve. Ñspel is largely phonemic, but also has a remarkable conciseness, owing much to the earlier traditions of shorthands. This edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is aimed at highlighting the question of spelling reform and to add an extra charm to the reader's journey, alongside Alice, to Wonderland.
Enys Tresour
By Robert Louis Stevenson, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, with illustrations by Louis Rhead 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-59-6 (hardcover), 978-1-78201-050-0 (paperback)
Y feu screfys Enys Tresour gans Robert Louis Stevenson i’n bledhynyow 1880 hag 1881. Dalethys veu in Braemar in Scotlond, le may whrug y das gwil gweres dhodho gans y brevyans y honen a vêwnans in gorholyon. Gorfednys veu an novel pàn esa Stevenson in Davos rag an secùnd treveth in gwâv an vledhen 1881-1882. Enys Tresour, neb a dheuth in mes pàn o an auctour udnek bledhen warn ugans bloodh, o y kensa romans hir, ha pàn veu an lyver dyllys avell lyver, Stevenson a recêvas dredho rag an kensa prës sowena in lagasow an bobel. An whedhel-ma a dhalathas apperya in mis Hedra 1881 i’n lyver termyn Sowsnek gelwys Young Folks. I’n termyn-na Cog an Mor, bò Enys Tresour o an tîtel, saw pàn veu dyllys an novel avell lyver in mis Mê 1883, an hanow o Enys Tresour yn udnyk, ha’n hanow-na a gemeras y le in mesk tîtlys a lyvrow classyk liesgweyth cotha. Y fëdh gwelys i’n lyver-ma delinyansow bryntyn Louis Rhead, a veu dyllys rag an kensa prës i’n vledhen 1915. Nicholas Williams a drailyas an lyver-ma dhe Gernowek. Ev a drailyas Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland gans Lewis Carroll dhe Gernowek ha dhe Wodhalek Wordhen kefrës.
Slí an Eolais agus Eagna an Ghaeil
Cormac Ó Cadhlaigh a scríobh. 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-049-4
Seo eagráin nua, in aon imleabhar amháin, de "Slí an Eolais" agus "Eagna an Ghaeil", leis an Ollamh Cormac Ó Cadhlaigh. Bailiúchán téarmaí, seanfhocal, nathanna cainte, agus blúirí litríochta is seanchais, agus iad rangaithe de réir téama (mar shampla, baill bheatha an duine, sláinte, am agus aimsir, clann agus muintir) atá in "Slí an Eolais". Leabhar coimhdeach "Slí an Eolais" é "Eagna an Ghaeil", a bhfuil míniú ann ar sciar mór de na seanfhocail atá in "Slí an Eolais" maille le míniú ar neart nathanna cainte eile agus sleachta machnaimh ar ghnéithe éagsúla den saol. Tá lear eolais agus saibhreas teanga sa dá shaothar seo, roinnt mhaith de ligthe i ndearmad, b'fhéidir, agus an té a shúfaidh chuige a bhfuil iontu, saibhreofar go mór a chur amach ar Éirinn agus ar a teanga. Tá léargas suimiúil iontu, leis, ar an saol in Éirinn sna 1920idí (an tráth a foilsíodh an dá leabhar) agus ar na tréithe a bhain leis-an mórtas cine, an chráifeacht, agus ciall do stair agus do dhúchas na hÉireann.
The Naked Octopus: Erotic haiku in English with Japanese translations
By Gabriel Rosenstock, translated into Japanese by Mariko Sumikura, and illustrated by Mathew Staunton. 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-048-7
With "The Naked Octopus" Irish writer Gabriel Rosenstock returns to the poetic form he has made his own: the haiku. The 73 haiku in this collection chart the imaginings and adventures of an amorous octopus who (the personal pronoun cannot be avoided here) emerges from the ocean to consummate his longstanding love for a human woman. As with Hokusai's famous woodcut "The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife", nothing is left to the imagination and Rosenstock represents this fantastical union with an intensity and vividness unparalleled in English-language haiku writing today. Provocative, humorous, and profoundly sensual, these gem-like poems plunge us into the long tradition of Japanese tentacle erotica, revealing a crystal clear awareness of both the natural world and human sexuality.
Ia Aventures as Alice in Daumsenland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Sambahsa by Olivier Simon 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-047-0
Lewis Carroll eet id autornam os Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, mathematique docent in Christ Church, Oxford. Eys maschourst narno gnahsit unte un eremsayr ep id Tems in Oxford dien 4 Jul 1862. Dodgson eet hamrahn unte tod excursion ab Reverend Robinson Duckworth ed tri yun piegs: Alice Liddell, iam decatu dugter ios Decan os Christ Church, ed Alices dwo swesters, Lorina ed Edith, quas eent tridemat ed octat. Kam deict id introductor poem, ias tri piegs iskweer un storia ud Dodgson, quige iabs binarrit, preter protievol-ye, un auwal version ios storia quod vahsit bihe Ia Aventures as Alice in Daumsenland. Itak sont pelu pwolkohlen references ad i penkwe naukmussafers eni idpet texte ios buk, quod buit vipublien in 1865.
Alisis pīdzeivuojumi Breinumu zemē
By Luiss Kerols, translated into Latgalian by Evika Muizniece 2015. ISBN 978-1-78201-046-3
Luiss Kerols (Lewis Carroll) beja Čarlza Latvidža Dodsona (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), matematikys pasnīdzieja Kristus bazneicys koledžā Oksfordā, pseidonims. Juo slavanuo puorsoka roduos laivu braucīnī pa Temzu Oksfordā 1862. goda 4. julī. Dodžsonu tymā pavadeja bazneickungs Robinsons Dakverts (Robinson Duckworth) i treis meitinis, Kristus bazneicys dekana meitys: desmitgadeiguo Alise Lidele i juos muosys – treispadsmitgadeiguo Lorina i ostoņus godus vacuo Edite. Kai palīk skaidrs nu īvoda poemys, tod muosys lyudza Dodsonu stuostēt kaidu stuostu, jis, nu suokuma cīš nagribeigi, suoce stuostēt, i tai roduos pyrmuo verseja stuostam Alisis pīdzeivuojumi Breinumu zemē. Pīcu laivys braucieju izteiktuos atzinis sasakuortuoja gruomotā, kas dīnys gaismi īraudzeja 1865. godā.
Towards a Cornish Philosophy: Values, Thought, and Language for the West Britons in the Twenty-First Century (Studies in Cornish Language and Culture; 1)
By Alan M. Kent, with a foreword by Mathew Staunton. 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-045-6
Since the inception of Cornish Studies, the matter of Cornish Philosophy has suffered considerable neglect. Philosophy is a field in which humanity investigates problems connected with reality and existence; in so doing, investigating values, thought and language. Like other minority communities and peoples across the globe, the Cornish should be asking what makes them who they are. In this vital corrective, Towards a Cornish Philosophy, Alan M. Kent offers an initial study of the basic beliefs, attitudes and concepts belonging to the Cornish over time. Not only is the relationship of Cornish Philosophy to Celtic Studies examined, but so is its relationship to Romanticism, and the Enlightenment, culminating in observations on the philosophy of the Cornish language, Cornu-English, and the West Britons' obsession with memory, place and stone.
Алесіны прыгоды ў Цудазем’і (Alesiny pryhody ŭ Tsudazem’i)
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Belarusian by Max Ščur 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-044-9 OUT OF PRINT
Льюіс Кэрал—гэта псэўданім; сапраўднае імя аўтара—Чарлз Латўідж Додсан, ён быў выкладчыкам матэматыкі ў коледжы Крайст-Чэрч у Оксфардзе. Додсан распачаў свой аповед 4 ліпеня 1862 г., калі ў веславым чоўне выправіўся з Оксфарду ў вандроўку па Тэмзе, разам з пастарам Робінсанам Дакўартам, дзесяцігадовай Эліс Лідэл (дачкой дэкана коледжу) і ейнымі дзьвюма сёстрамі, трынаццацігадовай Ларынай і васьмігадовай Ідыт. Як ясна вынікае зь верша на пачатку кнігі, дзяўчаткі папрасілі Додсана расказаць ім казку, і ён, спачатку неахвотна, пачаў апавядаць ім першы варыянт гісторыі. Ува ўсім тэксьце шмат прыхаваных адсылаў да пяці ўдзельнікаў паездкі; сама кніга была ўрэшце апублікаваная ў 1865 г. Гэтая публікацыя - першае беларускамоўнае выданьне Льюіса Кэрала ў кніжнай форме.
An tSlaivéin
A novel by Panu Petteri Höglund, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton. 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-043-2
Úrscéilín é seo a chaitheas súil ar an tSlaivéin, tír bheag shamhailteach in Oirthear na hEorpa. Chonaic muintir na tíre seo an tUileloscadh agus an Stailíneachas, ach níor briseadh a meanma ná a misneach faoi bhrú na staire gránna seo féin. Anois, áfach, gheal lá na saoirse agus d’imigh scáil an tSóivéadachais, ach tháinig géarchéim nua ag bagairt ar an tír ón taobh istigh. Fear óg íogair é Adam Jokamies a tháinig i gcrann i gCríoch Lochlann, beag beann ar an gcineál cruatan a ndeachaigh muintir na Slaivéine tríd. D’fhág an tSlaivéin faoi dhraíocht é, áfach, agus é ag tabhairt aghaidhe ar an tír anois le teanga na tíre a fhoghlaim. Tá an t-úrscéal seo ag cur thar maoil le cultúr agus le cuimhní cinn Oirthear na hEorpa, rud is annamh a d’fheicfeá i litríocht na Gaeilge. Ach is scéal grá é chomh maith, agus é ar na cinn is earótai sa teanga.
De Lissel ehr Erlebnisse im Wunnerland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Palatine German by Franz Schlosser 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-042-5
Lewis Carroll ist ein Pseudonym: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson war der wirkliche Name des Autors, und er war Mathematikdozent in Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson begann seine Erzählung am 4. Juli 1862, als er zusammen mit Reverend Robinson Duckworth und der zehnjährigen Alice Liddell, der Tochter des Dekans der Christ Church und ihren beiden Schwestern, Lorina (dreizehn Jahre) und Edith (acht Jahre) auf der Themse eine Bootsfahrt machte. Wie aus dem Gedicht am Anfang des Buches deutlich wird, baten die drei Mädchen Dodgson um eine Geschichte, und er begann, zunächst widerstrebend, ihnen die erste Version davon zu erzählen. Es gibt immer wieder halb versteckte Hinweise darauf im Laufe des gesamten Buches, das 1865 schließlich veröffentlicht wurde.
The Secret of the Sleeveen
By Brenda Ennis, illustrated by Thomas Ryan 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-041-8
Talk of the Sídhe is taboo in her house. But a sneak look at a chart of her family tree puts Aisling in detective mode. Her grandmother, Bláithin, had disappeared long ago and was presumed dead. Were the hot-tempered volatile Sídhe behind it? This Hallow'een she trespasses on their land and plunges headlong into their madcap subterranean otherworld. The capricious, malicious sídhe force a stinging potion (Helleboraster Maximus) down her throat, shrink her small enough to fit in a sliotar, puck her about senseless in a hurling war, and chain her newly found friend Fachtna to the dungeon walls on death row. Risking everything, she sets out to rescue Fachtna and Bláithín before undertaking her own perilous escape. This tale steeped in Irish mythology will delight readers of all ages.
Соня въ царствѣ дива (Sonia vʺ tsarstvě diva): Sonja in a Kingdom of Wonder.
By Lewis Carroll 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-040-1
The first Russian translation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland appeared in Moscow in 1879, fourteen years after the publication of original. It bore the title Sonja in a Kingdom of Wonder and was printed by Mamonov's Press. The text was printed in Old Russian orthography, using the old letters (that is, і, ѣ, ъ after consonant endings, etc.) that were annihilated or changed for the present ones early in the twentieth century. No name of the author, illustrator, or translator appeared on the title page, and the identity of the translator is to this day a matter of speculation. There are now many Russian translations of Alice, but Sonja is the first, and the only one done within Carroll's lifetime, presumably with his knowledge, and thereby must be accorded a place of honour in the canon. This book has been published in two editions: a limited hardcover black-and-white facsimile printed for the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, and this paperback colour facsimile, part of Evertype's ever-growing set of translations of the Alice books.
In the Kingdom of the Fair-eyes
By Keith Sheppard, illustrated by Helen Couper 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-039-5
Trapped by an underground rock fall, Eve and Paul stumble upon the bizarre world of the "Fair-eyes", a subterranean civilization whose society and foibles are curiously reminiscent of our own. The kidnap of a princess catapults the children into a desperate and dangerous rescue mission-but is everything as it seems? Could the pathologically stupid Goblins really have hatched this plot on their own? Are there darker forces at work? Was the princess the real target or is someone playing for even bigger stakes? Why do all your pens go missing and you keep finding unidentified keys at the back of the kitchen drawer? Let's go rescue a princess. She's a celebrity, for goodness' sake! Get her out of there...
Studies in Traditional Cornish
By Nicholas Williams 2016. ISBN 978-1-78201-038-8
This book brings together in one convenient volume eight articles by Professor Nicholas Williams on Traditional Cornish. They include “I-affection in Breton and Cornish” (2007), “The Cornish englyn” (2007), “The preterite in Cornish” (2010), “Some Cornish plurals” (2011), “Adjectival and adverbial prefixes in Cornish” (2013), “‘If’ in Cornish” (2014), “Reflexive verbs in Cornish” (2014), and “Auxiliary verbs in Cornish” (2016). These are presented in eight chapters; seven deal with various aspects of the historical phonology, morphology and syntax of traditional Cornish. One article examines the Cornish form of the englyn, a three-lined stanza common to both Cornish and Welsh. The first five of the chapters originally appeared as articles in Cornish Studies. Two further chapters were first given as short papers at the Skians conferences of 2014 and 2015 respectively. The last chapter of the book discusses the auxiliary verbs of traditional Cornish and has not been published hitherto. Because the sections below were written at different times and for varying purposes, there is a certain degree of overlap in their subject-matter.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, illustrated by June Lornie
By Lewis Carroll, illustrated by June Lornie 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-037-1
As a child, June Lornie spent much of her life in hospital. She had to lay on her back, so she used a mirror to see what was going on around her -- and as a result, she always saw the world back to front. Because she had a mirror, she was told a story, Through the Looking-Glass, about a little girl who went through a mirror -- that little girl was called Alice. As the years went by June remained fascinated with Alice. Later in her career, June became director of the Liverpool Academy of Arts. Her illustrations for Alice started with a single work: "The Mad Tea-Party". This was soon joined by others, then, after she had had an exhibition of this first group and saw them all hanging on a wall together, she felt inspired to complete a full set of illustrations for the story, work which occupied her off and on for a further two years. She has held many exhibitions displaying her illustrations for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and plans to start illustrating Through the Looking-Glass as well.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (·𐑨𐑤𐑦𐑕’𐑩𐑟 𐑩𐑛𐑝𐑧𐑯𐑑𐑿𐑮𐑟 𐑦𐑯 ·𐑢𐑳𐑯𐑛𐑼𐑤𐑨𐑯𐑛): An edition printed in the Shaw Alphabet
By Lewis Carroll, Illustrated by John Tenniel, Foreword by Thomas Thurman 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-036-4
In his will, George Bernard Shaw left instructions (and some funds) for the development of a new regular alphabet for the English language. A design by Ronald Kingsley Read was chosen. In 1962, Shaw’s play Androcles and the Lion was printed in what became known as the Shaw Alphabet, or Shavian. This edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is written entirely in that same alphabet, with fonts specially designed by Michael Everson.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: An edition printed in the Ewellic Alphabet
By Lewis Carroll, Illustrated by John Tenniel, Foreword by Doug Ewell 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-035-7
Doug Ewell devised the Ewellic alphabet in 1980, as a form of secret writing. A decade later, after Ewell had become a supporter of the Unicode Standard, he worked to improve his alphabet’s character repertoire and encoding. Ewellic is a phonemic alphabet, like Shavian, Unifon, and shorthands such as Pitman and Gregg. With fonts specially designed by Michael Everson, this edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is written entirely in this unique featural alphabet.
Aliz kalandjai Csodaországban
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Hungarian by Anikó Szilágyi 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-034-0
Lewis Carroll álnéven írt: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson volt az igazi neve, és matematikát tanított az Oxfordi Egyetem Christ Church kollégiumában. Dodgson 1862. július 4-én kezdte el a mesét, amikor csónakkirándulásra ment a Temzén Robinson Duckworth tiszteletessel, a tízéves Alice Liddell-lel, a kollégium esperesének lányával és Alice két testvérével, a tizenhárom éves Lorinával és a nyolcéves Edith-tel. Ahogy a versben olvasható a könyv elején, a három kislány megkérte Dodgsont, hogy mondjon nekik egy mesét, ő pedig eleinte vonakodva kezdte mesélni nekik a történet első változatát. Sok félig elrejtett utalás található ennek az ötfős társaságnak a tagjaira a könyv szövegében, amely végül 1865-ben jelent meg.
An Hobad, nó, Anonn agus Ar Ais Arís The Hobbit in Irish.
By J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Irish by Nicholas Williams 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-90-9. ISBN 978-1-78201-033-3 (paperback)
Bhí gnaoi an phobail riamh leis an sárscéal fantasaíochta seo faoi hobad darb ainm Biolbó Baigín agus é á sciobadh chun siúil gan choinne ar eachtra fhada in éineacht le Gandalf Draoi agus le trí abhac déag. Is scéal An Hobad faoi thuras a dhéanann Biolbó i gcuideachta na n-abhac le teacht ar thaisce ór a bhfuil dragan i seilbh uirthi. In aghaidh a thola ar dtús a ghlacann Biolbó Baigín páirt sa tóraíocht chontúirteach, mar is hobad gan uaillmhian é, atá an-tugtha do chompord an tsaoil. I ndeireadh na dála, áfach, cuireann sé iontas air féin lena sheiftiúlacht agus lena scil amhail buirgléir. I measc eachtraí eile buaileann Biolbó le troill, le púcaí, le habhaic, le heilbh agus le damháin alla ollmhóra, déanann sé comhrá le Smóg Dragan, agus bíonn sé i láthair go han-drogallach ag Cath na gCúig Arm. Tá Biolbó Baigín le háireamh i measc laochra neamhbhásmhara litríocht na bpáistí. Is dá pháistí féin a scríobh an tOllamh Tolkien an scéal an chéad lá agus bhain an bunleagan Béarla cáil dhomhanda amach a thúisce is a foilsíodh é. Anois tá leagan Gaeilge le fáil den chéad uair riamh in aistriúchán den scoth leis an Ollamh Nicholas Williams. Feicfear sa leabhar na pictiúir agus na léirscáileanna uile a rinne an t-údar féin.
I Met a Man from Artikelly: Verse for the young and young at heart
By Gabriel Rosenstock 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-032-6
I met a man from Artikelly
With a double chin and a double belly:
He offered me a taste of jelly—
But served it in a smelly welly.
Children will enjoy reading these zany poems to their grandparents and vice versa!
The Aventures of Alys in Wondyr Lond
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Middle English verse by Brian S. Lee, with illustrations by Byron W. Sewell 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-031-9
Middle English is the name commonly given to the forms of English current from about 1100 to roughly 1500, between pre-Conquest Old English, which is hardly intelligible today without special study, and the early modern English of Shakespeare and his contemporaries. Of course it changed considerably during that period, and different dialects existed in various geographical areas. The form of Middle English used in this translation is for the most part the East Midland and London dialect of writers like Chaucer in the fourteenth century, which is the direct ancestor of our modern standard form of English. It is not hard to read with a little practice, but an extensive glossary has been provided to assist the reader where necessary. Imagining what Londoners of the fourteenth or fifteenth centuries might have made of Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" provides a historical perspective not only on Chaucer's fourteenth century and Carroll's nineteenth, but on our own time as well.
Geryow Gwir: The lexicon of revived Cornish
By Nicholas Williams 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-030-2. OUT OF PRINT.
If one compares the vocabulary laid out in the handbooks of revived Cornish with the lexicon of the traditional texts, one is struck by how different are the two. From the beginnings Unified Cornish in the 1920s it appears that revivalists have tended to avoid words borrowed from English, replacing them with more “Celtic” etyma. Indeed the more Celtic appearance the vocabulary of both Welsh and Breton seens to have been a source of envy to some Cornish revivalists. From Nance onwards such purists have believed that English borrowings disfigured Cornish and in some sense did not belong in the language. They considered that revived Cornish would be more authentic, if as many borrowings as possible were replaced by native or Celtic words. Such a perception is perhaps understandable in the context of the Cornish language as a badge of ethnic identity. From a historical and linguistic perspective, however, it is misplaced. Cornish, unlike its sister languages, has always adopted words from English. Indeed it is these English borrowings which give the mature language of the Middle Cornish period its distinctive flavour. Cornish without the English element is quite simply not Cornish. Since there is no sizeable community speaking revived Cornish as a native language, we are compelled to rely on the only native speakers available to us, namely the writers of the traditional texts. We must follow them as closely as we can. It is to be hoped that this book will in some small measure assist learners of Cornish to speak and to write a form of the language more closely related to what remains to us of the traditional language.
An Gwyns i’n Helyk
By Kenneth Grahame, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, with illustrations by Ernest H. Shepard 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-029-6
Yth yw An Gwyns i'n Helyk classyk a lien flehes. Yma peswar chîff person i'n lyver, logosen dowr, goodh'or, brogh ha cronak, hag ymowns y oll ow côwsel hag owth omdhon kepar ha mebyon tus. Dhe nôtya kefrës yw kebmys a gefyr i'n novel a gevrînyeth, a aventur, a voralyta hag a felshyp inter an bestas aga honen. Sherp inwedh yw an aswonvos i'n lyver a'n dyvers dosbarthow socyal a Bow an Sowson in termyn Edward VII. An auctour, Kenneth Grahame, a ôstyas in Ostel Greenbank, Arwednak, rag termyn i'n vledhen 1907, hag ev a dhalathas screfa y novel brâs i'n tyller-na i'n form a lytherow dh'y vab, Alistair. In gwir yth hevel bos radn a natur an Cronak i'n lyver grôndys wàr Alistair Grahame y honen, a wrug y vêwnans troblys gorfedna kyns ès y ugansves pedn bloodh. Dres pùb tra aral, bytegyns, yma An Gwyns i'n Helyk ow ry dhyn pyctur a bow natùral Nans Dowr Tamys moy ès cans bledhen alebma. An novel re beu meurgerys gans flehes dhia bàn veu dyllys rag an kensa prës i'n vledhen 1908.
Sealed with a Kiss
By Rachael Lucas 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-028-9. OUT OF PRINT.
Kate breathes a sigh of relief when she’s dumped at her best friend’s wedding. Faced with moving back home, she takes a job with a cottage on the remote island of Auchenmor. Kate’s told Auchenmor is too small for secrets, but prickly new boss Roderick is keeping something to himself. When his ex-girlfriend comes back on the scene, their budding friendship comes to an abrupt end—and Kate finds out Fiona’s got a sinister motive for coming back to the island she hates. Can she be stopped before it’s too late, and will the island find its way into Kate’s heart?
An Leabhar Craicinn: Scéalta earótacha
Four erotic stories by Panu Petteri Höglund, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton. 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-027-2
Deirtear go bhfuil litríocht na Gaeilge seachantach i leith cúrsaí craicinn agus nach maith lenár gcuid scríbhneoirí lomchuntas a thabhairt ar an ngrá collaí. Chuaigh Panu Petteri Höglund i mbun pinn leis na líomhaintí seo a bhréagnú scun scan, agus seo é an toradh: ceithre scéal earótacha i nGaeilge shaibhir nádúrtha agus iad suite i saol an lae inniu. Scríbhneoir agus teangeolaí ón bhFionlainn é Panu Petteri Höglund agus é meáite ar litríocht éadrom a sholáthar do lucht na Gaeilge.
Ailis’s Anterins i the Laun o Ferlies
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Synthetic Scots by Andrew McCallum 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-026-5
Ailis's Anterins i the Laun o Ferlies is a translation of Lewis Carroll's classic tale into synthetic Scots. Synthetic Scots is the name given by the poet Hugh MacDiarmid to a project that sought to rescue Scots as a serious literary language from the cloying sentimentalism and the music-hall self-mockery into which it had degenerated by the early 20th century. This project was prefigured in the work of writers like Violet Jacob and Marion Angus, Robert Louis Stevenson and George Douglas Brown. Alongside MacDiarmid, the project was pursued by Robert Garioch, Alastair Mackie, Alexander Scott and Sydney Goodsir Smith. Ailis's Anterins i the Laun o Ferlies is offered as a contribution to the canon of synthetic Scots texts. Because the original is such a popular and well-loved tale, skillfully crafted in simple, clear and undemanding language, but losing none of its literary excellence for all that, the hope is that Ailis will contribute to making Scots more accessible to both Scottish and non-Scottish readers alike.
Ævintýri Lísu í Undralandi
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Icelandic by Þórarinn Eldjárn 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-025-8
Lewis Carroll er dulnefni: Réttu nafni hét höfundurinn Charles Lutwidge Dodgson og var stærðfræðikennari við Christ Church í Oxford. Dodgson hóf söguna 4. júlí 1862 þegar hann var í róðrartúr á Tempsá í Oxford ásamt séra Robinson Duckworth, Alice Liddell (tíu ára) dóttur rektors Christ Church og tveimur systrum hennar, Lorinu (þrettán ára) og Edith (átta ára). Eins og fram kemur í ljóðinu fremst í bókinni höfðu stúlkurnar þrjár beðið Dodgson að segja sér sögu. Hann var tregur til en hóf þó frásögn sem varð fyrsta gerð sögunnar. Margar hálfduldar tengingar til þessara fimm bátsverja má finna víðsvegar í texta bókarinnar sjálfrar sem prentuð var í lokagerð 1865.
Gwerryans an Planettys
By H. G. Wells, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-024-1
Y feu Gwerryans an Planettys dyllys in Sowsnek rag an kensa prës i’n vledhen 1898. An lyver a yll bos consydrys an kensa whedhel adro dhe “woreskydnans dre vës-estrenyon”, ha’y awedhyans wàr fuglien sciensek yw brâs dres ehen. An lyver re beu desedhys dhe’n radyo, dhe'n waryva ha dhe’n gwaya-mir, hag inspîrya hag awedhya a wrug lies ensampel a fuglien sciensek, in aga mesk jornals skethednek ha novelys grafek. Pàn vo va settys ryb Jyn an Termyn, An Den Dywel, hag Enys Doctour Moreau, yth hevel Gwerryans an Planettys moy kerys gans an bobel ès ken lyver vëth a screfas H. G. Wells. Hèm yw an kensa prës may feu an novel-ma dyllys in Kernowek.
ʻO Tāfaoga a ʻĀlise i le Nuʻu o Mea Ofoofogia
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Samoan by Luafata Simanu-Klutz 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-023-4
ʻO lēnei fāgogo—ʻO Tāfaoga a ʻĀlise i le Nuʻu o Mea Ofoofogia—na tūsia e Charles Lutwidge Dodgson i lalo o lona igoa fai, o Lewis Carroll, ma na uluaʻi lolomiina ʻiā Iulai 1865. Na soifua mai Lewis Carroll ʻiā Ianuari 27, 1832 i le nuʻu o Daresbury, Chesire, i le atunuʻu o Egelani. ʻO ona tuaʻā o ni faifeʻau ma ʻo ia o le ulumatua a ona mātua; e toʻasefulu ona uso ma tuafāfine. E ui ʻina sa iai ni faʻalētonu o lona tino, lana tautala, ma le faʻalogo, ʻae na iā te ia le tāleni o le faifāgogo ma le tusitala, ma ʻo le tusi muamua lenei na taʻutaʻua ai ʻo ia i Egelani; i le tausaga e 1932, o se tasi lēnei o tala aupito taʻutaʻua i le lalolagi ʻātoa. Na āʻoga Lewis Carroll i le āʻoga e taʻua o Christ Church lea foʻi sa faiāʻoga ai i le matāʻupu o le Matematika. ʻO ia ʻo se tagata matamuli ʻae sa fiafia e fatu ni fāgogo mo tamaiti. Na maliu ʻo ia i le tausaga e 1898.
Ma Loko o ke Aniani Kū a me ka Mea i Loaʻa iā ʻĀleka ma Laila
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Hawaiian by R. Keao NeSmith 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-022-7
He moʻolelo ʻo Nā Hana Kupanaha a ʻĀleka ma ka ʻĀina Kamahaʻo no ke kau wela i hoʻopuka ʻia e Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) no ka manawa mua ma Iulai o ka 1865. Ua pili nā kānaka he nui o loko o ia puke i ka pāʻani pepa. He moʻolelo ʻo Ma Loko o ke Aniani Kū a me ka Mea i Loaʻa iā ʻĀleka ma Laila no ke kau anu i hoʻopuka ʻia e Carroll no ka manawa mua i Kēkēmapa o ka 1871. Ma kēia moʻolelo ʻelua, ua pili nā kānaka o ka moʻolelo i ka pāʻani he mū kākela. Ma ka pau ʻana o ka puke, aia kekahi māhele o ka moʻolelo i hoʻokāpae ʻia, ʻo “Ka Nalo Hopeʻō ma ka Lauoho Kuʻi”. I kinohi, ua manaʻo ʻia e lilo ia i māhele o Ma Loko o ke Aniani Kū. ʻAʻole naʻe i hoihoi ʻo John Tenniel, ka mea nāna i kaha i nā kiʻi o ka puka mua ʻana o nā puke ʻelua, i kēia māhele, a no laila, ua kāpae ʻia akula. Ua kaha ʻia ke kiʻi uʻi e hoʻowehiwehi nei i kēia mokuna ma ke ʻano kaila o Tenniel e Ken Leeder ma ka 1977.
An Leabhar Nimhe: Scéalta agus aistriúchán
Four stories by Panu Petteri Höglund and one by S. Albert Kivinen, translated into Irish by Panu Petteri Höglund, with illustrations by Mathew Staunton. 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-021-0 OUT OF PRINT
Cúig ghearrscéal uafáis in aithris ar stíl an Mheiriceánaigh H. P. Lovecraft, a chruthaigh seánra nua scéalta uafáis—an tUafás Cosmach. Panu Petteri Höglund a d'aistrigh gearrscéal Kivinen go Gaeilge agus a scríobh na ceithre cinn eile a fhoilsítear faoi chlúdach leabhair anseo. Casfar uafás cosmach Lovecraft ort san Fhionlainn agus in Éirinn, i saol an lae inniu agus i saol an lae roimh an Drochshaol. Chaith Panu Petteri Höglund na blianta fada ag déanamh dianstaidéir ar Ghaeilge na gcainteoirí dúchais le go bhféadfadh sé scéalta a insint i stíl a mbeadh blas ceart na teanga uirthi. Is é an bailiúchán gearrscéalta seo an dara leabhar Gaeilge a tháinig óna pheann. Na scéalta leis féin a fhoilsítear anseo, chuaigh siad i gcló an chéad uair in An Gael, iris Chumann Carad na Gaeilge sna Stáit Aontaithe.
Der Alice ihre Obmteier im Wunderlaund
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Viennese German by Hans Werner Sokop 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-020-3
Des Wienerische is a ost-mittelbairischer Dialekt, reich aun Lehn- und Fremdwerter ausm Behmnischn, Italienischn, Lateinischn, Ungarischn, Frenzesischn und Jiddischn. Es is a mehrschichtiger Dialekt mit an gehobanan Stü, wiar er am Habsburger-Hof und von de Odelign gredt wurn is (Schönbrunner Wienerisch), ober aa an Oitogsstü, wiar er im Gschäftslebn und bei de eher afocheren Leit bei ihrer Oabeit oder ihre sunstign Aktivitätn Verwendung gfundn hot. De Ibersetzung vom Hans Werner Sokop – de ollererschte auf Wienerisch – is Teu aner traditionelln Mundoatdichtung, zu der insbesondere de berühmtn Autorn Josef Weinheber und H. C. Artmann zöhn. Sokop hot z.B. aa Die Göttliche Komödie auf Hochdeitsch sowie Max und Moritz, Der Struwwelpeter, und Der kleine Prinz auf Wienerisch ibersetzt.
L’Aventuros d’Alis in Marvoland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Neo by Ralph Midgley 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-019-7
Lewis Carroll sar plumnam. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson sir lo vera nam del autor, ki sir profesor de matematio she Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson ensir et istorel lo 4. Jul nel anyo 1862 van il fir un jit in ropabatel ol flum Thames in Oxford, kompanat pel Rev. Robinson Duckworth, kon Alice Liddell (isanya), fel del Dekan de Christ Church, e la du soros, notye: Lorina (istreanya) ed Edith (otanya). Sar evidenta dal poem al enso del libro, ke lo tre yuninos askir Dodgson rakonti a zel un istorel. Toprime, epete ezitanda, il ensir en rakonti a zel lo prima versyon. Totye nel texto del libro, ki sir ende publikat nel anyo 1865, il riferar a zel mulyes nel libro, mo lesmode semiskelat.
Alice in Beeland
By Lillian Elizabeth Roy 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-018-0
Little Alice Wells is exploring her garden when she spies Bombus, a bumblebee, and follows him to overhear him conversing with Madam Zumm and a young bee named Buzz. They give her a special nectar which enables her to enter the Bee world, where she learns much about Bees and their life and society. Lillian Elizabeth Roy was born Lillian Elizabeth Becker in 1868 and died in 1932. She is best-known for her “Polly Brewster” series of books, published between 1922 and 1930, an interesting series about a strong-headed girl who early on declaims on the rights of women, before heading out on many adventures around the world. Alice in Beeland was published in 1919. Julia Greene illustrated a number of books beginning in 1917, including a special edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland with Cut-Out Pictures. Later in her career (1918 through 1932) she illustrated the fourteen volumes of the “Curlytop” series by Howard R. Garis, who was most famous for his “Uncle Wiggily” series.
Behind the Looking-Glass: Reflections on the Myth of Lewis Carroll
By Sherry L. Ackerman, with a foreword by Karoline Leach. 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-017-3
Behind the Looking-Glass offers a fresh perspective in the ongoing, contemporary deconstruction of the Carroll Myth. Through rigorous examination of numerous myths that have been hitherto unquestioned, Ackerman skilfully positions Lewis Carroll in the theological and philosophical contexts of his time. She uncovers a Carroll whose radical religio-philosophical counter-response to patriarchal materialism moved his intellectual journey, intentionally or otherwise, deep into the waters of mysticism. The image of Carroll as a dreary Victorian conservative gives way to that of a man with wide intellectual parameters, an inquiring mind and bold, far-sighted vision. Behind the Looking-Glass demonstrates how nineteenth century currents of spiritualism, theosophy and occult philosophy co-mingled with Carroll's interest in revived Platonism and Neoplatonism, showcasing the Alice and Sylvie and Bruno books as unique points of conjunction between Carroll's intellect and spirituality. The scholarship in this work, while rigorous, is softly mixed with the kind of academic frivolity that Carroll himself might have enjoyed. Ackerman exposes a Carroll who, having lost belief in the theological and mythological master plots of earlier eras, turned toward the imaginative fiction of wonderlands rife with philosophical content in response to his instinctive hunger for cosmic coherence and existential order.
Ailice’s Anters in Ferlielann
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Northeast Scots by Derrick McClure 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-016-6
The Northeast dialect of Scots, locally called the "Doric", has a long and distinguished history as the medium of one of the liveliest and most individual local literatures in Scotland. It first emerged in literary form during the Vernacular Revival of the eighteenth century; an outstanding practitioner of the mid-nineteenth century was Lewis Carroll's friend George MacDonald, who, though his lasting renown is mainly founded on his children's books and fantasy stories, wrote many domestic novels set wholly or partly in his Northeastern calf-ground, in which the dialect is skilfully presented. In translating Alice, Derrick McClure has endeavoured to find some kind of counterpart for every literary and linguistic trick in the original: that is an ambitious aim, but any translation above the level of a mere crib is a tribute to its source, and an original of such ingenuity as this book deserves the highest tribute possible, in a translation which pays full attention to all the clever and delightful tricks with which Carroll adorned his text. It is the author's hope that the translation will be read not simply as a linguistic curiosity or a test case for some of the problems of literary translation, but as a not unworthy addition to the corpus of Doric literature and Scots children's writing.
Eachdraidh Ealasaid ann an Tìr nan Iongantas
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Scottish Gaelic by Moray Watson 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-015-9
’S e ainm-pinn a th’ ann an Lewis Carroll: b’ e Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ainm ceart an ùghdair agus bha e na òraidiche le Matamataig ann an Colaiste Chrìosd, an Oilthigh Ath nan Damh. Thòisich Dodgson an sgeulachd air a’ 4mh latha den Iuchar 1862, nuair a chaidh e sgrìob ann am bàta-ràimh air an abhainn Thames ann an Ath nan Damh còmhla ris an Urramach Robinson Duckworth, còmhla ri Alice Liddell (a bha deich bliadhna a dh’aois) an nighean aig Deathain Cholaiste Chrìosd, agus còmhla ris an dithis pheathraichean aice, Lorina (a bha trì bliadhna deug), agus Edith (a bha ochd bliadhna a dh’aois). Mar a tha soilleir san dàn aig toiseach an leabhair, dh’iarr na triùir nigheanan air Dodgson sgeulachd innse dhaibh agus thòisich e, gu h-aindeonach an toiseach, a’ chiad dreach den sgeulachd innse dhaibh. Tha tòrr iomraidhean den chòignear aca an leth-fhalach ann am faclan an leabhair fhèin, a chaidh fhoillseachadh mu dheireadh thall ann an 1865. ’S e an leabhar seo a’ chiad eadar-theangachadh làn gu Gàidhlig, agus tha an leabhar a’ cleachdadh litreachadh a rèir nan gnathasan as ùire ann an Gàidhlig, na Gaelic Orthographic Conventions (2005).
Cú na mBaskerville
By Arthur Conan Doyle, translated into Irish by Nioclás Tóibín, with illustrations by Sidney Paget, edited by Aibhistín Ó Duibh 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-014-2
Tá Sir Charles Baskerville, mionuasal de chuid Devon Shasana, tar éis bás a fháil gan choinne agus dealraíonn sé gurb é an scanradh a chuir cú ábhalmhór scáfar air a thug a bhás. Creideann roinnt dá chomharsana seanscéal a deir nach ainmhí saolta an madra céanna, ach cú diabhlaí aníos ó ifreann a thaithíonn riasc sceirdiúil contúirteach na dúiche agus atá ar tí dhíobháil mhuintir Baskerville le fada. Faoi Sherlock Holmes agus an Dochtúir Watson atá sé a thaispeáint cén sórt ainmhí go fírinneach an cú agus féachaint chuige san am céanna nach ndéantar aon díobháil do Sir Henry Baskerville, mac dearthár agus oidhre Sir Charles, atá tagtha chun cónaithe in Halla Baskerville chun a oidhreacht a éileamh. Dar le go leor léirmheastóirí go bhfuil Cú na mBaskerville ar an scéal is fearr de scéalta Sherlock Holmes agus níl aon amhras ach go bhfuil sé ar cheann de na scéalta bleachtaireachta is iomráití dár scríobhadh riamh. Foilsíodh in 1934 an t-aistriúchán Gaeilge seo de a rinne Nioclás Tóibín. Is éard atá san eagrán nua seo leagan caighdeánaithe den aistriúchán sin, arna chur in eagar ag Aibhistín Ó Duibh.
Ky Teylu Baskerville
By Arthur Conan Doyle, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, with illustrations by Sidney Paget 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-013-5
Syr Charles Baskerville, perhen tiryow in Pow Densher, yw ledhys yn sodyn der own a gemeras ev, dell hevel, a gy uthyk ha brâs dres ehen. Yma radn a bobel an pow ader dro ow cresy henwhedhel ow tùchya an keth ky-na. Warlergh an whedhel coth nyns yw an ky best vëth a’n bës-ma saw ky iffarnak gornatùral, usy tregys wàr hal peryllys ha dygoweth an còstys-na hag usy ow trobla teylu Baskerville dres lies bledhen. Syr Henry Baskerville, noy hag er Syr Charles, yw devedhys dhe Hel Baskerville rag kemeres posessyon a’y erytans. Sherlock Holmes ha’n Doctour Watson a’s teves an devar a dhysqwedhes pëth yw an ky in gwiryoneth hag in kettermyn gwetha Syr Charles dhyworth drog. Yma lies crytycor ow consydra Ky Teylu Baskerville dhe vos an whedhel gwella a whedhlow Sherlock Holmes. Hèm yw an kensa prës dell hevel may feu onen vëth a’n whedhlow-na dyllys in Kernowek.
The Hound of the Baskervilles
By Arthur Conan Doyle, with illustrations by Sidney Paget 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-012-8
Sir Charles Baskerville, a Devon landowner, has died suddenly, apparently from the fright given him by an enormous fearsome dog. Some of the local people believe an old legend according to which the dog is not an earthly animal, but rather a supernatural hell-hound which inhabits the area’s lonely dangerous moor and has haunted the Baskervilles for generations. It’s up to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson to show what the true nature of the hound is whilst seeing to it that no harm comes to Sir Henry Baskerville, Sir Charles’ nephew and heir who has come to live in Baskerville Hall and claim his inheritance. Many commentators consider that The Hound of the Baskervilles is the best of the Sherlock Holmes stories and it is certainly one of the best-known detective stories ever written.
Alice’s Carrànts in Wunnerlan
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Ulster Scots by Anne Morrison-Smyth Second edition 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-011-1
This buk is the furst translation o Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland intae Ulster Scots, a language that comes frae the Lowlans in Scotlan an thin wus brocht intae Norlin Airlan in the early 17th Century. Es it’s a dialect o Scots it haes close links wi standart Inglesh, but thur’s monie differences in baith grammer an vocabulary between the twa languages. The orthography used in this book’s based on the spellins that ir maistly used bae native taakers o Ulster Scots.
Alice’s Adventures in an Appalachian Wonderland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Appalachian English by Byron W. Sewell and Victoria J. Sewell 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-010-4
Lewis Carroll’s classic Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland has been translated into over a hundred languages, from French to Japanese to Esperanto. In this translation into the rich dialect of the Appalachian Mountains, the translators have treated the story as a folktale, in order to create the sense that the reader is listening as an adult tells the story to a child. The story has been transported from Victorian English to post-Civil-War West Virginia, into an Appalachian setting appropriate for the dialect. The spelling used aims towards a literary orthography, rather than towards a phonemic respelling of the language entirely, and so it avoids unnecessary “eye-dialect” (funkshun instead of function, and so forth). The sounds of the language used in Alice’s Adventures in an Appalachian Wonderland will certainly be familiar to most readers, but a short glossary has also been included.
Alice’s Bad Hair Day in Wonderland: A Tangled Tale
By Byron W. Sewell, Illustrated by the author 2013. ISBN 978-1-78201-009-8
In this retelling of Lewis Carroll's classic tale, Alice's fall down the rabbit hole turns into a terrifying descent through the centre of the earth, accelerating her to terminal velocity, hopelessly snarling her long hair into a tangled mess, and nearly setting it alight. Things go from bad to worse as she sets out through Wonderland's familiar, yet strangely-altered places, where she encounters characters whose personalities have also radically changed. There is no timid mouse in the pool of tears she creates when weeping over the absolute mess of her hair-but rather a French sewer rat. Climbing out of the pool she encounters the last of the Dodos, the lonely, love-sick, sole survivor of his species, ended up in Wonderland by diving down another hole, narrowly managing to evade starving, voracious Dutch sailor. Travelling from place to place seeking a haircut (and at times, a shave), Alice also encounters the Queen of Hearts, who resembles an overweight Spanish beauty and who performs for Alice an energetic flamenco, leaving her Majesty too exhausted to play croquet. Instead of a Hatter, Alice meets a Hairdresser, and at one point has a close encounter of the worst kind with the Wasp from Looking-glass Land-who takes her for a tasty-looking larva. In the end, Alice's hair takes centre stage in a surprising and hilarious climax.
Alice’s Adventirs in Wonderlaand
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Shetland Scots by Laureen Johnson 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-008-1
Lewis Carroll is a pen-name: da writer’s richt name wis Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, an he wis a lecturer in Mathematics in Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson began da story apo da fort o July 1862, whin he guid aff in a rowin boat apo da river Thames in Oxford, alang wi da Reverend Robinson Duckworth, wi ten year aald Alice Liddell, da dochter o da Dean o Christ Church, an her twa sisters, thirteen year aald Lorina, an Edith, at wis eight. As we see fae da poem at da begennin o da book, da tree lasses axed Dodgson for a story an, tho at first he wis kinda laith ta dö it, he began to tell dem da first version o da story. He aften smoots in some peerie half-hoidit mention o da five o dem, aa trow da text o da book itsel, at wis published at da lang an da lent in 1865. Dis book is da first owersettin o Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland inta Shetland Scots, a kind o Scots spokken in Shetland at’s been influenced bi da Nort Germanic language Norn, at dee’d oot ida eighteent century. Bein a dialect o Scots, hit’s a closs freend ta standard English, but der a lock o differ atween da twa tongues baith ida grammar an ida wirds. In ony language, der aye different opeenions aboot dialect spellin; da spellin at Laureen Johnson uses here is aafil reglar, an staands weel for da language-shö’s written in her midder tongue for mony a year noo.
Esperanto-English Dictionary: Esperanta-Angla Vortaro
Compiled by Paul Denisowski, edited by Michael Everson 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-006-7 hardcover, ISBN 978-1-78201-007-4 paperback.
Esperanto, the most widely-spoken constructed international auxiliary language, was the creation of Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof, who first published it in 1887. Today Esperanto is estimated to have between 100,000 and 2,000,000 speakers worldwide. The most complete Esperanto dictionary is the Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, which is available both online and in printed format; but since the PIV is entirely in Esperanto, the need for a modern Esperanto-to-English dictionary remains keen for many Esperantists. Paul Denisowski’s Esperanto-English Dictionary can help fill a part of that need, on the basis of its sheer size alone, with more than 52,000 headwords. This extensive dictionary was compiled both from existing glossaries and from glossaries prepared by Denisowski himself, and it contains many words not usually found in smaller dictionaries, including an abundance of scientific terms, especially from the fields of medicine and mathematics. It is hoped that the publication of this dictionary will assist a new generation of Esperanto learners in their enjoyment of this unique language.
Lès-avirètes da Alice ô payis dès mèrvèyes
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Walloon by Jean-Luc Fauconnier 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-005-0
Èl walon, i vént du latin come sès cous´ dèl famîye d’oïl èy’ on l’ divisse an Walonîye, in boukèt dèl Bèljique qu’èst dins l’ sûd du payis, dins l’ pârtîye dèl Bèljique èyu ç’ qui l’ lingâdje oficièl c’èst l’ francès èt qu’on lome Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles; lôvô, lès pârlâdjes réjionâls—langues régionales endogènes—come èl champènwès, èl lorin, èl picârd èyèt l’ walon, is-ont l’ chance d’awè ène èrcon’chance oficiéle dispûs 1991. Insi, is poul’nut yèsse disfindus sins qu’on-eûche a l’ fé a muchète èy’ is poul’nut mompliyi pus ôjî’mint. Èç traducsion ci a stî scrite an walon du coûtchant, èl cén dèl réjion di Châlèrwè. C’è-st-ène réjion qu’i-gn-a toudis yeû branmint dès-industrîyes—tchèrbonâdjes, vèr’rîyes, laminwêrs—èyu ç’ qui dins l’ tins, lès-ouvrîs, su leû b’sogne, is n’ d’visît rén qu’an walon, dès-ouvrîs qui v’nît di tous lès quate cwins dèl réjion èt qu’ont mètu a dalâdje, pyane a pyane, ène koinè; c’èst djustumint dins ç’ koinè la qu’on-a scrît l’ traducsion.
The Railway Children
By Edith Nesbit 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-004-3
When their father is taken away under mysterious circumstances, Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis and their mother must leave their house in London to live in a small cottage in the country. Their house, called “The Three Chimneys” stands not far from a railway track, where the three have a number of adventures. They are befriended by the Station Master and Perks the Porter, and run each day down to the railway track to wave at the passing train for London, sending their love to their father. Unknown to them, a kindly “Old Gentleman” who waves to them every day from the train helps them to solve the mystery of their father’s disappearance. This classic tale by Edith Nesbit has the original illustrations by C. E. Brock.
Flehes an Hens Horn
By Edith Nesbit, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-003-6
Pàn yw aga thas kemerys dhywortans in cyrcùmstancys kevrînek, res yw dhe’n flehes, Roberta, Peder, Fylys, ha dh’aga mabm gasa aga henkyth in Loundres ha trega in chy bian in mes i’n pow. Nyns yw an chy-na, Try Chymbla y hanow, pell dhyworth an hens horn, le mayth usy an flehes ow cafos lies aventur. Mêster an Gorsaf ha’n Porthor, Perks a vëdh aga hothmans kefrës. Yma an flehes ow ponya pùb dëdh dhe lînen an hens horn wàr nans rag swaysya aga dewla orth an train dhe Loundres, hag indelma danvon aga herensa dhe “Dasyk”. Yma “Den Jentyl Coth”, caradow y nas, ow swaysya y dhorn ortans pùb jorna dhywar an train, ha heb aga godhvos, yma va worth aga gweres owth assoylya a’n mystery brâs: prag y whrug aga thas dyberth dhywortans. Edith Nesbit a screfas an whedhel classyk-ma, usy an delînyansow gwredhek gans C.E. Brock kefys ino.
Snarkmaster: A Destiny in Eight Fits. A tale inspired by Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark
By Byron W. Sewell 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-002-9
Although the author (with many previous unique Snarkian works under his belt) describes "Snarkmaster" as the first work in a trilogy, it stands alone quite distinctly as a unique, gripping tale of a power struggle between good and evil, concluding with the development of an unusual intermediate state. Most of the story takes place prior to the traditional Snark voyage (described in verse in Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark), but becomes inextricably linked with it-unless it isn’t... The literary structure of "Snarkmaster" reveals some influence of Carroll’s "Sylvie and Bruno" tales, as the characters (including the great Charles Dodgson himself) experience dream states and the appearance of at least one fairy. The comprehensive glossary and painstakingly hand-detailed maps of each of the islands in the archipelago may not be essential to follow the story, but they certainly enhance it. The meticulously hand-inked illustrations emphasize some of the important aspects of the story and provide a tropical ambiance for the text. While not necessarily a prerequisite, knowledge of Carroll’s original poem is likely to make Snarkmaster more enjoyable for most readers.
Trans la Spegulo kaj tion Alico trovis tie
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Esperanto by Donald Broadribb 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-001-2
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland estas somera rakonto, unue publikigita de Lewis Carroll (plumnomo de Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) en julio 1865. Multaj el la personoj kaj aventuroj en tiu libro baziĝas sur ludkartaro, ekzemple la malbonhumora Reĝino de Keroj. Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, alimane, estas vintra rakonto, unue publikigita de Carroll en decembro 1871, en kiu la plejmulto de la personaro kaj aventuroj baziĝas sur ŝakludo. (Du personoj el la unua historio, la Marta Leporo kaj la Ĉapelisto, denove aperas en la dua sub aspekto de mesaĝistoj de la Blanka Reĝo, Haigha kaj Hatta.) En Through the Looking-Glass Carroll ankaŭ pli celas al plenaĝaj legantoj ol en sia antaŭa libro, uzante pli da vortludado kaj logikaj paradoksoj. Ĉe la fino de tiu ĉi libro oni ankaŭ trovos la “subpremitan” epizodon “La Vespo en Peruko”. Carroll originale intencis ke ĉi tio estu parto de Ĉapitro VIII de Through the Looking-Glass, sed li forigis ĝin nelonge antaŭ publikigado pro la instigo de John Tenniel, ilustristo de la unuaj eldonoj de ambaŭ verkoj. La specifaj cirkonstancoj pri ĉi tiu situacio estas pli detale priskribitaj en la Enkonduko al la epizodo, trovebla sur paĝoj 143–144.
Alice Through the Needle’s Eye: The Further Adventures of Lewis Carroll’s Alice
By Gilbert Adair 2012. ISBN 978-1-78201-000-5
Lewis Carroll’s stories of Alice have entranced children - and grown-ups - for nearly 150 years. And more than one reader, turning the last page of "Through the Looking-Glass", must have been saddened by the thought that her adventures had well and truly come to an end. Not so! Setting himself the daily task of believing "as many as six impossible things before breakfast" (or at least before lunch), Gilbert Adair has written a delightful successor to Carroll’s two immortal fantasies. Here, with the aid of Jenny Thorne’s Tenniel-inspired illustrations, you will find characters as nonsensical as any ever encountered by Alice. The Siamese-Twin Cats joined at the tail, the kindly old Grampus and its Auto-Biography, the Welsh Rabbit with its toasted cheese and Worcestershire Sauce and many, many, more. And perhaps you too will gradually discover, as Alice does, the mysterious pattern which shapes the destiny of her dream. "Alice Through the Needle’s Eye" is both a literary tour de force and an enchantingly funny tail for children of, as they say, all ages.
Desky Kernowek: A complete guide to Cornish
By Nicholas Williams 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-99-2 hardcover. ISBN 978-1-904808-95-4 paperback.
Desky Kernowek, a complete guide to Cornish, is aimed at both beginners and the more advanced student. The book uses Standard Cornish, an orthography that is at once authentic and wholly phonetic. The whole grammar of Cornish is discussed in Desky Kernowek and both Middle and Late Cornish variants are accommodated. All points of grammar and vocabulary are exemplified by instances from the traditional texts in the original spelling. A key to the exercises is given at the end of the book for those learning Cornish by themselves. Desky Kernowek contains a comprehensive phrase-book taken exclusively from traditional Cornish. It also contains a detailed discussion of initial mutation, and a section on verbal usage. The book contains both Cornish-English and English-Cornish glossaries and a full index of subjects. The section on pronunciation and spelling was written by Michael Everson, a leading expert on writing systems. Professor Nicholas Williams, the author of Desky Kernowek, has been described by Philip Payton, Director of the Institute of Cornish Studies of the University of Exeter, as "the foremost scholar of the Cornish language".
The Haunting of the Snarkasbord: A Portmanteau inspired by Lewis Carroll’s The Hunting of the Snark
By Alison Tannenbaum, Byron W. Sewell, Charlie Lovett, and August A. Imholtz, Jr 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-98-5
A dark, humorous parody of The Hunting of the Snark concerning what followed the Baker’s vanishing and the Crew’s continued hunt for a snark on Snark Island. Alison Tannenbaum wrote the poetry in Snarkasbord: A Crewsome Choice and also wrote notes on Byron W. Sewell’s illustrations for it. An introduction and Gardnerian-style notes have been written by August A. Imholtz, Jr in his inimitable style. This edition marks the first public publication of the poems “The Booking”, “The Recrewting”, and “The Sailing”—the three “Missing Fits” composed by Charlie Lovett. These were originally written for a secret English Snarkian Society, and were mentioned by Selwyn Goodacre in his “The Listing of the Snark” in Martin Gardner’s final version of The Annotated Hunting of the Snark. Hitherto, they have only ever been seen by the members or guests of the Society. In addition to his wonderful illustrations, Byron W. Sewell has contributed an original short story, “Forks and Soap”, which tells what happened to the Baker from the viewpoint of the Boojum. Like Lovett’s parodies, this short story has never before been seen by the public; it was issued in a very limited number to his Carrollian friends.
Nā Hana Kupanaha a ʻĀleka ma ka ʻĀina Kamahaʻo
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Hawaiian by R. Keao NeSmith 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-97-8
ʻO Lewis Carroll ka inoa kākau puke o Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898), he mea kākau puke ʻo ia ma ke ʻano hoʻopohihihi ʻōlelo a he loea makemakika pū ʻo ia ma Christ Church ma ke Kulanui o Oxford ma ʻEnelani. He hoa kamaʻāina ʻo ia no ka ʻohana Liddell: Ua nui nā keiki a Henry Liddell, a ʻo ia ke Poʻo o ke Kulanui. He hahaʻi moʻolelo ka hana a Carroll i ke kaikamahine ʻōpiopio loa, ʻo Alice (hānau ʻia i ka 1852), a me kona mau kaikuaʻana ʻelua, ʻo Lorina lāua ʻo Edith. I kekahi lā-ʻo ia ka lā 4 o Iulai 1862-ua hele aku ʻo Carroll, kona hoaloha, ʻo ke Kahu, ʻo Robinson Duckworth, a me nā kaikāmahine ʻekolu i ka huakaʻi hoehoe waʻapā no ka pāʻina awakea ma kapa muliwai. Ma kēia huakaʻi ma ka muliwai, ua hahaʻi aku ʻo Carroll i kekahi moʻolelo no kekahi kaikamahine, ʻo Alice kona inoa, a me kāna mau hana kupanaha i lalo o kekahi lua lāpaki. Ua noi aku ʻo Alice iā ia e kākau i ia moʻolelo nāna, a i ke au ʻana o ka manawa, ua paʻa ka mana hoʻāʻo mua o ka moʻolelo. Ma hope o ke kākau hou ʻana, ua puka akula ka puke ma ka 1865, a mai ia manawa mai, ua puka nā mana like ʻole o Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ma nā ʻōlelo like ʻole he nui.
L’Travèrs du Mitheux et chein qu’Alice y dêmuchit
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Jèrriais by Geraint Williams 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-96-1
Lewis Carroll ’tait l’nom d’plieunme à Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832–1898), un auteu Angliais d’niolîn et un cartchuleux au Collège Christ Church dé l’Unnivèrsité d’Oxford. I’ pâssait du temps auve la fanmil’ye Liddell: Henry Liddell, lé Douoyen du Collège, avait eune racachie d’mousses, et Carroll soulait raconter d’s histouaithes à la p’tite Alice (née en 1852) et à ses deux soeurs, Lorina et Edith. Ch’tait pouor Alice qué Carroll êcrivit l’s Aventuthes d’Alice en Êmèrvil’lie tchu fûtent publiées en 1865. En 1871 Carroll publyit eune s’gonde èrprînse des aventuthes d’Alice—chutte fais-chîn l’travèrs d’un mitheux. L’idée d’la gamme d’êchecs vînt d’s histouaithes qué Carroll soulait raconter ès soeurs Liddell quand il’ apprannaient la gamme. Mais ch’tait d’la caqu’téthie auve eune aut’ Alice, eune janne couôsinne à li tch’avait nom Alice Raikes, tch’înspithit l’thème du mitheux qu’Carroll fit sèrvi. Tout coumme ch’est les noms à Alice Liddell qué nou r’trouve dans les preunmié et dreine poésies du Travèrs du Mitheux. Ches deux livres, les Aventuthes d’Alice en Êmèrvil’lie et l’Travèrs du Mitheux, ont ’té translatés en un fliotchet d’langues. Et achteu, né v’chîn eune vèrsion Jèrriaise du s’gond.
Desky Kernowek: A complete guide to Cornish
By Nicholas Williams 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-99-2 hardcover. ISBN 978-1-904808-95-4 paperback.
Desky Kernowek, a complete guide to Cornish, is aimed at both beginners and the more advanced student. The book uses Standard Cornish, an orthography that is at once authentic and wholly phonetic. The whole grammar of Cornish is discussed in Desky Kernowek and both Middle and Late Cornish variants are accommodated. All points of grammar and vocabulary are exemplified by instances from the traditional texts in the original spelling. A key to the exercises is given at the end of the book for those learning Cornish by themselves. Desky Kernowek contains a comprehensive phrase-book taken exclusively from traditional Cornish. It also contains a detailed discussion of initial mutation, and a section on verbal usage. The book contains both Cornish-English and English-Cornish glossaries and a full index of subjects. The section on pronunciation and spelling was written by Michael Everson, a leading expert on writing systems. Professor Nicholas Williams, the author of Desky Kernowek, has been described by Philip Payton, Director of the Institute of Cornish Studies of the University of Exeter, as "the foremost scholar of the Cornish language".
Gramat Volapüka
By Arie de Jong 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-94-7
Volapük is a constructed language, devised in 1879 by Johann Martin Schleyer, a Roman Catholic priest who was inspired in a dream to create an international language. Schleyer adapted the vocabulary of Volapük mostly from English, supplemented by German, French. and Latin. The grammar of Volapük is regular and relatively simple-surprisingly easier, in fact, than it looks at first. Volapük was the first proposed International Auxiliary Language to enjoy widespread popularity: it is estimated that in 1889, there were some 283 clubs, 25 periodicals in or about Volapük, and 316 textbooks in 25 languages, and that somewhere between two hundred thousand and a million people had taken up study of the language. Esperanto, being similar to many European Romance languages, first appeared in 1887, and ultimately proved more popular. Today, the number of people studying Volapük is much lower than once it was, though Internet contacts have enabled Volapük enthusiasts to connect and communicate, and that new community has inspired the re-publication of this book. This Volapük grammar was written entirely in Volapük and was produced after the language reform which took place between 1921 and 1931. It has been out of print for many years, and it is hoped that its re-publication will assist a new generation of Volapük learners in their enjoyment of this unique language.
Skeul an Tavas: A coursebook in Standard Cornish
By Ray Chubb, edited by Michael Everson and Nicholas Williams Second edition 2013. ISBN 978-1-904808-93-0
Skeul an Tavas is a coursebook by Ray Chubb designed to meet the needs of those learning under the structure of the Languages Ladder programme of the UK Department for Children, Schools and Families. Unlike some other coursebooks, this book teaches Cornish in a “can-do” way, and does not expect students to know the finer points of Cornish grammar from the beginning. The course starts with the basics—all presented in a friendly and accessible way.
This book is aimed at the Breakthrough level of the Languages Ladder. This consists of three stages and Skeul an Tavas is divided into three parts, each corresponding to one of those stages. The book is intended for internal teacher assessment in the stages leading to Breakthrough, but the whole syllabus required by a student to take the external assessment at Breakthrough level is covered in this book.
Vom Filik e konots votik
By Frank Roger, translated into Volapük by Ralph Midgley 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-92-3
Kis jenonöv-li if tim stoponöv pianiko jü tak lölöfik? Kis ojenon-li if drims no binons bai spets olik. Fütür obik binon-li ya po obs? Bäts yofamaplada binons-li bai lesags onas. Sötobs-li küpälön ad büosagans? Mögos-li das fin tima binon te timafin? Konots konleta at pladons säkis alsotik. Semiks lofons i gesagis. At no binons ai trodiks, e no binons zesüdiko gesags kelis ba äspetol. Dido, nopaspetölos binon utos, kelosi bo ogetol. Konots ela Frank Roger kipädons distöfi gretik dinas, kel ninädon späktrumi lölöfik literata magälik, ed igo golon love on. Semans kanons bo tuvön fluni satüras dagik fa Philip K. Dick, ud igo fluni lovejenöfima poedik fa J. G. Ballard, igo bosili rätas e labürintas komplitiks fa Jorge Luis Borges, kels blebons in mems reidanas lunikumo kas spetoy. Ab fino omutol tuvön vegi lönik ola da länod lienetik, pestuköl fa mödotil konotas brefik. Spelobs, das oplöpol ad lükömön sefiko lü seveg, alöpio kö seveg dabinon... üf nemuiko bal dabinon.
The Burning Woman and other stories
By Frank Roger 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-91-6
What if time were to grind slowly to a standstill? What if dreams are not what you think they are? Is our future already behind us? Are fairground attractions exactly what they claim to be? Should we listen to fortune-tellers? Could it be that the end of time is merely… the end of time?
The stories in this collection ask all sorts of questions. Some of them also give answers. They’re not always comforting, and not necessarily the answers you might have been expecting. Indeed, the unexpected is what you’re likely to get.
Frank Roger’s stories cover a wide range of material, including and transcending the entire spectrum of fantastic literature. Some may detect an influence of Philip K. Dick’s dark satires, of J. G. Ballard’s poetic surrealism, perhaps even a dash of Jorge Luis Borges’ intricate puzzles and labyrinths, lingering in readers’ memories longer than anticipated.
But in the end you will have to chart your own course through this maddening landscape constructed by a few scores of short stories. We hope you will make it safely to the exit. Wherever the exit happens to be. If there is one at all.
An Hobad, nó, Anonn agus Ar Ais Arís The Hobbit in Irish.
By J.R.R. Tolkien, translated into Irish by Nicholas Williams 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-90-9. ISBN 978-1-78201-033-3 (paperback)
Bhí gnaoi an phobail riamh leis an sárscéal fantasaíochta seo faoi hobad darb ainm Biolbó Baigín agus é á sciobadh chun siúil gan choinne ar eachtra fhada in éineacht le Gandalf Draoi agus le trí abhac déag. Is scéal An Hobad faoi thuras a dhéanann Biolbó i gcuideachta na n-abhac le teacht ar thaisce ór a bhfuil dragan i seilbh uirthi. In aghaidh a thola ar dtús a ghlacann Biolbó Baigín páirt sa tóraíocht chontúirteach, mar is hobad gan uaillmhian é, atá an-tugtha do chompord an tsaoil. I ndeireadh na dála, áfach, cuireann sé iontas air féin lena sheiftiúlacht agus lena scil amhail buirgléir. I measc eachtraí eile buaileann Biolbó le troill, le púcaí, le habhaic, le heilbh agus le damháin alla ollmhóra, déanann sé comhrá le Smóg Dragan, agus bíonn sé i láthair go han-drogallach ag Cath na gCúig Arm. Tá Biolbó Baigín le háireamh i measc laochra neamhbhásmhara litríocht na bpáistí. Is dá pháistí féin a scríobh an tOllamh Tolkien an scéal an chéad lá agus bhain an bunleagan Béarla cáil dhomhanda amach a thúisce is a foilsíodh é. Anois tá leagan Gaeilge le fáil den chéad uair riamh in aistriúchán den scoth leis an Ollamh Nicholas Williams. Feicfear sa leabhar na pictiúir agus na léirscáileanna uile a rinne an t-údar féin.
Wörterbuch der Weltsprache für Deutschsprechende: Vödabuk Volapüka pro Deutänapükans
By Arie de Jong 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-89-3.
Arie de Jong’s magnificent German-Volapük Volapük-German dictionary has been out of print for decades. It is of course well known that the popularity of the Volapük language today is nothing like what it was in 1889, but the flame of interest in Volapük has never yet been extinguished. Unfortunately, the lack of availability of a comprehensive dictionary has made it extremely difficult for people interested in Volapük to make progress learning the language; most dictionaries available as reprints, for instance, are in Johann Martin Schleyer’s Volapük Rigik (‘Original Volapük’). But modern learners need a dictionary which reflects the reforms made in Arie de Jong’s Volapük Nulik (‘New Volapük’, a term which I prefer to Volapük Perevidöl ‘Revised Volapük’ or Volapük Pevotastidöl ‘Reformed Volapük’). The re-publication of Wörterbuch der Weltsprache: Vödabuk Volapüka is a milestone in the history of constructed languages, and will, perhaps, help to keep interest in Volapük alive well into the 21st century. Volapük is a rich and flexible language, endowed with an extensive vocabulary. It may have no future as an International Auxiliary Language, but it nevertheless has both intellectual and aesthetic value, whether for the Esperantist interested in the history of the IAL movement, or simply for the enthusiast who comes to enjoy Volapük for its own sake.
La aventuras de Alisia en la pais de mervelias
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Lingua Franca Nova by Simon Davies 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-88-6
Lingua Franca Nova (LFN) es un lingua aidante con un gramatica simple, creolin, e lojical. Lo ia es creada par Dr C. George Boeree de la Universia de Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, comensante en 1965. Inspirada par la Lingua Franca istorial usada sirca la Mediteraneo, lo prende se vocabulo de catalan, espaniol, franses, italian, e portuges. En 1998, LFN ia es publicida a la interede, e se parlores ia continua developa e boni la lingua tra la anios seguente. On trova aora disionarios, gramaticas, e multe otra traduis en la rede a lfn.wikia.com. La tradui raconta la aventuras de Alisia en la tempo presente, an si Carroll ia scrive los en la pasada. Esta cualia simplinte es alga comun en naras en LFN cuando la avenis es fantasin e se loca en la tempo no importa: pratical, lo evita un repete suprafluente de la paroleta “ia”. Per coere con la otra volumes en la serie, esta edita numeri se capitoles par numeros roman, an si LFN evita normal estas. On ia cambia la puntua, xef sirca parlas direta, per la mesma razona.
Lès-Aventûres d’Alice ô Pèyis dès Mèrvèy
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Borain Picard by André Capron 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-87-9
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland a sté tradwit in branmint dë langues mès, dëqu’à mèt’nant, djamins dins én dialèkte picârd. Ç’ tradukcion-ci, in picârd borégn dëvrot réparer ça. Ël langue qu’on utilîse dins ç’ tradukcion-ci, c’èst l’ dialèkte qu’on pale ô mitan dou Borinâje : 9 vilâjes avé à pô près 100.000 abitants. À côse dë cèrtégn canjemints su l’ plan économike ét social—surtout l’éducacion obligatwâre in francès—ël borégn come branmint d’ôtes dialèktes, ès’t-in trégn dë morî, môgré lès courageûs èfôrts dë deûs-twâs djins qui cach’té à l’ ravikier. I n’a pus branmint d’ Borégn qui sèt´ tënî ’ne convèrsacion in borégn, mès i d’a co ’ne masse qui counwate leû dialèkte passîv’mint. Pou l’ortografe, on a chwâzi l’ « notation Feller ».
La Aventuroj de Alico en Mirlando
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Esperanto by Donald Broadribb 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-86-2
La traduko de Donald Broadribb, Alico en Mirlando, estis unue eldonita en 1996 de Bookleaf Publishing (Bakers Hill, Okcidenta Aŭstralio). Ĉi tion sekvis dua korektita eldono publikigita en 1999 de la rusa eldonejo Sezonoj, kiu poste produktis trian eldonon en 2004. Alia eldono estis publikigita en 2000, post la apero de la dua Sezonoj-eldono sed antaŭ tiu de la tria. Ĉi tiu versio estis memeldonita interrete de Broadribb mem en PDF-formato sub la plena titolo La Aventuroj de Alico en Mirlando, kun multe da korektoj kaj plibonigoj al la teksto, inkluzive de pli klara sistemo de interpunkcio por parolata dialogo. Sezonoj ŝajne ne sciis pri ĉi tiu PDF-teksto kiam ili produktis sian eldonon de 2004, ĉar en ĉi lasta mankas la ŝanĝoj faritaj en la interreta versio. Tial, kvankam oni povus ĝuste nomi la PDFon de Broadribb la tria eldono laŭ ĝia dato de publikigo, estas plej oportune nomi ĝin la “kvara eldono”, pro tio ke Sezonoj jam uzis la nomon “tria eldono” por sia teksto de 2004. La libro kiun vi nun tenas enmane estas la kvina eldono, sen ambiguo. Ĝi baziĝas sur la PDF-teksto de 2000 kaj korektas kelkajn preserarojn kaj negravajn malkonformaĵojn kiuj restis (aŭ nove aperis) en tiu teksto; krome, vortoj nun estas kursivigitaj multloke por konformi al uzo de kursivo por montri vortemfazon en la angla originalo.
Welcome to the Crazyverse
By Keith Sheppard 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-85-5
This book contains (the author says)
Much verse on many things
Amusing quips concealing facts
Of dark ages and kings.
How Nellie Gwynn was really hot
And what made Guy Fawkes sing.
This collection of poems is loosely based on famous historical characters. Poems they may be, but not “poetry”. This is comedy in verse. What was the real story behind the gunpowder plot (and who was this guy called Fawkes)? What happened after the English Civil War? How did Rasputin meet a sticky end? All these questions and more are answered in this book.
So forget those boring history lessons!
Let’s have a bit of fun together but beware. You may accidentally learn some history on the way…
Phyllis in Piskie-land
By J. Henry Harris 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-84-8
J. Henry Harris 1848-1917 was a journalist, novelist, and short-story writer, probably best known for his collection of Cornish folklore, Cornish Saints and Sinners (1906). In his book Phyllis in Piskie-land, inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland, a little English girl visiting Cornwall is taken into their world and has many adventures. This rare book has been brought out again to delight Carrollians and Cornishmen alike. Phyllis in Piskie-land is in part a vehicle for Harris’ interest in Cornish folklore, but it is clear that his interest in Carroll’s work goes beyond the syntax of the title of his book. In many episodes Phyllis is taught and entertained by the denizens of Piskie-land, and like Alice she endeavours to be polite to them. Harris’ clearest homage to Carroll is in the beginning of Chapter XI, “The Charmed Shoes”, where the nonsense echoes both Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass quite strongly, leading up to the Cornish folktale which concludes the chapter.
Dee Erläwnisse von Alice em Wundalaund
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Mennonite Low German by Jack Thiessen 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-83-1
Mennonitenplaut (ooda de plautdietsche Dialektgrupp) woat enn Kanada, enne Stäts, Mexiko, Brasilien, Bolivien, Paraguay, Honduras, Belize, Argentinien von ruhm 300,000 Mennoniete jerät. Disse Zohl nemmt enn Dietschlaund too, wiels väle Mennoniete von Ruβlaund kaume nohdem de Sowjetunion utenaunda foll. Mennoniete jeheare too eene relijeese Grupp, woohne uasprinjlijch von Hollaund enn Belgien enne 1500’ Joahre flijchte, wiels see relijees vefoljt worde; mette Tiet muake see sich emm nadapraiβchem Ruhm emm Ooste tusig. Nohäa waundada väle Mennoniete noh Nuadamerika ut—besondasch noh Kanada enn noh dee Stäts—-enn noh Latienamerika—besondasch noh Paraguay enn Mexico—de measchte wohne oppem Laund, habe oba atelje spohnsche Weada enn ähre eajne Sproak oppjenohme.
L’s Aventuthes d’Alice en Êmèrvil’lie
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Jèrriais by Geraint Jennings 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-82-4
Lé Jèrriais est la langue Nouormande dé Jèrri, la langue dé Wace et achteu d’Alice étout. Quand Alice êcoute la Souothis tchi pâle dé l’histouaithe dé Dgilliaume lé Contchérant, ch’est qu’Dgilliaume, not’ Duc, pâlait l’Nouormand, et qu’l’histouaithe des Ducs dé Nouormandie fut racontée en Nouormand par Wace. Et les Jèrriais tchi d’visent acouo dans not’ langue pouôrront liéthe les aventuthes d’Alice et y r’connaître lé bouôn vièr niolîn.
The Carrollian Tales of Inspector Spectre
By Byron W. Sewell, with contributions by Edward Wakeling and August A. Imholtz, Jr 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-81-7
In the first of these two crime fiction tales, R.I.P. (Restless in Pieces), modern grave-robbers steal the bones of Charles Dodgson (also known as Lewis Carroll), expecting to hold them for ransom. But they also discover a rare first edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as well as one of Dodgson’s missing Diaries in the casket. This sets off a series of events, both deadly and comical, across England, Wales, and North Korea. Inspector Ian Spectre of Scotland Yard is brought in to solve the case, assisted by none other than Dodgson’s ghost. The second tale, The Oxfordic Oracle, is set in Victorian Oxford. Inspector Spectre goes undercover to investigate numerous reported strange events during the meetings of the Oxford Phantasmalogical Society, where an actress prophesies under the influence of ethene gas escaping into the basement of the building. Charles Dodgson also makes a first time appearance at the Society meeting, which gets out of hand as too much ethene escapes and everyone begins to prophesy nonsense which becomes the inspiration for some of the famous poems in Carroll’s Sylvie and Bruno books.
Alice’s Carrànts in Wunnerlan
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Ulster Scots by Anne Morrison-Smyth 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-80-0 OUT OF PRINT
This buk is the furst translation o Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland intae Ulster Scots, a language that comes frae the Lowlans in Scotlan an thin wus brocht intae Norlin Airlan in the early 17th Century. Es it’s a dialect o Scots it haes close links wi standart Inglesh, but thur’s monie differences in baith grammer an vocabulary between the twa languages. The orthography used in this book’s based on the spellins that ir maistly used bae native taakers o Ulster Scots.
The Cult of Relics: Devocyon dhe Greryow
By Alan M. Kent, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2010. ISBN 78-1-904808-41-1 hardcover. ISBN 978-1-904808-79-4 paperback. OUT OF PRINT
The Cult of Relics is a new novel by Alan M. Kent (author of Proper Job, Charlie Curnow! and Electric Pastyland), presented in a bilingual format, with a Cornish-language translation, Devocyon dhe Greryow, by Nicholas Williams. The story is set in Western Britain in the mid-1990s just after the Gulf War, and tells of three extraordinary people: of the New-Age Traveller Jude Fox, of the American photojournalist Eddie Hopkins, and of the Cornish-born archaeologist Robert Bolitho.
The Cult of Relics yw novel nowyth dhyworth Alan M. Kent (auctour a Proper Job, Charlie Curnow! hag a Electric Pastyland), hag yma va dyllys gans trailyans Kernowek Nicholas Williams, Devoycyon dhe Greryow. An whedhel-ma a gebmer le i’n West a Vreten Veur in cres an bledhydnyow mil, naw cans, peswar ugans ha deg, termyn cot warlergh Bresel an Morbleg. Yth eson ny ow metya ino gans try ferson, meur a les: Jûd Fox, Viajyores a’n Oos Nowyth; Eddie Hopkins, an fôtojornalyst Amerycan; ha’n hendhyscansyth dhia Gernow, Robert Bolitho.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: An edition printed in the Nyctographic Square Alphabet devised by Lewis Carroll
By Lewis Carroll, Illustrated by John Tenniel, Foreword by Alan Tannenbaum 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-78-7
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, a.k.a Lewis Carroll, invented a special writing instrument he called “the Nyctograph” on 24 September 1891, in frustration at the process of “getting out of bed at 2 a.m. in a winter night, lighting a candle, and recording some happy thought which would probably be otherwise forgotten”. This edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is written entirely in the author’s unique night-time alphabet.
The Beast of Bodmin Moor: Best Goon Brèn
By Alan M. Kent, translated into Cornish by Neil Kennedy, with illustrations by Gabrielle Cailes 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-77-0
Watch out… the Beast is about! This new story for young readers is based on the mysterious legend of the Beast of Bodmin Moor. The acclaimed Cornish writer Alan M. Kent tells the charming tale of how a big cat came to wander the wild landscape of Cornwall. Filled with delight and wonder, this is a tale to enrich the imagination and stay long in the memory. The illustrations are by Gabrielle Cailes, an artist who knows Cornwall intimately. With wonderful spirit, colour, and energy, they capture the detail of the story and its thrilling sense of place. The story is presented bilingually with a vibrant modern translation into Cornish by Neil Kennedy.
Áloþk’s Adventures in Goatland
By Byron W. Sewell, Illustrated by Mahendra Singh 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-76-3
Róaž Wiðz (1882–1937), the locally-admired though otherwise little-known Zumorgian translator, spent seventeen years of his miserable life (when he wasn’t tending to his beloved goats) translating Lewis Carroll’s classic “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” into Zumorigénflit and transposing it into Ŋúǧian culture. Sadly, Ŋúǧ was swallowed up by the Soviet Union in 1947. For those interested in such esoteric things, Áloþk üjy Gígið Soagénličy was first published by the Itadabükan Press in the capital city of Sprutničovyurt in 1919. The city, which was mistakenly thought to be a German forward supply area, was literally flattened and burned to the ground by Royal Air Force saturation bombing in 1943, and all that remains of it are a few remnants of the ancient Palace’s foundations and a gigantic reinforced concrete statue of Joseph Stalin, whose face has been shattered by what was probably machine gun target practice. The original story has here been updated to modern times, as if this strange, harsh, and dangerous land still existed in the modern world. It doesn’t, except in my imagination and that of Mahendra Singh, whose heart swells with the Song of the Goat. -- Byron W. Sewell
Bodily Harm: Symphysiotomy and Pubiotomy in Ireland 1944–92
By Marie O’Connor 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-75-6.
Symphysiotomy and pubiotomy carry more risk than Caesarean section: the surgery unhinged the pelvis and often led to walking difficulties, bladder problems and chronic pain. One baby in ten died. Ireland was the only country in the Western world to practise these 18th century operations in the mid to late 20th century. The revival of the surgery in 1944 raises serious questions. Was it the norm for difficult births from the 1940s to the 1980s? If not, why was it done? Bodily Harm examines the exhumation of these covert operations, reveals the circumstances under which they were carried out, documents the lived experiences of mothers, considers the surgery from a legal perspective, analyses its implications for maternity care and presents survivors’ case for truth and justice.
Whedhlow ha drollys a Gernow Goth
By Nigel Roberts, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-74-9
Whedhlow ha drollys a Gernow Goth yw viaj aberth i’n mystery henwhedhlow agan pow ny. I’n folednow-ma why a gav romauns ha pystry; anethow ha traitury; sens ha pehadoryon; gorwer ha tebelwesyon. I’n lyver-ma yma kewry meur aga mêstry ow qwandra i’n menydhyow; carrygy kevrînek ow chaunjya dhe dus vew ha tus cales aga fedn ow trailya de Sul dhe ven yeyn; yma drog-spyryjyon ow ledya tus wàr stray; knoukoryon darosvanus ow trobla an balyow; yma vertu a sawment in fentydnyow sans; ha morvoronyon, meur aga thenvos, ow qwil dhe dus dywith aga sewya aberth in morow Keltek. Nigel Robert re wrug desedha an hengof rych-ma a whedhlow hag a lien gweryn rag agan dedhyow ny ha’y dhasterivas sempel in form grafek spladn a wra plêsya pynag oll a garra delînyansow bryntyn ha whedhlow dâ..
Cornish Legend and Folklore
By Nigel Roberts 2012. ISBN 978-1-904808-73-2
Cornish Legend and Folklore is a journey into Cornwall’s mythical past. Throughout these pages you will discover magical romantic tales of adventure and intrigue; saints and sinners; heroes and villains. Where tyrannical giants roam the hills; mysterious rocks come alive and obstinate people turn to stone on the sabbath; mischievous piskeys lead simple fools astray; ghostly knockers haunt the mines; holy wells have curative powers; and alluring mermaids entice their vulnerable victims into Celtic seas. Nigel Roberts has adapted and retold this rich tradition of legend and folklore into popular and colourful graphic narrative format for those of all ages who enjoy great art and story telling.
Alix’s Adventures in Wonderland: Lewis Carroll’s Nightmare
By Byron W. Sewell, Illustrated by the author 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-72-5
Charles Dodgson had had a difficult day photographing young Victor Alexander Parnell, one of Queen Victoria’s godsons. Dodgson wasn’t at all certain of how either the boy’s parents or the Queen would regard the photograph if he let them see it. The image showed a boy with the cold and calculating gaze of a gunman that one might encounter in a saloon in the American West. It had taken no fewer than six attempts to get this image of Alexander, and Dodgson was thoroughly exhausted. The boy had twitched and squinted, blinked and shifted, ruining one plate after another. The trip back to Oxford, with all of the heavy boxes of photographic equipment, had been the final strain of a long and tiring day. By the time he finally reached his rooms he was ready for a simple meal of bread, cheese and a small glass of claret, then immediately off to bed. He would unpack the boxes later in the week, when he had recovered a bit from the expedition. Dodgson pulled the heavy curtains of his rooms together without looking out of the windows onto the quadrangle. He was under the covers and asleep in less than five minutes. And this is what he dreamed...
Breton Grammar
By Roparz Hemon, translated, adapted, and revised by Michael Everson Third edition 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-71-8.
The first English-language edition of this Breton Grammar was published in 1995. The book is for the most part a straight forward translation of the ninth edition of Roparz Hemon’s Grammaire bretonne. In preparing the translation, a number of sections in the grammar were changed for the benefit of the English-speaking reader. Many, but not all, of these additions may be found in the notes to the various sections.
An Beybel Sans: The Holy Bible in Cornish
Translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-70-1
This is the first translation of the entire Bible to be published in Cornish. The translator of the Cornish Bible is Professor Nicholas Williams, the foremost present-day translator into the language. The first draft of his translation was based on the original languages together with a collation of several other versions. Next the translation was reviewed by a number of competent Cornish speakers, whose comments helped improve the readability of the work. Thereafter the translator searched the Middle and Late Cornish texts—miracle plays, homilies, and portions of scripture—to find all those passages where native Cornish renderings could be used in the translation. Such passages by speakers of traditional Cornish have been incorporated throughout the Cornish Bible, and add to its authenticity. Wherever possible, personal and geographical names are those attested in traditional Cornish. The volume contains ten maps, in which all the place-names appear in Cornish form. An Beybel Sans is written in Standard Cornish.
Alicia in Terra Mirabili
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Latin by Clive Harcourt Carruthers 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-69-5 OUT OF PRINT
Hōc in librō offertur lēctōrī nova ēditiō fābulae Alicia in Terrā Mīrābilī in Latīnum annō 1964ō ā Clive Harcourt Carruthers conversae. Differt ā prīmā ēditiōne duābus praecipuīs rēbus: cum quod discrīmen nunc servātur inter i litteram vōcālem et j litteram vim cōnsonantis habentem, tum quod omnēs vōcālēs longae sunt līneolīs superscrīptīs ōrnātae. Omnium vōcālium longitūdinēs dīligenter exquīsītae sunt, etiam in syllabīs positiōne longīs. In pauciōribus syllabīs, quārum vōcālium longitūdinēs aut nunc incertae sunt, aut manifestē etiam antīquīs temporibus vacillābant, vōcālēs sine līneolīs scrīptae sunt.
A Furst Readin Book in Ulster Scots
Bae Harriette Taylor Treadwell an Margaret Free, translatet intae Ulster Scots bae Anne Morrison-Smyth 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-68-8
This weeyins’ furst readin book, furst publisht in 1910, is intendet fur early readers, an fur them that teach them. It haes a brev wee vocabulary o jest unner 300 wurds, an presents nine classic yarns: The Wee Rid Hen, The Gingerbried Weefla, The Oul Wumman an the Pig, The Weefla an the Goat, The Pancake, Chicken Little, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Wee Tuppens, an Wee Spider’s Furst Web.
The book contains more than ninety illustrations bae the artist Frederick Richardson.
A Concise Middle English Dictionary
By Anthony Lawson Mayhew and Walter William Skeat, revised by Michael Everson 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-23-7 hardcover. ISBN 978-1-904808-67-1 paperback.
Although in the age of the Internet we have access to the magnificent Middle English Compendium hosted by the University of Michigan, few students of Middle English would question the usefulness of a desktop copy for day-to-day reference. There has been no handy, reliable edition of such a dictionary for many years. The 1888 edition of Mayhew and Skeat’s Concise Dictionary of Middle English can sometimes be found in antiquarian bookshops, but it is scarce, and available copies vary in both condition and cost. This new edition of Mayhew and Skeat has been revised and completely reset for the modern reader. It offers in a concise form more than 11,000 headwords with source references, cross references, and etymologies. Free online digital editions of the dictionary are now available at two major archives, and these too are useful for online searching. Some of these have been edited into legible formats; some are more or less raw ascii texts. A few “publishers” have released printed versions which are little more than dumps of those plain-text files—and I use the scare quotes advisedly here, feeling sorry for those students who have bought those editions thinking that they were, in fact, buying proper dictionaries. This edition has been set in Baskerville, a clear and accessible font, which it is hoped, will increase the legibility of the book. Further choices made in typesetting have led to additional changes in format, both for aesthetic reasons and to modernize the text in line with the contemporary reader’s expectations.
The Admiral’s Caravan
By Charles Edward Carryl 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-66-4
The Admiral’s Caravan appeared first in serialized form in the children’s periodical St Nicholas beginning in 1891; it was published in book form first in 1892 and remained in print for many years. The Admiral’s Caravan is one of the last important works of nineteenth-century American children’s fantasy published before The Wizard of Oz appeared in 1900. The story takes place—as such stories often do—on Christmas Eve when young Dorothy embarks on an adventure with the Admiral, the Highlander, and Sir Walter Rosettes, three wooden statues who come alive on that magic evening...
Davy and the Goblin
By Charles Edward Carryl 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-65-7
Davy and the Goblin appeared first in serialized form in the children’s periodical St Nicholas beginning in 1884; it was published in book form first in 1885 and remained in print for over 40 years.
The book’s use of nonsense and punning places it firmly amongst those works influenced by Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland; its fast-paced, kaleidoscopic narrative gives it an American flavour which foreshadows much fantastic literature of the twentieth century.
Ailice’s Àventurs in Wunnerland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Scots by Sandy Fleemin 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-64-0
This beuk sets oot the first translation o Ailice’s Àventurs in Wunnerland intae Scots (that we aince caa’d “Inglis”). This leid haes cam doun fae Auld Northumbrian, the Auld English that wis spoken fae the Humber tae the Lothians. It’s a near relation o Staunart English, but there’s many a differ in baith grammar an vocabulary. The translator’s uised tradeetional spellins the likes o wis set doun bi Burns, Scott, Slater an many ither, tho wantin the “apologetic apostrophes” ye aft see in thae beuks. This is gaes alang wi maist writins in Scots fae the aichteenth century on, an reads fine tae modren Scots spaekers bred up tae sic tradeetions.
Alice’s Adventures in Pictureland: Tales inspired by Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland
By Florence Adèle Evans, Illustrated by Albertine Randall Wheelan 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-63-3
Published first in 1900, Florence A. Evans’ Alice’s Adventures in Pictureland is told about a young girl named Alice, whose mother’s younger sister was the famous Alice of Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland. The book, illustrated with delightful drawings by Albertine Randall Wheelan, begins with a set of vignettes exploring the exploits of a number of Wonderland characters, and continues with a series of tales told by story-book animals, some of which are reminiscent of Rudyard Kipling’s Just-So Stories.
Alice ẹhr Ẹventüürn in’t Wunnerland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Low German (Low Saxon) by Reinhard F. Hahn 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-62-6
The Low Saxon translation in this book is based on Carroll’s English original, with rare glances at the handling of names and wordplay in Antonie Zimmermann’s German translation.
To the best of my knowledge this edition presents the first translation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland into Low Saxon (also known as Low German and by its German name Plattdeutsch). This language is a descendant of Old Saxon, one of the ancestors of English. Middle Saxon (also known as Mittelniederdeutsch “Middle Low German” in modern German parlance) served as the international lingua franca of the Hanseatic Trading League and as such influenced many language varieties along the Baltic and North Sea coasts, especially those of Scandinavia, the Baltic Countries and Northern Poland.
Alices Äventyr i Sagolandet
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Swedish by Emily Nonnen 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-61-9
This book is a new edition of the first translation into Swedish, presented for the modern reader. The third translation of Alice into any language, Emily Nonnen’s 1870 version was originally published in a spelling typical of the nineteenth century. In preparing this edition, the spelling has been modernized according to the rules of current Swedish orthography.
Eileen’s Adventures in Wordland
By Zillah K. Macdonald 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-60-2
Zillah Katherine Macdonald was born in 1885 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and is noted for her children’s books, as well as for a series of “career romances for young moderns”.
Eileen’s Adventures in Wordland is Macdonald’s first novel for children, and is a real delight for lovers of words and wordplay. Eileen’s companion “X” leads her to encounters ranging from a meeting with Blighty, a word born during the first World War, to meeting with Grandmother Indo-European, who introduces Eileen to a number of her “language children”. Embellished by Stuart Hay’s charming illustrations, this “life story of our Word friends” will appeal to readers young and old who delight in the sounds and sense of language.
Enys Tresour
By Robert Louis Stevenson, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams, with illustrations by Louis Rhead 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-59-6. ISBN 978-1-78201-50-0 (paperback)
Y feu screfys Enys Tresour gans Robert Louis Stevenson i’n bledhynyow 1880 hag 1881. Dalethys veu in Braemar in Scotlond, le may whrug y das gwil gweres dhodho gans y brevyans y honen a vêwnans in gorholyon. Gorfednys veu an novel pàn esa Stevenson in Davos rag an secùnd treveth in gwâv an vledhen 1881-1882. Enys Tresour, neb a dheuth in mes pàn o an auctour udnek bledhen warn ugans bloodh, o y kensa romans hir, ha pàn veu an lyver dyllys avell lyver, Stevenson a recêvas dredho rag an kensa prës sowena in lagasow an bobel. An whedhel-ma a dhalathas apperya in mis Hedra 1881 i’n lyver termyn Sowsnek gelwys Young Folks. I’n termyn-na Cog an Mor, bò Enys Tresour o an tîtel, saw pàn veu dyllys an novel avell lyver in mis Mê 1883, an hanow o Enys Tresour yn udnyk, ha’n hanow-na a gemeras y le in mesk tîtlys a lyvrow classyk liesgweyth cotha. Y fëdh gwelys i’n lyver-ma delinyansow bryntyn Louis Rhead, a veu dyllys rag an kensa prës i’n vledhen 1915. Nicholas Williams a drailyas an lyver-ma dhe Gernowek. Ev a drailyas Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland gans Lewis Carroll dhe Gernowek ha dhe Wodhalek Wordhen kefrës.
Rollo in Emblemland
By John Kendrick Bangs and Charles Raymond Macauley 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-58-9
John Kendrick Bangs (1862–1922) was born in Yonkers, New York, and is known for his work as an author, editor, and satirist. He worked for Life, a number of Harper’s periodicals, and Puck, perhaps the foremost American humour magazine of its day.
Inspired by the fantasy of Lewis Carroll’s Alice, Bangs wrote Rollo in Emblemland together with Charles Raymond Macauley in 1902. The story tells of a young boy named Rollo who visits a strange country peopled with symbols and icons—emblems of culture like John Bull, Uncle Sam, the Owl, the Stork, Puck, Mr Punch, Father Time, Cupid, and others. Macauley’s line drawings are charming and some of the verse in the book is reminiscent of Carroll’s.
Gladys in Grammarland & Alice in Grammarland
By Audrey Mayhew Allen and by Louise Franklin Bache 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-57-2
The two tales in this book are not related to one another, though both are responses to Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland, and both are somewhat didactic in nature.
Audrey Mayhew Allen was born in 1870, and so was about 27 years of age when she wrote Gladys in Grammarland. In this story, Gladys becomes sleepy after class and finds that a Verb Fairy has taken an interest in her education.
Louise Franklin Bache wrote several plays for the Junior Red Cross News, and later published a book Health Education in an American City. The charming Alice in Grammarland was written as a play for “Better Speech Week”, 5–8 November 1923, and “American Education Week”, 18–24 November 1923, and was published in Junior Red Cross News in that month and year. In it, Carroll’s Alice returns to meet her old friends the Hatter and the White Rabbit, together with the King and Queen of Grammarland.
Alice in Blunderland: An Iridescent Dream
By John Kendrick Bangs 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-56-5
John Kendrick Bangs (1862–1922) was born in Yonkers, New York, and is known for his work as an author, editor, and satirist. He worked for Life, a number of Harper’s periodicals, and Puck, perhaps the foremost American humour magazine of its day. In Alice in Blunderland: An Iridescent Dream—first published in 1907—Bangs makes light of a range of economic issues familiar to his readers—these are quite topical and all-too familiar to today’s reader as well. High taxes, corporate greed, bribery, institutional corruption, and govern mental incompetence are amongst the themes of the book.
Bangs’ Alice in Blunderland relies more on absurdity than it does on nonsense, and some of the humour is indeed rather American. But Bangs’ success is to make his reader smile wryly rather than laugh out loud—for his satire is very much on target.
Le Avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Italian by Teodorico Pietrocòla Rossetti 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-55-8
This edition presents the first translation into Italian of 1872 for the modern reader. The translation by Teodorico Pietrocòla Rossetti, whom Carroll describes as “my Italian friend”, was the fourth translation of Alice, made after the French, German, and Swedish translations. A fair number of changes have been made to the text, in order to make the book a bit more accessible to the modern reader. The intent, basically, was to retain the feel of the nineteenth-century translation while removing impediments to its enjoyment.
The Westminster Alice: A political parody based on Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland
By Hector Hugh Munro (Saki) 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-54-1 OUT OF PRINT
Saki was the pen-name of Hector Hugh Munro (1870–1916). He was an author and playwright best known for his subtle and witty short stories. He wrote for periodicals such as the Westminster Gazette, the Daily Express, the Bystander, the Morning Post, and the Outlook. The Westminster Alice vignettes were collected together and published in Westminster Popular No. 18 in 1902
Charles Geake (1867–1919) was, from 1892 to 1918, the head of the Liberal Publication Department, which had been established in 1887 by the National Liberal Federation (a union of all English and Welsh (but not Scottish) Liberal Associations), and the Liberal Central Association (an organization which had been founded in 1874 to facilitate Liberal Party communication throughout United Kingdom). Francis Carruthers Gould (1844–1925) was a political cartoonist and caricaturist who contributed to the Pall Mall Gazette until he joined the Westminster Gazette when it was founded. He later became an assistant editor for that publication. In addition to illustrating Saki’s Westminster Alice in a series of publications from 1900 to 1902, Gould also illustrated Charles Geake’s parody John Bull’s Adventures in the Fiscal Wonderland, published in 1904.
New Adventures of Alice
By John Rae 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-53-4
John Rae was an American author and illustrator who lived from 1882 to 1963. He wrote and illustrated New Adventures of Alice, Grasshopper Green and The Meadow Mice, and Granny Goose, and was noted for his portraits of Carl Sandburg and Albert Einstein.
This charming book, written in 1917, fulfils Rae’s own wish that Carroll had written another book about Wonderland. In it Alice’s new adventures consist of visits to a number of Mother Goose characters, as well as to a remarkable artist, a poet, and a printer—characters certainly familiar to John Rae himself.
Les Aventures d’Alice au pays des merveilles
By Lewis Carroll, translated into French by Henri Bué 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-52-7 OUT OF PRINT
This edition presents the first translation into French of 1869 for the modern reader. The translation by Henri Bué was the second translation of Alice into any language. Bué consulted with Lewis Carroll on the translation, which was described as “authorized”.
John Bull’s Adventures in the Fiscal Wonderland
By Charles Geake and Francis Carruthers Gould 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-51-0
John Bull is the personification of Great Britain (or at least of England). He was first created in 1712 by John Arbuthnot, and eventually became a common sight in British editorial cartoons of the 19th and early 20th centuries. John is a sort of British Everyman, endowed with common sense and good intentions, who likes a pint of beer. In his trip to the Fiscal Wonder land, John’s frustrations with the bewildering nonsensicality of economic politics are made apparent by the author and illustrator.
More than a century on, it is not always easy to identify the people caricatured by Gould. Still more arduous would be to attempt to explain the jokes and allusions by made by Geake—that would be material for an academic thesis. Nevertheless I can supply a few biographical summaries and photos to assist the reader to put the cartoon parodies into context and guide the reader who wishes to pursue an interest in any of these characters, or in the particulars of Tariff Reform, Free Trade, the Free Food League, etc.
Lost in Blunderland: The further adventures of Clara:
A political parody based on Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland
By Caroline Lewis (Edward Harold Begbie, J. Stafford Ransome, and M. H. Temple) 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-50-3
Clara in Blunderland was written in 1902 and details the adventures of Arthur Balfour while being groomed to become Prime Minister—the Clara of Lost in Blunderland, published in 1903, is Balfour once he got the job. The two novels deal with British frustration and anger about the Boer War and with Britain’s political leadership at the time.
Caroline Lewis’ jokes and allusions are too rich and densely woven into this book to explain them all—more a theme for an academic thesis than for a foreword like this, and I am no expert in any case. But I can supply a few biographical summaries (to 1903) and photos to assist the reader to put the cartoon parodies into context, and guide the reader who wishes to pursue an interest in any of these characters, or in the particulars of Balfour’s early premiership.
Clara in Blunderland:
A political parody based on Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland
By Caroline Lewis (Edward Harold Begbie, J. Stafford Ransome, and M. H. Temple) 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-49-7
Caroline Lewis is a pen-name, that of the team of Edward Harold Begbie (1871–1929), J. Stafford Ransome (born 1860), and M. H. Temple, who wrote both Clara in Blunderland and a sequel, Lost in Blunderland. These two novels deal with British frustration and anger about the Boer War and with Britain’s political leadership at the time. Much of Begbie’s work was as a journalist, though he also wrote non-fiction, biographies, and some twenty-five novels, ranging from children’s stories to explorations of personal psychology and spirituality. In 1917, he publicly agreed with the pacifists in their opposition to the war and defended the right conscientious objectors not to fight in it. Later he wrote some of his best-known investigative and satirical work under the pen-name “A Gentleman with a Duster”.
In the end, in 2010, Clara in Blunderland has to stand on its own in a way that it didn’t in 1902. In my opinion it survives the passage of a century surprisingly well. Politics and politicians haven’t changed much, it seems, in a century. That may be regrettable—but at least Caroline Lewis can still make us laugh about it!
Contoyrtyssyn Ealish ayns Çheer ny Yindyssyn
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Manx by Brian Stowell 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-48-0
This is the third edition of Brian Stowell’s translation into Manx. The first appeared in 1990; the second in 2006 under the title Ealish ayns Çheer ny Yindyssyn, with illustrations by Eric Kineald. The text of the present edition differs very slightly from the previous editions. In places, italics and exclamation marks have been restored where Carroll used them for emphasis in his original text.
Whedhlow Kernowek: Stories in Cornish
By A. S. D. Smith (Caradar) 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-47-3
Heb dowt vÿth yth o Caradar (A. S. D. Smith, 1883–1950) an gwella scrifor a Gernowek a dhedhyow avarr an dasserghyans. Y fÿdh kefys i’n lyver-ma try rew a whedhlow dhyworth y bluven ev hag a veu gwelys rag an kensa prÿs lies bledhen alebma. An kensa bagas a whedhlow yw kemerys in mes a’y gùntellyans Nebes Whedhlow Ber (1948); yma an secùnd rew a whedhlow kemerys dhyworth y lyver Whethlow an Seyth Den Fur a Rom (1948), ha’n tressa bagas a whedhlow a veu gwelys in dadn an tîtel “Forth an Broder Odryk” in Kemysk Kernewek: A Cornish Miscellany (1964). Yma kefys i’n lyver-ma kefrÿs gerva usy moy ès 1,400 ger ha hanow styrys inhy.
Anturiaethau Alys yng Ngwlad Hud
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Welsh by Selyf Roberts 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-46-6
Selyf Roberts produced an abridged and rather formal translation in 1953 which nearly thirty years later in 1982 he felt needed to be replaced by a full-length fresh translation in a somewhat more natural style. This is a new edition of Selyf Roberts’ 1982 Welsh translation, freshly typeset and containing John Tenniel’s illustrations. In preparing this edition, minor alterations have been made to the spelling and syntax to conform with current Welsh practice.
Alice’s Abenteuer im Wunderland
By Lewis Carroll, translated into German by Antonie Zimmermann 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-45-9
This edition presents the first translation into German of 1869 for the modern reader. The translation by Antonie Zimmermann was, in fact, the first translation of Alice into any language. It was originally published in a Fraktur typeface, and was written in a spelling typical of the nineteenth century. In preparing this edition, the spelling has been modernized with care and according to the rules of proven German orthography.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Retold in words of one syllable
By Lewis Carroll, retold by Mrs J. C. Gorham 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-44-2
Mrs J. C. Gorham, alas, is known to us only by her married name—and this means, by the usual practice of the time, that her husband was named J. C. Nevertheless, Mrs Gorham is notable for having written three books in “Burt’s Series of One Syllable Books”, Gulliver’s Travels (1896) and Black Beauty (1905) being her other two, with some eleven other books in this “series of Classics, selected specially for young people’s reading, and told in simple language for youngest readers.
Retelling in words of one syllable is indeed a “clever game” and I dare say it isn’t easy to do—not convincingly, anyway. Mrs Gorham achieved it: her retelling in simple language for younger and early readers is still worth reading today.
What thou wilt: Traditional and Innovative trends in Post-Gardnerian Witchcraft
By Jon Hanna 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-43-5
The publication from 1954 of Gerald Gardner’s non-fiction works on witchcraft has led to the current public existence of two different trends of religious and magical belief and practice, both which identify themselves as Wicca. One form places a strong emphasis upon the transmission of traditional practices and a form of initiatory lineage similar to that practised by Gardner himself. The other covers a wider range of views on each of these aspects, but with the most common position being a strong distance between the traditional practices—giving a greater importance to innovation—and a complete or near-complete abandon ment of the concept of initiatory lineage. This book examines the differences and offers insights into both.
The Nursery “Alice”
By Lewis Carroll First edition 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-42-8 OUT OF PRINT
The Nursery “Alice” is intended for pre-school children “aged from Nought to Five”. Running to just under 7,000 words, it is considerably shorter than both Alice’s Adventures under Ground (15,500 words) and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (27,500 words). Much of the narrative consists of the author’s addressing the young listener, explaining the story by reference to the illustrations. The effect is rather charming, particularly where Carroll pokes fun at features in Tenniel’s illustrations. These were quite skilfully and attractively coloured. Interestingly, Tenniel coloured Alice’s dress yellow with a blue trim and white apron, whereas nowadays most artists colour the dress in blue and white only.
The Cult of Relics: Devocyon dhe Greryow
By Alan M. Kent, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2010. ISBN 78-1-904808-41-1 hardcover. ISBN 978-1-904808-79-4 paperback.
The Cult of Relics is a new novel by Alan M. Kent (author of Proper Job, Charlie Curnow! and Electric Pastyland), presented in a bilingual format, with a Cornish-language translation, Devocyon dhe Greryow, by Nicholas Williams. The story is set in Western Britain in the mid-1990s just after the Gulf War, and tells of three extraordinary people: of the New-Age Traveller Jude Fox, of the American photojournalist Eddie Hopkins, and of the Cornish-born archaeologist Robert Bolitho.
The Cult of Relics yw novel nowyth dhyworth Alan M. Kent (auctour a Proper Job, Charlie Curnow! hag a Electric Pastyland), hag yma va dyllys gans trailyans Kernowek Nicholas Williams, Devoycyon dhe Greryow. An whedhel-ma a gebmer le i’n West a Vreten Veur in cres an bledhydnyow mil, naw cans, peswar ugans ha deg, termyn cot warlergh Bresel an Morbleg. Yth eson ny ow metya ino gans try ferson, meur a les: Jûd Fox, Viajyores a’n Oos Nowyth; Eddie Hopkins, an fôtojornalyst Amerycan; ha’n hendhyscansyth dhia Gernow, Robert Bolitho.
Nautilus: A sequel to Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas and The Mysterious Island
By Craig Weatherhill 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-40-4
1883: On a doomed volcanic island in the southern Pacific, a group of American castaways commit the body of an enigmatic genius to the deep, along with the secrets of an extraordinary life…
2014: The Deep Watch environmental ship Aurora mysteriously sinks with all hands in remote Antarctic waters and a subsequent oceanic sequence of strange sightings, antique gold bars and damaged ships blazes a trail around the world. Separate investigations by journalist Barrington Hobbes and Naval Intelligence officer Donall Lindsay lead both towards extreme danger on land and sea, a worldwide ecological conspiracy … and an avenging legend!
Alice’s Adventures under Ground
By Lewis Carrolll 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-39-8
On 26 November 1864, Dodgson gave Alice the handwritten manuscript of Alice’s Adventures under Ground, illustrated by Dodgson himself. At Christmas 1886 a facsimile edition of the manuscript was published. Several further facsimile editions have since appeared, and in them all, Dodgson’s careful handwriting can be seen.
This edition sets the text in type, thus making it easier to read than in facsimile. It is certainly well worth reading, although it is shorter than the final form of the story—Alice’s Adventures under Ground is just over 15,500 words in length, whereas Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is nearly twice as long, containing about 27,500 words. Since this is a typeset edition, capital letters are used regularly at the beginning of quoted speech even though they are often omitted in the manuscript; some other punctuation has been normalized. Many of these changes are also found in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There
By Lewis Carroll 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-38-2
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a tale of summer which Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) published for the first time in July 1865. Many of the characters in the book belong to a pack of cards. This story is a winter’s tale, which Carroll first published in December 1871. Much of this second story is based on the game of chess.
The heroine of the two books is Alice Liddell, daughter of the Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, where Dodgson taught mathematics. Although Alice Liddell was born in 1852, twenty years later then Dodgson, she is kept in the two books as a little girl of seven years of age, the age she was when she Dodgson met her for the first time. It is clear from the pieces of poetry at the beginning and the end of this book that Carroll was very fond of Alice Liddell. One must remember, however, that Alice’s parents and Carroll fell out in 1864 and that he saw her very rarely after that date.
Henry Jenner’s Handbook of the Cornish Language
Revised by Michael Everson 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-37-4
This new edition of Jenner’s classic Handbook of the Cornish Language appears more than a century after the book’s first publication. Now that the Cornish Revival has weathered many storms, it is well worth making Jenner’s ground-breaking work available again, copies of the 1904 edition having become rare and expensive.
This re-edition is not a mere facsimile. I have added phonetic transcriptions in the IPA, to assist the modern reader in understanding exactly which sounds Jenner was recommending. (Two characters used here, [ᵻ] and [ᵿ], are not used in the IPA proper; the Oxford English Dictionary uses them for reduced [ɪ] (schwi) and reduced [ʊ] (schwu). See Note 31 on page 52.) Jenner’s Cornish spellings have been kept as he wrote them, except where a typographical error or omission had rendered his intention obscure. Breton spellings, however, have been updated to modern orthography.
The Hunting of the Snark
By Lewis Carroll 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-36-7
The Hunting of the Snark was first published in 1876, eleven years after Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and four years after Through the Looking-Glass. It is a master piece of nonsense and is connected to Through the Looking-Glass by its use of vocabulary from the poem “Jabberwocky”.
The Hunting of the Snark is a strangely dark poem, and some critics believe that its themes—insanity and death—are rather too adult in nature for children’s literature. We know, nonetheless, that Lewis Carroll intended the poem to be enjoyed by children: he dedicated the book in acrostic verse to his young friend Gertrude Chataway, and signed some 80 presentation copies to other young readers. Many of those inscriptions were in the form of an acrostic based upon the name of the child to whom the book was presented.
A New Alice in the Old Wonderland
By Anna Matlack Richards 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-35-0
First published in 1895 in Philadelphia, thirty years after the initial publication of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Anna Matlack Richards’ A New Alice in the Old Wonderland is a splendid and worthy successor to Lewis Carroll’s original tales. Instead of Alice Liddell, it is Alice Lee who makes her way to Wonderland...
Richly illustrated in the style of John Tenniel by the author’s daughter, this book will delight any reader thirsting for a new adventure in Carroll’s wondrous world.
Wonderland Revisited and the Games Alice Played There
By Keith Sheppard 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-34-3
Did Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass leave you yearning for more? Join Alice on her new journey and meet the extraordinary inhabitants of Wonderland, both familiar and new. If your bed turned into a boat and you found yourself “drifting off” in an entirely unexpected manner how would you find your way home? The Jack of Diamonds says it’s Alice’s own fault for being fast asleep—had she slept more slowly she wouldn’t be so far from home. The Red Queen, the Mah-jong Dragons, even the Red King’s Gamekeeper, all seem helpful enough at first—but things never quite turn out the way Alice hopes!
Brimming with wordplay, nonsense verse, and a cast of eccentric characters each with their own peculiar logic, this adventure is faithful to the style of the originals, picking up the pen where Lewis Carroll put it down. Be swept away on a torrent of humour and madness. Alice is back!
Treasure Island
By Robert Louis Stevenson, with illustrations by Louis Rhead 2010. ISBN 978-1-904808-33-6, ISBN 978-1-78201-053-1 (paperback)
It was in 1880 and 1881 that Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Treasure Island, which was begun at Braemar, Scotland, where his father aided him with suggestions from his own seafaring experiences. It was finished in the course of his second visit to Davos in the winter of 1881–1882. Treasure Island, which appeared when the author was thirty-one, was his first long romance, and it brought to him his first taste of popular success, when the story was published in book form. It was in October 1881, that this story began to appear as a serial in an English magazine called Young Folks. The title then was The Sea Cook, or Treasure Island, but when published in book form in May 1883, the name was simply Treasure Island, a name which has taken its place among the titles of far older classics. This edition contains the superb illustrations of Louis Rhead, which were first published in 1915. The Cornish translation is by Nicholas Williams, who also translated Louis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland into Cornish and into Irish.
Skeul an Tavas: A coursebook in Standard Cornish
By Ray Chubb, edited by Michael Everson and Nicholas Williams 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-32-9 OUT OF PRINT
Skeul an Tavas is a coursebook by Ray Chubb designed to meet the needs of those learning under the structure of the Languages Ladder programme of the UK Department for Children, Schools and Families. Unlike some other coursebooks, this book teaches Cornish in a “can-do” way, and does not expect students to know the finer points of Cornish grammar from the beginning. The course starts with the basics—all presented in a friendly and accessible way.
This book is aimed at the Breakthrough level of the Languages Ladder. This consists of three stages and Skeul an Tavas is divided into three parts, each corresponding to one of those stages. The book is intended for internal teacher assessment in the stages leading to Breakthrough, but the whole syllabus required by a student to take the external assessment at Breakthrough level is covered in this book.
Sciorrfhocail: Scéal agus úrscéal
By Panu Petteri Höglund, with illustrations by Otso Höglund 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-31-2
Trí ghearrscéal agus úrscéal amháin le scríbhneoir Fionlannach a d’fhoghlaim a chuid Gaeilge ó scéalaithe agus ó scríbhneoirí móra na Gaeltachta sular tháinig sé go hÉirinn den chéad uair. Seo iad na scéalta Gaeilge a chum sé ina fhear óg dó, agus iad ar fáil faoi chlúdach leabhair anois. Scéalta iad faoi dhaoine uaigneacha a chaitheann slabhraí an uaignis díobh agus iad ag tóraíocht an ghrá.
Jowal Lethesow: Whedhel a’n West a Gernow
By Craig Weatherhill, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-30-5
Termyn pòr hir alebma pow Lethesow inter Pedn an Wlas ha Syllan a wrug sedhy rag nefra in dadn an todnow. Ny dhienkys marnas Arlùth Trevelyan. Lies bledhen awosa yma whedhel coth an pow kellys ow tewheles dhe dropla Peny ha Jowan, whor ha broder, neb yw skydnys dhyworth Arlùth Trevelyan y honen. Destnys yns dhe gollenwel profecy coth, hag y degys aberth in gwlascor gudh a’n West a Gernow. Ena y a vÿdh maglednys i’n whilas auncyent rag power hag anvarwoleth. “Wàr an tu aral a’n park, dhyrag an magoryow overdevys, a sevy seyth marhak; linen gasadow a skeusow cosel. Tewl o aga mergh, tewl aga mentylly hir, ha down o an cùgollow ow keles aga fysmant.” Yma Arlùth Pengersek ow cresy y hyll ev spedya dre weres an drognerthow-ma. Saw kynth usy an whedhlow coth ow tasvewa, yma Peny ha Jowan Trevelyan a’ga sav intredho ev ha... Jowal Lethesow.
Lastall den Scáthán agus a bhFuair Eilís Ann Roimpi
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Irish by Nicholas Williams 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-29-9
Scéal samhraidh atá in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland a d’fhoilsigh Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) den chéad uair i mí Iúil 1865. D’fhoilsigh Nicholas Williams leagan Gaeilge de sin sa bhliain 2003 faoin teideal Eachtraí Eilíse i dTír na nIontas. Is le paca cártaí a bhaineann roinnt mhaith de charachtair agus d’eachtraí an leabhair. Scéal geimhridh is ea an scéal seo Lastall den Scáthán agus a bhFuair Eilís Ann Roimpi agus is aistriúchán Gaeilge é ar Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There a d’fhoilsigh Carroll den chéad uair i mí na Nollag 1871. Ar chluiche fichille a bunaíodh formhór dá bhfuil sa dara scéal seo.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
By Jules Verne, translated by F. P. Walter 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-28-2
For many, this book has been a source of fascination, surely one of the most influential novels ever written, an inspiration for such scientists and discoverers as engineer Simon Lake, oceanographer William Beebe, polar traveler Sir Ernest Shackleton. Likewise Dr Robert D. Ballard, finder of the sunken Titanic, confesses that this was his favourite book as a teenager, and Cousteau himself, most renowned of marine explorers, called it his shipboard bible.
The present translation is a faithful yet communicative rendering of the original French texts published in Paris by J. Hetzel et Cie.—the hardcover first edition issued in the autumn of 1871, collated with the softcover editions of the First and Second Parts issued separately in the autumn of 1869 and the summer of 1870. Although prior English versions have often been heavily abridged, this new translation is complete to the smallest substantive detail.
Lyver Pejadow rag Kenyver Jorna: Cornish Daily Prayer
By Andy Phillips, with translations into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-27-5
his book has been compiled with two aims—to help you to learn Cornish, and to bring you closer to God in the process. Morning and Evening Prayer in this book follow a traditional format, and ancient prayers from the Celtic Church have been included whenever possible. A fixed psalm for Morning and Evening Prayer is used each day to make things simple, because that’s how prayer should be. Collects have been included for use during the Church year, as well as a list of Celtic saints’ days.
Yma dew dowl gans an lyver-ma—gul gweres dhe dus ow tesky Kernowek ha’ga dry nessa dhe Dhuw kefrÿs. Yma Pejadow Myttyn ha Pejadow Gordhuwher i’n lyver-ma ow sewya an ordyr tradycyonal, hag y feu formys a bejadow coth dhia an Eglos Keltek gorrys aberveth pan o hedna possybyl. Udn salm yn udnek re beu appoyntys rag pùb dëdh a’n seythen, may fe taclow sempel— rag gwell yw an pejadow mars yw sempel. Yma Collectys dhe ûsya dre vledhen an Eglos i’n lyver inwedh, ha rol a dhegolyow nebes sens Keltek.
The Primer
By Harriette Taylor Treadwell and Margaret Free 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-26-8
This primer, first published in 1910, is intended for early readers, and for those who teach them. It has a relatively small vocabulary of just over 200 words, and presents nine classic stories: The Little Red Hen, The Ginger bread Boy, The Old Woman and the Pig, The Boy and the Goat, The Pancake, Chicken Little, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Little Tuppens, and Little Spider’s First Web.
Getting Your Goat: The Gourmet Guide
By Patricia A. Moore with Jill Charlotte Stanford 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-25-1
Goats have been a major source of food since time immemorial. Ancient cave paintings show the hunting of goats. They are also one of the oldest domesticated animals on earth. Goat meat can be stewed, curried, baked, grilled, barbecued, minced, canned, or made into sausage. Goat milk and the cheese made from it has remained popular throughout history and still is consumed on a more extensive basis worldwide than cow’s milk.
In addition to food, goats provided early man with skins to make into clothing, with hair to spin into yarn and weave into cloth, and were then—as they are now—a symbol of wealth. To own many goats meant you were well-off and would never face starvation.
This book contains recipes from all over the world. They are easy, many of them quick to prepare, and all are absolutely delicious.
Kensa Lyver Redya
By Harriette Taylor Treadwell and Margaret Free, translated into Cornish by Eddie Foirbeis Climo 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-24-4
Yma an kensa lyver redya-ma têwlys rag an descor avar, be va flogh bò den leundevys. Nyns eus lies ger dyvers i’n lyver, nebes moy ès 200 warbarth. Y fÿdh kefys ino naw whedhel classyk: An Yar Vian Rudh, An Maw a Vara Jynjyber, An Venyn Goth ha’n Porhel, An Maw ha’n Avar, An Grampethen, Ÿdhnyk Lÿdhnyk, An Try Bogh Bewek, Trednar Bian, ha Kensa Gwias an Gefnysen Vian.
Yma an lyver screfys i’n spellyans gelwys Kernowek Standard. I’n lyver Kernowek-ma y fÿdh gwelys moy es deg war peswar ugans a’n delinyansow gwrÿs gans an artyst Frederick Richardson.
A Concise Middle English Dictionary
By Anthony Lawson Mayhew and Walter William Skeat, revised by Michael Everson 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-23-7 hardcover. ISBN 978-1-904808-67-1 paperback.
Although in the age of the Internet we have access to the magnificent Middle English Compendium hosted by the University of Michigan, few students of Middle English would question the usefulness of a desktop copy for day-to-day reference. There has been no handy, reliable edition of such a dictionary for many years. The 1888 edition of Mayhew and Skeat’s Concise Dictionary of Middle English can sometimes be found in antiquarian bookshops, but it is scarce, and available copies vary in both condition and cost. This new edition of Mayhew and Skeat has been revised and completely reset for the modern reader. It offers in a concise form more than 11,000 headwords with source references, cross references, and etymologies. Free online digital editions of the dictionary are now available at two major archives, and these too are useful for online searching. Some of these have been edited into legible formats; some are more or less raw ascii texts. A few “publishers” have released printed versions which are little more than dumps of those plain-text files—and I use the scare quotes advisedly here, feeling sorry for those students who have bought those editions thinking that they were, in fact, buying proper dictionaries. This edition has been set in Baskerville, a clear and accessible font, which it is hoped, will increase the legibility of the book. Further choices made in typesetting have led to additional changes in format, both for aesthetic reasons and to modernize the text in line with the contemporary reader’s expectations.
A Concise Dictionary of Cornish Place-Names
By Craig Weatherhill 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-22-0
The key to understanding the meaning of Cornish place-names is language. Most derive from the Cornish language primarily, but many of them have their roots in Old English, Middle English, French, and other languages which have left their mark on Cornwall. Through the tireless and exacting work of place-name specialists, the secrets of Cornish place-names are being unlocked for everyone. This dictionary offers in a concise format more than 3,300 place-names. The recommendations in this dictionary preserve the authentic and attested linguistic forms while at the same time honouring the traditional orthographic forms which have been visible on the Cornish landscape for at least four centuries.
Adro dhe’n Bÿs in Peswar Ugans Dëdh
By Jules Verne, abridged and translated into Cornish by Kaspar Hocking 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-21-3
Genys veu Kaspar Hocking, trailyer an lyver-ma, in Loundres in mis Genver 1913, le mayth esa ober dh’y sîra i’n Amyralta, wosa gasa Arwennek in dyweth an ugansves cansvledhen. Kaspar a studhyas biologyeth in Coljy Imperyal, Loundres, hag a lavuryas dres deg bledhen warn ugans avell entomologyth in Ëst-Africa (Tanganyika, Ûganda, ha Kenya). Ev a omdennas dhe Bolwhevrer in 1969. An tavas Kernowek yw a les dhodho dhyworth an vledhen 1989, pàn inias y vergh, Vanessa Beeman, warnodho dos gensy dhe glassys i’n tavas. Kaspar yw esel inwedh a Drest Bêwnans Gwyls Kernow ha re beu Caderyer an Consel, ha wosa henna, Lewyth an trest. Ev o Caderyer Agan Tavas dhia 1996 dhe 1998.
La Aventuroj de Alicio en Mirlando
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Esperanto by Elfric Leofwin Kearney 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-20-6
La libro Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland estas trezoro de la angla porinfana literaturo kaj estis unue eldonita en 1865. La libro estas tradukita en multajn lingvojn. Ĉi tiu traduko en Esperanton de Elfric Leofwine Kearney estis unue eldonita en 1910. Ĉi tiu nova eldono enhavas la famajn ilustraĵojn de Sir John Tenniel, kiuj unue aperis en la originala angla eldono.
Lewis Carroll estas pseŭdonimo: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson estis la vera nomo de la aŭtoro, kaj li estis lekciisto pri Matematiko en Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson komencis la rakonton je la 4a de Julio en la jaro 1862, dum remboata vojaĝo sur la rivero Tamizo en Oxford kune kun la Reverend Robinson Duckworth, Alice Liddell (dek jaraĝa filino de la Dean de Christ Church) kaj ŝiaj du fratinoj, Lorina (dek tri jaraĝa) kaj Edith (ok jaraĝa). Estas ankaŭ klara laŭ la poemo ĉe la komenco de la libro, ke la knabinoj petis rakonton de Dodgson, kaj kontraŭvole li komencis diri al ili la unuan version de la rakonto. Multaj duonkaŝitaj referencoj pri la kvinopo troviĝas en la libro, fine eldonita en 1865.
Alys in Pow an Anethow
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Cornish by Nicholas Williams 2009. ISBN 978-1-904808-19-0. OUT OF PRINT.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, jowal bian a lien an flehes, a veu dyllys rag an kensa prës in 1865. Trailyansow dhe lies tavas re apperyas dhia an vledhen-na. Yma an lyver-ma screfys i’n spellyans aswonys avell Kernowek Standard. Pòr ogas yw an lytherednans-na dhe’n Furv Scrifys Savonek (Grafow Hengovek), saw nebes fowtys bian i’n Furv Scrifys Savonek re beu amendys in spellyans an lyver-ma, hag y fëdh sinys diacrytek ûsys i’n spellyans kefrës dhe dhysqwedhes dyffransow inter geryow kehaval bò dhe notya vogalednow a yll bos leverys in dyw fordh dhyvers. Pynag oll a allo redya an Furv Scrifys Savonek, a vëdh abyl dhe redya an versyon-ma heb caletter vëth oll. Pan dheuth an kensa dyllans in mes a Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, yth feu gwelys inho delinyansow tednys gans John Tenniel. Yma telinyansow Tenniel i’n trailyans-ma kefrës.
The Torah: Jewish and Samaritan versions compared
Arranged by Mark Shoulson 2008. ISBN 978-1-904808-18-3
The Samaritans share an origin with Jews, but the two peoples diverged thousands of years ago, already in Biblical times. The main schism between the cultures is the location of the Holy Temple, the “place the LORD your God will choose as a dwelling for his Name.” To the Jews, this meant Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. The Samaritans looked to God’s designation as a place of holiness and sacrifice in the book of Deuteronomy (11:29), and understood the designated site to be Mount Gerizim in Samaria, near the city of Shechem. There they continue to worship, and there even to this day they sacrifice the Passover offering every year.
The Samaritans consider only the Pentateuch to be a holy book; the rest of the Hebrew Scriptures are no more a part of the Samaritan Bible than the Christian New Testament is a part of the Jewish Bible. The Samaritan version of the Torah differs in several ways from the Jewish Masoretic version, and those differences are the purpose of this book. Both texts are given, in modern Square Hebrew script, on facing pages. Minor variations are printed in boldface type slightly larger than the ordinary text. Major variations are also printed in boldface type but even larger still than the minor variations.
George Fox: A Christian Mystic
By Hugh McGregor Ross 2008. ISBN 978-1-904808-17-6
A mystic is one who has had the experience that the divine Ultimate and the essence of the individual Self are fundamentally one and the same. In his maturity George Fox dictated a vivid account of his profound mystical experience, which transformed him from an unhappy questing youth into a charismatic spiritual giant. Unlike some other mystics he resolved to share his experience with others. This became his life’s work, and resulted in establishing the community known today as the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakers. He did this by travelling widely, addressing crowds, and by an amazing output of documents.
Hugh McGregor Ross made an intensive study of these documents in the majestic Quaker Library in London. He there identified that Fox’s record of his spiritual awakening, which involved what in the seventeenth century was regarded as a blasphemy, had been tampered with. Here it is restored to its original form. It is followed by a great number of the documents Fox created to guide and support his followers, all given in his own words but edited sensitively for the modern reader. This is a unique record of the awakening of a mystic in the Christian tradition, and of living out that experience in his way of life.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
By Lewis Carroll 2008. ISBN 978-1-904808-16-9 OUT OF PRINT
Lewis Carroll is a pen-name: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was the author’s real name and he was lecturer in Mathematics in Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson began the story on 4 July 1862, when he took a journey in a rowing boat on the river Thames in Oxford together with the Reverend Robinson Duckworth, with Alice Liddell (ten years of age) the daughter of the Dean of Christ Church, and with her two sisters, Lorina (thirteen years of age), and Edith (eight years of age). As is clear from the poem at the beginning of the book, the three girls asked Dodgson for a story and reluctantly at first he began to tell the first version of the story to them. There are many half-hidden references are made to the five of them throughout the text of the book itself, which was published finally in 1865.
Cuairt na Cruinne in Ochtó Lá
By Jules Verne, translated into Irish by Torna (Tadhg Ua Donnchadha), edited by Nicholas Williams 2008. ISBN 978-1-904808-15-2
Chuir Tadhg Ó Donnchadha Gaeilge ar Le tour du monde en quatre vingt jours le Jules Verne go luath i bhfichidí na fichiú haoise, bíodh nár foilsíodh an t-aistriúchán Gaeilge i bhfoirm leabhar go dtí 1938 agus Cuaird an Domhain i gCeithre Fichid Lá mar theideal air. Is sa chló Gaelach agus i seanlitriú a bhí eagrán 1938. Bhuail mise an cló Rómhánach agus an litriú caighdeánach anuas ar leagan Thorna chun é a chur in oiriúint do léitheoirí an lae inniu. Bhí orm freisin roinnt de na logainmneacha atá ag an aistritheoir a choigeartú sa chaoi go dtuigfeadh an léitheoir nua-aimseartha iad. Ar mhaithe leis an soiléire, d’athraigh mé stór focal Thorna i bhfíorchorráit freisin. Cé go bhfuil an teicneolaíocht atá mar bhonn le taisteal Philéas Fogg timpeall an domhain sa leabhar as dáta le fada an lá, ní rachaidh téama an úrscéil, an geall a leagadh agus an rás in aghaidh na haimsire, as dáta go deo, agus tá súil agam go mbainfidh an gnáthléitheoir taitneamh as an eagrán nua seo. —Nicholas Williams.
Going it alone: Advice, comments, and sympathy for women over 50 who find themselves alone
By Jill Charlotte Stanford 2008. ISBN 978-1-904808-14-5
Jill Charlotte Stanford takes the devastating emotional subject of a woman finding herself alone over the age of 50—whether through death or from divorce—and offers her reader a bouquet of helpful advice, sympathy, and common sense laced with humor. Going It Alone is a gift to women over 50 who find themselves alone.
Eachtraí Eilíse i dTír na nIontas
By Lewis Carroll, translated into Irish by Nicholas Williams 2007. ISBN 978-1-904808-13-8
Is seoid de litríocht na bpáistí an leabhar Béarla Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland a foilsíodh den chéad uair sa bhliain 1865. Is iomaí sin teanga a bhfuil aistriúchán den scéal le fáil inti. Foilsíodh aistriúchán Gaeilge le Pádraig Ó Cadhla (1875-1948) sa bhliain 1922 ach ní fhacthas leagan ar bith eile i nGaeilge go dtí anois. Is aistriúchán nua ar fad an leagan seo thíos. K. Verschoyle a rinne na léaráidí le haghaidh aistriúchán Uí Chadhla. Is iad na pictiúir cháiliúla a rinne Sir John Tenniel agus a bhí sa chéad eagrán Béarla atá le feiceáil sa leabhar seo.
Thirty Essays on the Gospel of Thomas
By Hugh McGregor Ross 2008. ISBN 978-1-904808-12-1
These thirty Essays are independent of each other yet are all related to or derived from a study of the Gospel of Thomas. Thus they look at it from different points of view. They are the result of considering every possible aspect of the Gospel and its origin.
The study focused on the Gospel itself, without being influenced by other ideas about the purpose and nature of Jesus’ mission.
The early Essays in the book relate to matter-of-fact features of the Gospel and how it came into existence and survived. Later Essays move on to expound crucial spiritual Teachings of Jesus. They make many references to the sayings in the Gospel and show how they link together into a woven whole. The set of Essays are of inestimable value in providing an understanding of the Gospel of Thomas.
Breton Grammar
By Roparz Hemon, translated, adapted, and revised by Michael Everson Second edition 2007. ISBN 978-1-904808-11-4. OUT OF PRINT.
The first English-language edition of this Breton Grammar was published in 1995. The book is for the most part a straight forward translation of the ninth edition of Roparz Hemon’s Grammaire bretonne. In preparing the translation, a number of sections in the grammar were changed for the benefit of the English-speaking reader. Many, but not all, of these additions may be found in the notes to the various sections.
Much of the section on the pronunciation of Breton, especially the phonology, has been revised in response to the needs of the English-speaking reader. In restructuring the detailed analysis of Breton phonology, particularly that of the vowel system, synthesis has been made of the best of Jackson (1967), Kervella (1976) Trépos (1980), Favereau (1992); Lagadeg and Menard (1995) has been indispensible. For the difficult question of the consonants, see the Note to §219. The International Phonetic Alphabet is used quite strictly throughout this book. As this is a teaching as well as a reference grammar, the spirit of Hemon’s remarks in §§206–09 has been followed in standardizing the description and transcriptions. It is hoped that the reader first learning Breton will be served by such standardization in preparation for encountering real Breton dialects.
Form and Content in Revived Cornish: Articles in criticism of Kernowek Kemyn
By Michael Everson, Craig Weatherhill, Ray Chubb, Bernard Deacon, and Nicholas Williams 2007. Reprinted with corrections 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-10-7
Kernowek Kemyn, a form of spelling currently promoted by the Cornish Language Board, has been subject to sustained criticism for nearly two decades since its inception. The form and content of the Cornish Language Board’s publications continue to invite criticism and have inspired this volume. The essays begin with Michael Everson’s review of recent Cornish Language Board typography, including the second edition of Ken George’s Gerlyver Kres, the New Testament in Kernowek Kemyn, George’s Gerlyvrik, and the recent and controversial “preliminary edition” of Bywnans Ke. This is followed by a reprint of Everson’s review of the first edition of George’s Gerlyver Kres, since reference is made to it in the first article. Craig Weatherhill, Cornwall’s foremost expert on place-names, provides the next two articles, both reviews of Cornish Language Board publications, Place-Names in Cornwall and The Formation of Cornish Place-Names. Ray Chubb and Craig Weatherhill collaborated on a short paper in which they provide an analysis of the similarity of Revived Cornish orthographic forms to traditional spellings of Cornish place-names. Bernard Deacon provides two insightful articles, the first on the values expressed in Kernowek Kemyn rhetoric, and the second on the aims and methods of the Cornish Language Board. Finally, Nicholas Williams reviews An Testament Nowydh edited by Keith Syed and published by the Cornish Language Board.
Towards Authentic Cornish
By Nicholas Williams 2006. Reprinted with corrections 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-09-1
Towards Authentic Cornish is in the first place a rebuttal of the defence of Kernowek Kemyn attempted by Paul Dunbar and Ken George in Kernewek Kemmyn: Cornish for the Twenty-First Century. In the present work, Professor Williams demonstrates with examples from the Cornish texts just how unconvincing is George’s defence of Kernowek Kemyn. The latter portions of the book offer a detailed critique of George’s Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn and of Wella Brown’s Grammar of Modern Cornish.
Writings on Revived Cornish
By Nicholas Williams 2006. Reprinted with corrections 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-08-4
This book brings together in one convenient volume eight articles by Professor Nicholas Williams on the Cornish Revival. They range from his “A Problem in Cornish Phonology” (1990) in which he shows that the “phonemes” /dj/ and /tj/ of Kernowek Kemyn were unwarranted, to his review “‘A Modern and Scholarly Cornish-English Dictionary’: a Review of Ken George’s Gerlyver Kernewek Kemmyn” of 2001 in which he demonstrates how at least 370 entries in George’s dictionary are mistaken. Writings on Revived Cornish concludes with a short note on George’s inconsistent lexicographical practice with respect to geographical names, a discussion of the implications for the revived language of the recently-discovered play Bewnans Ke and the text of a lecture on Unified Cornish Revised given by Professor Williams in September 2006.
Cornish Today: An examination of the revived language
By Nicholas Williams Third edition 2006. Reprinted with corrections 2011. ISBN 978-1-904808-07-7
The publication of Cornish Today by Kernewek dre Lyther in 1995 was a landmark event in the Cornish Revival. In that book, Professor Williams offered the first professional analysis of the various systems of Cornish in use, and also outlined his suggested emendations for Unified Cornish. The present revised edition makes this most important work available to those who may have missed the earlier editions.
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